Tips for Getting into Graduate School

Getting into Graduate School
Check out undergraduate advising homepage:
Why go into graduate school?
 Hard to find a job in psychology with only a bachelor’s degree.
 Some jobs available in specialized programs, e.g., programs for
chronic psychiatric patients, prison settings, drug addictions, etc
 Difficult work, low pay
What is the first step?
Identify your area of interest and then search for programs that have
faculty members working in this area
Behavior Analysis/ Therapy
Behavioral Medicine
Behavioral Neuroscience
Clinical Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Community Psychology
Counseling Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Educational Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Industrial/ Organizational Psychology
Marriage & Family Therapy
Mental Retardation
Psychiatry (Medical School)
School Psychology
Sensation & Perception
Social Psychology
Social Work (clinical)
Sports Psychology
Visit the APA Divisions website at
Take a look at the book Graduate Study in Psychology published by the
American Psychological Association.
Check out the Exploring Psychology section of the WMU undergraduate
advising homepage
Which degree is which?
Masters Program (terminal)
 Usually require 2-3 years to complete
 Admission standards generally lower than PhD programs
 People with masters degrees usually work in group counseling
practices, clinics, program for specific populations
(developmental disabilities, drug abusers, battered wives,
chronic psychiatric patients, etc.), and employee assistance
 In many states people with masters degrees CANNOT have
their own private practice.
 You can sometimes get a masters degree and then transfer to a
Ph.D program. You might lose credits.
Doctoral program (PhD):
 A PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy
 PhD programs encompass many areas - from neuroscience to
As a PhD student, you complete your Masters and PhD in the
same program.
You don’t have to reapply to the PhD program once you've
completed your Master's requirements.
The average length of a doctoral program is 5 to 6 years and
require the completion of a dissertation.
equal weight is placed upon the development of research
competencies and clinical skills
PhD programs are almost exclusively located in graduate
programs of universities
 A PsyD is a Doctor of Psychology.
 PsyD programs are almost exclusively clinically oriented with
little of the research and quantitative training that is characteristic
of clinical PhD programs
May be within a psychology department, or within an
independent psychology school
Often PsyD programs are easier to gain admissions to but are
more expensive.
People with PsyDs typically find themselves working in clinics,
private practice and hospitals
With a PsyD you will not be qualified for a professorship at a
APA Accreditation
 An accredited graduate program has been judged as
having met minimum standards of quality for education in
The APA only accredits doctoral programs in four specialty
areas: clinical, counseling, school psychology, and
combined professional-scientific psychology.
The APA book Graduate Study in Psychology will tell you if
a program is approved or not
It is much more difficult to get into these programs.
Masters programs are not accredited by the APA.
APA Accreditation
 A degree from an institute that isn't accredited may not
recognized by licensing boards, certifying organizations, or
insurance companies.
Students from APA-accredited programs are generally more
Internships in clinical and counseling psychology also will be
APA approved or not.
Usually APA approved internships prefer students from APA
approved graduate programs.
Jobs in the mental health field sometimes require that a person
had an APA approved internship.
 Other professional organizations, such as the Association for
Behavior Analysis (ABA) may also accredit graduate
programs in Psychology, including masters programs.
 Western's undergraduate curriculum has been pre-approved
by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board
 at graduation undergraduates will have completed the
necessary coursework to apply to take the Board Certified
Associate Behavior Analyst (BCABA) exam
 Students will also need to supply additional documentation
regarding supervised applied experience and proof of BS
1. GPA
 Graduate schools take GPA seriously
 Competitive programs may look for GPAs at 3.5 or higher.
 Maintain a good GPA, including retaking courses (particularly
courses in psychology that you may have earned a low grade
2. Letters of Recommendation
 Graduate schools weigh letters very highly
 Strong letters of recommendation can compensate for weak
GPAs and GREs
Talk to the faculty. The better they know you, the more likely they
can write a good letter.
Only ask for letters from people who will write a positive letter.
Usually need 3 letters.
Give professors at least 1 month before the deadline to complete
the letter
Follow up one week before each deadline with a thank-you note
(a "friendly" reminder to ensure that your information has been
2. Letters of Recommendation
 Create a table that states
the name of the school
 when the letters are due
 if they are suppose to mail the letter to you or to the school
 if the professor is required to use the provided form
Provide the each professor with a copy of your vita and your
statement of purpose
Type your name and other required information on each form
Make sure you have envelopes with postage for each letter that
needs to be mailed separately
Enclose postcards (with postage) addressed to you in each of
the envelopes.
2. Letters of Recommendation
Provide your letter writer with useful information.
what classes you took from them and your grades
your overall GPA
a list of PSY courses you have taken and grades earned
your minor if you have one
the titles/abstracts of any research papers you have
honor societies to which you belong
awards that you have won
activities in which you have participated (and any offices
work experience and volunteer work
your professional goals
3. Research With Faculty
Research experience will score big points with admission
If you have less than stellar grades and/or GRE scores, make
sure your research experience is strong
At Western, you have the unique opportunity to work closely
with professors on research projects. Take advantage of this!
