
Hello! A very good basic plan, you have nice components for each subject element in here. I put in some
comments to suggest a little more to certain sections to round it out more with some extensions. If you
could put in the text behind the standards you listed for me, it would help me make sure it’s a nice
streamlined plan. Overall, I believe you have the basic concepts, please review the T&E section notes to
improve your concepts on what elements are grouped in that section. Things I need you to address are
in red, my suggestions are in green. Let me know what questions you have. Thank you!
Three Billy Goats Gruff STEAM Lesson Brief
Educators on the team: Sauter, Sweet, VandeBogart, DeAngelis
Dates: August 16, 17, 2014 Town/State: Naples, FL
Students use knowledge from across the disciplines to strengthen their understanding of each subject’s
content and its related careers through topic or theme oriented realistic problem-based activity-rich
Theme: Rivers and Landforms
Specific Topic Concept: Bridges/ Inclined Planes/ Three Billy Goats Gruff
PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies
The students will listen to different versions of The
Three Billy Goats Gruff (LA, Music). They will
compare and contrast the stories and determine
the main idea (LA). They will act out the story (LA,
Music). Students will research different types of
bridges (LA, S, T & E) and understand why bridges
are useful (PE, S, T & E). They will analyze and
compare the different designs (S, T & E, M). They
will learn about different landforms (SS, T & E).
Students will then use the engineering design
process (ask, imagine, plan, create, improve and
present) to design their own bridges (PE, S, T & E)
and will test how effective inclined planes are,
which are often found on bridges, are (S, T & E, M).
Still need: FA ? troll art – also can use the bridge
LA –
Basic Plan:
Students will be introduced to different versions of
The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Students will use
CC. 2013
STEAM Education
Concepts –Fiction, patterning of words,
vocabulary, onomatopoeia, alliteration,
Venn diagram
Standards – LAFS.K.L.3.5; LAFS.K.RL.1.1;
LAFS.K.RL1.2; LAFS.K.RL.1.3;
LAFS.K.RL.2.4; LAFS.K.RL.2.5;
LAFS.K.RL.2.6; LAFS.K.RL.4.10;
LAFS.K.L.3.4 Please list out the content of
Careers – Author, storyteller, play write,
Project – Read different versions of, Three
Billy Goats Gruff. Discuss the stories,
what words were used to describe the
goats? What words were used to
describe the troll? Explain the concept of
a fairytale. Have students compare
fairytale to a real story and make lists or a
Venn diagram about how they know
Lesson Brief
different instruments as sound effects while the
story is being read. They will perform/act out the
story and use musical instruments for sound
effects. A discussion will follow as to why the goats
want to go to the other side of the river. It should
lead to the fact that the goats want to be in an area
that has more food and vegetation. Introduce,
research and list different types of landforms. In
P.E. the children will play a game called, “Across the
River.” They will figure out ways to get their bodies
over the “river” without falling in. The width of the
river will get wider and wider as the game
progresses until the children cannot successfully
get to the other side. Then, the students will be
asked to generate ideas on how the goats can get
from one side of a wide river to the other.
Different types of bridges will be researched and
introduced to the students. The use of inclined
planes on bridges will be explored. The children
will learn how inclined planes are helpful by testing
how far an object travels on inclines of differing
degrees. They will measure the distance each
object travel to come up with a conclusion. The
students will design and draw their own bridge on
paper. The most popular design will be created on
a 3-D printer. After a discussion and demonstration PE –
of how forces and motions affect their bridge
design (the larger Billy Goat Gruff will require a
sturdier bridge because he is bigger and therefore
causes greater force on the bridge requiring a
stronger bridge). They will use the engineering
design process to create paper bridges and test
their strength/effectiveness by measuring how
many pennies each bridge holds.
Where does your art project fit into this? – is the
troll art going to be used with LA?
Skill level (Grade Range): K-1 you would need more
1st grade level standards to justify saying this was
1st grade when most of the standards listed are for
Timing of Lesson:
8-10 class periods
30 minutes each for each subject
CC. 2013
something is real/made-up (then your
assessment is a better match) Create a
Venn diagram comparing and contrasting
different versions of the story.
A next level of this that would make this
stronger would be for students to either
work in teams or as a class take turns
combining the versions of the story to
create a new version. – possibly compare
it to a story of a real goat, or create a
story of a real goat from looking on-line
and/or talking to someone who raises
goats and telling a story about them.
Assessment – Can the students identify
between a story that is fiction and nonfiction and identify similarities and
differences between fictional the stories.
Should add something about the
vocabulary of descriptors – adjectives –
since it’s in your project.
Concepts –Obstacle course
Standards – PE.K.M.1.1 Please list out the
Careers – Professional Athlete – what
type would use these skills? – long
Project – Students will play a game using
2 poles (poles are “rivers”.) Students will
jump across. After each successful
attempt, the “river” will become wider
until students are out by “getting their
feet wet.”
Assessment – Can the students jump from
point “A” to point “B”
Science –
 Concepts –Forces and Motion
 Goal / Objectives – Understand how
forces (pushes or pulls) affect the motion
of an object.
 Standards – K-2-ETS1-1; K-2-ETS1-2:K-PS21:K-PS2-2 Please list out the standards.
