Winter_newsletter-2015 - Ono United Methodist Church

A message from Bishop Jung
December 2, 2015
Let There Be Peace
The recent gun violence in California is yet one more painful reminder of our need for a Savior
and Lord of Love and Light. There is deep darkness in our world. Darkness of heart and
darkness of spirit. A world that despairs so deeply that violence is seen as the only
answer. Come, Lord, Jesus, and save us from ourselves. The refrain of the popular song comes
to mind – ‘let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” We have been blessed as
peace makers. Peace is one central aspect of the fruit of God’s Holy Spirit. The shock and
horror we may feel at such violent acts too often results in responses and reactions of
violence: a desire for retribution or a return to eye-for-an-eye punishment. This will never take
us where God calls us to be. Violence is not the solution to violence, and revenge is never the
answer. I call upon each and every Wisconsin United Methodist to pray for peace. I implore
that we pray for victim and victimizer, for those who suffer, as well as those who cause
suffering. We are the people that say enough! We are the people who lay down the sword,
and let the fruit of God’s holy peace blossom and flourish. Let there be peace on earth, and let
it begin now, here, with us.
Grace and Peace,
Hee-Soo Jung, PhD
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
First I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It seems that this year has gone so fast. As with many of you,
many things I had hoped to do this year did not happen but I had many pleasant surprises as well.
I write this later than planned due to an unexpected family issue. Perhaps it has been providential. A lot has happened over the last four
weeks, things that plant seeds of fear in many people's hearts or water them. I believe fear is the most dangerous of responses to news
like that coming out of Paris and San Bernardino. People who are driven by fear will often do things that are irrational, make situations
more dangerous. So how do we respond when violence erupts in the midst of those going about their daily lives? When our world is
shaken. Some will respond with disbelief. Some with sorrow. Some with grief. Some with an understanding that things will never be the
So what do we do? I would suggest we look to scripture.
Mark 13:1-8.
"As Jesus left the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look! What awesome stones and buildings!” Jesus responded, “Do
you see these enormous buildings? Not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished.” Jesus was sitting on the Mount
of Olives across from the temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when will these things happen? What
sign will show that all these things are about to come to an end?” Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. Many people will
come in my name, saying, ‘I’m the one!’ They will deceive many people. When you hear of wars and reports of wars, don’t be alarmed.
These things must happen, but this isn’t the end yet. Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other, and there will be earthquakes
and famines in all sorts of places. These things are just the beginning of the sufferings associated with the end. (Mark 13:1-8 CEB)
The disciples in this reading from Mark faced a situation that might help us. Their world was being shaken. As they left the temple, they
turned to Jesus and bid him look at the awesome buildings created by man. They were magnificent with some of the stones forming those
buildings were 40 feet long, 12 feet high, 18 feet wide.
Rather than admire these buildings with his disciples, Jesus tells them that not a stone will remain standing. They want to know when.
He doesn't say when. Instead he says to remain watchful, not to be deceived. He didn't tell them when it would happen. In another gospel
he says that only God knows the time things will happen.
Instead he said to, 7 “Watch out that no one deceives you. ...When you hear of wars and reports of wars, don’t be alarmed. These things
must happen, but this isn’t the end yet. 8 Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other, and there will be earthquakes and famines in
all sorts of places."
Our age of technology allows us to hear and see things as they unfold. Images with the potential to bring fear deep into our beings
instantly enter our homes. They are readily available at our finger tips as they are happening. Technology brings us vivid images with
people reporting, making sure we understand the gravity of what is happening and that it could happen to us at anytime as well.
I saw an advertisement, I think it was for a TV series, that depicted a time of violence. In amidst this place where there was unrest
and violence, a young couple talked about their future and having children. Someone said to them, how can you even talk about this,
especially having children. I couldn't help but think of the civil war, World War I, World War II, etc.
So what do we do? Some of the headlines after the San Bernardino talked about praying but not stopping there. I read someplace that
the Pope says something like this: “You pray for the hungry, then you feed them. That is how prayer works.” Authentic prayer always
includes action.“
Although all of us need the time to grieve and process what is happening in our weary, broken world, it doesn’t help if we don't move
beyond the fear it can create, and become reactionary. If we listen to what Jesus said, we should strive to live in the present and look
forward to what the future holds. But in the meantime, we must be alert, vigilant, and involved in the world around us while keeping
our faith in the timeless, living message of Jesus Christ,.
The kingdom of God is very near. God is still working in this mixed up world. It is time for us to turn away from our self-centered,
fear-driven controlling ways and believe in the good news!” In this time of Advent we are reminded that something wonderful is
always being born.