Ask professors about research opportunities & teaching
Find out if there are faculty who will be your advisor on an
Independent Research and Study project.
In the past students have presented papers at conferences or
published articles with the faculty based on such projects. Many
graduate programs will be impressed by this!
Most graduate schools will require you to take the Graduate
Record Exam.
The GREs consist of three sections: verbal, math
(quantitative), and analytic (which measures abstract thinking).
Some schools will also require you to take the “subject" portion
of the test (psychology)
The verbal and the quantitative tests each yield a separate
score between 200-800.
It is essential that you do well--at least 550 on each test (600+
is even better)--to get into most doctoral programs.
Master's programs are less competitive, so lower scores (450500 on each of the tests) are less of a problem
You will probably have trouble being admitted into any program
with scores less than 450 on one of the tests.
Usually programs will use a cut off. If you don't get above a
certain score, they may not even look at your application.
Prepare for the GRE!!
In the Kalamazoo area, tests are given at the Prometric Testing
Center located at 640 Romence Road in the Hillside Center,
Suite 215. You can call 321-8351 for more information and to
schedule a testing date.
5. Your Personal Statement
Prepare a well thought out letter
Be professional!
Avoid general statements like "I'm really interested in
TAILOR your letter for each program you apply to.
Keep the letter short - maybe two pages, TYPED.
Ask professors for comments on what you have written.
5. Your Personal Statement
Describe: Why did you initially pursue psychology.
Address any shortcomings - low GPA, low GRE scores
If you received poor grades for the first couple semesters/years
play up the recent work you've done
Explain what you did to remedy the situation
If you have a high GPA for your last two years or for your
psychology classes, be sure to mention this
Unless you're applying to a PsyD program the review
committee will want to see research, research, research
Describe your computer experience
Include something in each statement regarding the faculty that
you are interested in working with
Currriculum vita
An academic resume – it summarizes your academic and
employment history as it pertains to your career in psychology
Topics included
educational history
relevant coursework
research & teaching experience
honors and awards
memberships in professional organizations, publications &
Clinical experiences, such as practicum experience and
volunteer experience
GPA or GRE scores
Make it looks professional
Include this with your application
Going for a Visit and Interviewing
 Many programs may also ask you for a pre-admission interview.
 Here you will need to sell yourself, but they will also try to sell
themselves to you!
 Ask them about their program
 Do faculty support students? Do students make it through?
What special benefits do students gain (mentoring, research
opportunities, publications, presentations, internships,
funding, etc.) during their stay?
 Talk with current students
 Don’t be afraid to ask
 Many programs may offer you some financial support
 Some programs will support students with "stipends."
 Others may offer a "Research Assistantship"
 For a "Teaching Assistantship" you would help a professor teach
a course, or perhaps teach a section yourself
 Some universities may waive tuition
 Find out before you decide to go to a program.
A Possible Timetable
Freshman and Sophomore years
 Begin to get involved in research projects with faculty in your
Attend psychology-related seminars and colloquiums at your
Consider joining Psi Chi
Find out about joining professional psychological organizations
Find out what psychology meetings are held in your region
Talk to graduate students
Keep your grades up Maintain a grade of "B" or better in all
psychology courses
Become computer literate
Junior Year
 Become involved in research
 Attend professional conferences
 Make sure you are aware of any particular requirements of
schools that you are interested in
Prepare a curriculum vita
Investigate summer jobs, volunteer work, or
educational/research opportunities related to psychology.
Find out the research interests of faculty at the schools you
would like to attend. Email them.
Start reviewing for the GRE
Save money for graduate school application fees, resumes, and
transcript costs
Summer between junior and senior years
 Prepare for your GREs and the application process
 Send out requests for applications to those programs you are
interested in applying to
 Work on your vita and statement of purpose
 Sign up to take the GREs.
 Conduct literature searches (e.g., PsycInfo) on the faculty
members at each of the schools you'll be applying to
Fall semester of your senior year
 Ask your advisor/faculty members about the graduate programs
of interest to you
Make your final list of schools you will apply to
Take the GRE (Aug/Sept)
Sign up for the General GRE
Request the GRE scores be sent to all schools
Request that transcripts be mailed to all schools - allow ample
Near the end of the semester, ask professors to write letters of
Check before Christmas to be certain all materials, especially
recommendations, have been sent.
Spring semester of your Senior Year:
 Send your application. Include
a vita, transcripts and test scores, and names of those sending
Deadlines may be in Jan, Feb, or March
If possible, visit the schools
Obtain info on fellowships, scholarships, assistantships, loans
Check with all schools before the deadline to make sure your file is
Expect first choice offers to be made by April 1
Visit institutions that accept you.
Notify other colleges that you will not be attending so they may
admit students on their waiting list.
Send thank-you notes to people who wrote your recommendation
 Start early!
 Get involved in research
 Do your own research to find the programs & professors that
are right for you
Apply to several programs
Talk with the WMU faculty & advisors about your interests for
Try to make contact with potential professors you are
interested in working with as a graduate student.
Request more information about their research and if they
will be taking graduate students in the upcoming year.
Attend a professional conference in which they are
presenting and introduce yourself