STEAM Education
Lesson Brief
Basic Supplies:
All Subjects: (if applicable)
Paper, Pencils, Crayons, different versions of Three
Billy Goats Gruff, (which ones do you
recommend?) poles, (which ones do you
recommend?) landform books, (which ones do you
recommend?) bridge book (which ones do you
recommend?). River books, computers, Ipads, 3-D
printer, recording forms, Unifix cubes, blocks,
Legos, Matchbox cars, Construction paper, scissors,
wiggly eyes, yarn, glue, Venn diagram, cans,
pennies, masks, drums, bells (various musical
?art supplies -
Other Resources:
BrainPop Jr.
learningcenter.nsta.org › Home › Elementary
SS –
Photos: - need references for photos
CC. 2013
STEAM Education
Careers – Aerospace Scientist, Structural
Scientist, Material Scientist, physicist
Project – Explain the importance of push
or pull to changing the motion of an
object. Have students stand in pairs with
arms stretched out, hands touching.
Students lean in towards each other
applying the same amount of force with
their body weight. Ask: “What would
happen if one person stopped pushing
while the other person kept pushing?”
Students will predict what will happen,
then the demonstration will continue to
test their hypothesis.
Can be replicated with wagons and with
magnets and also with balls of different
weights on 2 ramps facing each other,
which ball will put the other up the hill?
Mention Newton’s related law of motion
– possibly find a video on it.
Assessment – Did students predict the
effect of a given force on the motion of an
object correctly and do they now
understand that law of motion concept
and can they explain it.
Concepts – Rivers and Landforms
Standards – SSK.K.A.3.3; SSK.K.G.1.1;
SSK.K.G.3.1 Please list out the standards.
Careers – Historian, Geologist,
geographer, cartographer
Project - Research different landforms,
why some are better for growing crops
and vegetation than others (Explain how
the Billy Goats needed to cross the river
to get to better grass.) Compare and
contrast different landforms.
Explain why bridges are necessary. In
different areas, different materials are
made to make bridges.
Use BrainPop, Jr. online.
aphy/landforms This animated science
movie introduces landforms, such as
plains, hills, mountains, plateaus,
Lesson Brief
canyons, valleys, etc.
Show and discuss places where bridges
have made the difference for societies
getting to know each other – where large
rivers have made it so that animals and
people weren’t able to get across them
before someone invented bridges.
Assessment – Do the students understand
different landforms and how it relates to
vegetation. Do students understand how
and why we have different bridges
connecting landforms. Do the students
understand that bridges allow for travel
of people and animals and plants and
customs and processes affiliated with
Technology & Engineering –
 Concepts – The Design Process and 3Dimensional Shape
 Standards –MAFS.K.CC.2.4;
MAFS.K.CC.2.5 Please list out the
standards. - try ITEEA standards
 Careers – Design Engineer, Architectural
Engineer, Industrial Engineer, bridge
buildiers: they won’t do welding, but you
can show them welding, concrete
workers, iron workers, etc.
 Project - Students will learn about The
Design Process (Ask, Imagine, Plan,
Create, Improve, Present.) Students will
research different types of bridges. They
will sketch a bridge which will be printed
on a 3-D printer to display in the
classroom. Then students will design a
paper bridge between two cans and test
its strength by how many pennies the
bridge can hold. What will they be given
as an example? What are the basic
parameters? I’m not sure what you mean
here? They will try and improve their
design. They will record their results and
present their findings to the class.
 Assessment – Can students identify
CC. 2013
STEAM Education
Lesson Brief
different types of structures and identify
2-D and 3-D shapes. (this is math) Can
they identify an inclined plane. (this is
science and technology) – for T&E, you
need something like: Did the student
produce a viable design for a bridge, then
make, test, redesign and show they can
improve their bridge design and/or
recognize good design elements in other
student’s projects.
Math –
 Concepts –Measurement
 Standards – MAFS.K.CC.1.2;
MAFSS.K.CC.1.3; MAFS.K.CC.3.6;
MAFS.K.MD.1.2; MAFS.K.MD.1.a Please
list out the standards.
 Is there a standard for geometrics here –
2D-3D, bridge shapes?
 Careers – Surveyor, Recorder(athletics)
 Project – Students will design and create
an incline plane using classroom
materials. They will test the efficiency of
their model by using a Matchbox car.
They will discover that by using an
inclined plane, their car can travel faster
and further with little to no effort. – are
they making these? Out of what? Can
they test multiple lengths and heights and
record results? They will measure how
far it traveled using Unifix cubes. They
will improve their design and record their
 Assessment – Can students measure
distance. – you list a lot of standards and
w/o knowing what they are, I can’t see
what else you were trying to assess here. I
know there should be something here
regarding their understanding that using
the inclined plane gave them a distance
 Extension: and the longer and higher the
inclined plan is, the distance increased –
maybe until the car fell of the and the
angle made it ineffectual
Music –
CC. 2013
STEAM Education
Lesson Brief
Art –
CC. 2013
STEAM Education
Concepts –Rhythm
Standards - MA.A.1.1.2 Please list out the
Careers – Orchestra Conductor, Musical
Composer, musician
Project – Students will perform Three Billy
Goats Gruff to music. Students will use
different instruments (i.e. drum, bells,
tambourine, etc.) as sound effects during
the story. They will take turns discovering
the basics properties of what each type of
instrument is made from and how it is
decorated and used. Students will also
sing-song the repetitive parts of the story
(i.e. the goats crossing the bridge.)
Assessment – Can students identify the
sounds of different simple instruments.
Concepts – Interpretational Art
Standards – VA.A.1.1; VA.B.1.1 Please list
out the standards.
Careers – Artist, Illustrator, sculptor
Project – Students will use words to
describe a troll (i.e. big, hairy, fat, etc.)
They will then create their own troll using
classroom materials.
(Drama) Student will perform/ act out the
story of Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Assessment – Can the student create the
troll based on their verbal description. Do
the students understand the storyline in
order to act out and preform.
Lesson Brief