Hope, Peace, and Joy,
Pastor Shannon
We have not talked much about stewardship over the last five years. Stewardship is a word that scares many people. I think that is
because the first thing many people think of when they hear the word is someone wanting to tap into their money. Yes, money is a
component of stewardship and it is something we need to talk about. There are at least 800 times that money is mentioned in the Bible.
But, stewardship is much more than money pledged to the running of the church. When God created humans, they were created so they
could take charge of, be stewards of creation. Stewardship is the management or care of something. Over the next few months a group
at Ono-Plum City will gather to discuss stewardship and how stewardship can become part of the culture of this congregation.
Ad Counsel (Ono-Plum City)
Please take a moment to thank Diane Johnson for all of her work and service as Ad Counsel chair for the past several years (at least
five). Also please take a moment to welcome and thank Lynette Traynor for agreeing to be our new Ad Counsel Chair. She was voted in
at our charge conference. Please pray for all of those who are on the Ad Counsel as they join together in caring for the business of the
church. Ad Counsel meetings for Ono-Plum City will move to the third Wednesday of the month beginning in January.
Ono-Plum City Finance Update
During Advent we remember Christ's first entering into this world and prepare for Christ to enter again in a new way. It is a message
that was urgent 2,000 years ago and is still urgent today. One of the ways Christ is present in the world is through ever changing
ministries of the church. Reality is that funds are needed for all churches to function.
So what is happening with our general fund. The church is solvent at this time but only because there are some funds available to tap
into. If these weren't available, the church would be about $7,000 in the negative. Bills are being met but apportionments have not been
paid in full for the last five years, however the percentage paid has increased.
Many people have made personal commitments to and continue supporting the ministries of this church through the general fund.
Traditionally, offerings in November and December increase. I would like to invite you to pray for this church during this time- that the
regular support needed is received and that the ministries of the church glorify God.
Pastor Shannon
October 22, 2015
Greetings Fellow Church Members and Friends,
We are hoping to “Celebrate” our weekly church services with Greeters to welcome people into the
Lord's House, receive the offering, and help with serving at Fellowship time after church. If we all rise to
the occasion we would be able to serve just two times a year. If you can't serve your Sunday for other
reasons you would call others on the list to see if they would be able to exchange Sundays. For those
whose culinary skills are not what they think are up to par or just don't have time to bake, we will have
cookies or treats in the freezer for their use. Directions will be written out for making coffee and other
things needed downstairs in the kitchen.
We will send the whole years list out first and if you can see right away that month won't work for you
let us know as soon as possible so we can make changes. We will then break this down month by month
sending out post cards with your opportunity to serve with others for that month. There might be
people listed below on the postcard who might help out if needed.
We pray that you will be able to help us “Celebrate” the opportunity to worship and get to know each
other better.
God's Blessings,
Diane Johnson
Jill Bechel
Margie Sweeney
Please just leave a message if not home - Thanks
With newsletters coming out
seasonally, it just happens that
information about Advent
and Lent should both be in this
winter issue. It seems a little
odd that schedules for
preparation for God breaking
into our world incarnate in
Jesus Christ and preparation
for the death and resurrection
of Jesus remembered on Easter
should be found in the same
issue. But, maybe not. We need
both of them and they are
Confirmation Youth Lock-In
Starting at 5:00pm on November 14th youth
converged on the Ono-Plum City church to
participate in exploration and learning using a
variety of activities as they attended a lock-in
called Glow: Growing and Glowing as Christ's
Disciples. They were asked if they would make
written comment on the lock-in. Following are
some of their comments.
• I liked the glow-in-the dark bowling. I thought it
was a fun lock in and we should have another.
• I thought the lock in was fun. I especially liked
bowling. It was really fun.
• I liked all of the team work involved.
• It was fun But I need sleep!
• I liked the bowling in the dark. I didn't like
hungry, hungry hippo.
• I liked the glow stick bowling.
• I thought the lock-in was fun. My favorite part
was glow in the dark bowling.
Confirmation Class Schedule
•December 8 and December 13
•January 10 and 24
•February 14 and 28
•The 24th will need to be longer and count as our
last retreat. We will be working on the United
Methodist section of the classes. This will be our
last meeting.
Sunday school!!!
The Children's Christmas
program, The Many Gifts
of Christmas, will be
Sunday December 13 during the church
service at 9:30.
Refreshments and snacks
We are definitely planning and
practicing already.......
Please keep the Sunday school teachers
informed if children will not be there or will
be there. Always helpful to know in
advance. Thank you.
The teachers will try to get all practices done
during church, but will stay in touch if
additional practice is needed.
The Sunday school children will also be
sharing something special during
children’s message on January 24th. So
please join us!!!
The Sunday School's mission project this
year is "No More Malaria". The Sunday
school children can make an offering every Sunday
or the congregation can also make a donation. We
have a big display board to find out more about the
Malaria issues still striking Africa- please come
check it out. With the United Methodists efforts
over the last many years, the death rate as been
cut in half. More work can be one!! Please help the
children keep raising funds for this wonderful
Also there will be a
Mardi Gras Celebration
day on February 7th.
We are hoping to have a puppet show and/or
other special presentations for the Children’s
After Church we will be having a pancake
breakfast with other goodies!
Games, crafts and music to follow.
We are still in the planning stages so any
ideas are welcome!!
Lenten Bible Study
As a way to gather and celebrate the Lent Season,
we have decided to meet for a Bible Study rather
than a church service on Wednesday evenings . We
will being with the Traditional marking of ashes on
February 4th, 2016 which is Ash Wednesday. The
Bible study will gather immediately afterward. The
study chosen is “The God We Can Know: Exploring
the "I AM" Sayings of Jesus” by Rob Fuquay.
Christmas LOVE_LITE Service
The Christmas season can be the
happiest time of year but for some, it can be a
difficult time of year due to some kind of loss.
Loss can be felt for many years after the loss of
a loved one. But it can also occur when other
traumatic events take place such as the loss of
a job, a divorce, lo`ss of trust, or loss of familiar
surroundings. Whatever the reason, the
Christmas season brings about beautiful
moments as well as difficult ones. The
LOVE_LITE Service on Dec. 20, @ 6:30 pm,
will be a time we can gather to support one
another and hopefully reduce feelings of
All UMW members and women of the church.
Why not?.....A fun night out with Church Family
and Friends.
Wednesday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m.( or as
soon as you can come)
Julie Peterson's Home (directions available)
Please RSVP :
Julie-evening 1-651-270-2314 or Jill evening
Please Bring- a roll of wrapping paper and a roll
of tape for our UMW Family Gift Giving.
A simple meal will be served with refreshments
and desserts, so come hungry.
*Need a ride, just RSVP and ask Julie or Jill to
help arrange a ride with someone attending. ‘
* We hope lots of you can make it, but
understand it is a busy time. We are excited to
see all who can attend!
The Ladies Aide had another very successful
years of fellowship and raising funds for our
little church and other organizations that
need our help.
2015 UMW donations
Church apportionment donation
Plum City Food Shelf
Pierce County Food Shelf
Turning Point Women's Shelter
Emma's Hope Children's Cancer Research
No More Malaria
Christmas Giving to Local Family
UMW Conference Mission
Plum City Care Center Christmas Gifts
Teens for Christ
Thank you so much for your partnership in reaching teens
with the gospel. Thanks again for being part of the
ministry of Teens for Christ. Partnership in the gospel is a
precious gift to us.
Pierce County Hunger Prevention Council.
Thank you for your recent donation. It is very much
appreciated. Thank you for the time and energy
interested in this donation.
The United Methodist Foundation, Inc.
gratefully acknowledges your donation.
More Thank you notes to the UMW
Plum City Food Pantry
How we praise God for your generosity. $500.00 goes a
long way To feed the needy. Last month we gave out
10,400 plus pounds of food to struggling families and
individuals and your gift really helps so much for us to
keep doing that. God richly bless each and every one
of you. Thank you!
100% of your gift will provide immediate relief and longterm support. UMCOR works with the United Methodist
and international partners to prepare for, respond to
and recover from disasters. This work is possible
because of the generous support of our donors.
Turning Point
Please accept our gracious thank you for this generous
gift. The funds you have provided will go to and
positively impact the victims from Pierce County and St.
Croix County.
Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation.
"I am weak and poor, O Lord, but you have not forgotten me. You are my Savior and my God-hurry to my
aid." Psalm 40:17 Gog has blessed us with everything
that we have yet there are many needs in the word.
Your donation with help spread the love of God through
many ministries that provide for the less fortunate.
Emma’s Hope
Thank you for your recent gift to Children's Cancer
research Fund for Emma's Hope. Thank you for joining
an extraordinary movement to strengthen hope for
Care Center Birthday Parties
Over the years, the Ono Church has always
celebrated the November and December
birthdays at the Plum City Care Center. Other
churches in the area also help out on the other
months. For the Nov. 10th party, cakes
were provided by Maxine Maxwell, Margie
Sweeney (She said Mike made it) Renee Linse
and Karla Steele. Janice S. brought the ice
cream and Diane Johnson helped serve and
clean up. Great music was provided by
DuWayne Earney on the keyboard and
vocals. There were 5 residents honored: Lela
Eggenberger, Lyle Gilles, Darrel Stewart, Fern
McCormack and Gerry Hoover. Many family
members were there for the party and several
dancers showed up and added to the fun.
We are scheduled for the Dec. party on the
8th. Weather permitting, Shirley Temple will
be tap dancing for the crowd. We will need
treats that day too. Call Janice if you can help
with cakes, ice cream or serving. The party
begins at 3:30, but helpers can come around
3. Visitors are always welcome. Thanks
again everyone who make the birthday parties
God loves everyone, but probably
prefers “fruits of the spirit” over
“religious nuts”!
Don’t give God instructions, just report
for duty.
If God is your “Co-Pilot”, you’d better
swap seats!
Men’s breakfast– At Ty FishersFirst Saturday of the month beginning
Jan. 2, 2016 . . .8:00-10:00
W2395 41110 Ave.
Elmwood, WI 54740
For more information contact Ty at 715-821-0343
All Men Welcome
Ono/Plum City Church Council Fall
It has been a busy Fall here at Ono/Plum City
United Methodist Church.
August a meeting with a conference member Jim
Wells to help with Stewardship in our church.
September 19th a successful Rummage Sale held
at Plum City Legion Park.
October 7th a vote was taken by the Council to
accept our mission statement.
Our mission is to create a community of
believers committed to growing in faith
and working to share God's love and
light in our world.
October 22nd a letter was sent out about members
helping with Fellowship. Involving being Greeters,
ushers and serving treats of some kind in order to
“Celebrate” together.
November 1st Fall Breakfast -Thanks to all who
donated, worked and dined!
I would like to thank all the council members for
their help over the years that I have been Chair of this
committee. They all want the very best for this church
(God's Church) and our community. They were always
so willing to do what was needed. I would like to thank
Donna Hoyt for all her years of service on the
Parsonage committee. She has done such a good job
in this capacity. Ty Fisher will take over the Chair of
this committee with Donna Hoyt staying on as
treasure. Thanks Donna and Ty!!
2016 Lay Ministries and Leadership Leaders:
Chairman: Lynette Traynor
Vice Chair: Margie Sweeney
Recording Secretary: LuAnn Kopp
President UMW: Jill Bechel
Chair of Finance: Julie Peterson
Treasure: Mike Sweeney
Financial Secretary: Joe Traynor
Charge Treasure (MOP): Marlene Baker
Supt. Of Sunday School: Jill Bechel
Memorials: Lynette Traynor
Full list located by coat rack on side of sanctuary
October 18th Charge Conference for Ono/Plum
City and Maiden Rock United Methodist Churches
was held at the Ono/Plum City Church. We met our
new District Superintendent Kate Jones.
God's Blessing to each of you!
Diane Johnson
Maiden Rock United Methodist Church
Coffee Break At Maiden Rock
The second Monday of each month is the date for
our Coffee Break in our dining hall in Maiden
Rock. We have lots of coffee, sweets and treats,
and lots of conversation starting at 9 until 10:30.
Come and join us.
Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Feb. 8 and March 14
A five o’clock candlelight service will be held on
December 24 at the Maiden Rock Church.
We will be singing many of your favorite Christmas
hymns and hear the Christmas story that never gets old.
Come and join us in the Christmas worship..
•Country Christmas in Maiden Rock was held
Saturday, December 5, beginning with the
Plum City-Maiden Rock Ambulance pancake
breakfast held at Six String with proceeds
going to the Ambulance service.
•Christmas Elves were at Hiawatha Bank from
9-12 with gifts for the children, and bank
treats for all.
•Santa was at the Maiden Rock United
Methodist church with candy for all the
children, and the children had their pictures
taken with Santa.
•All the businesses in the village had treats. It
is was a good day for everyone to come to
Maiden Rock and explore the local business
Our fall concert on November was enjoyed by a
large group coming from the area. Faith Ulwelling
with her band play and sang songs for a two hour
concert, while guests listened to the music and
enjoyed snacks, apple cider, and coffee.
Donations of $260.00 will be divided to fight
malaria and probably our local food shelf.
(Adopted by the Ad Council in 2015)
Ono-Plum City UMC Mission Statement
Our mission is to create a community of believers committed to growing in faith
and working to share God's love and light in our world.
Ono-Plum City and
Maiden Rock United Methodist Churches
"open hearts, open minds, open doors"
Maiden Rock/Ono-Plum City UMC
W2456 HWY 10
Maiden Rock, WI 54750
Phone: 715- 647 2101
Web Site: