Classroom Rules and Expectations for ESPAÑOL 5, 6 & 5A (Sra. Blanco) Respect- Students are expected to follow a few general rules during class time. Turn off cell phones before entering the classroom and all other technology. Putting phones on vibrate is not sufficient. IF YOU USE YOUR CELL PHONE IN CLASS IT WILL AFFECT YOUR PARTICIPATION GRADE. Throw out gum upon entering the class, take turns speaking, be an active listener, speak only Spanish, and please refrain from any side conversations. 1. Responsibility- Students must take responsibility for their own learning and achievement with the support of the teacher. All students should come to class prepared to learn. 2. Honesty- it is impossible to maintain a productive learning environment without honesty. Students are expected to be honest with each other and with the teacher at all times. Cheating: We expect you to demonstrate academic integrity. Any ideas you submit as your own should come from you. That being said, please do not use translators. They don’t show your true level in Spanish and often it does not work. Many expressions do not translate from English to Spanish and they sound incomprehensible in Spanish. I will not give you credit for doing this. Any student taking answers from or providing answers to another student during a test/quiz or homework will receive a zero. 3. School Rules- Students will be expected to follow all policies and procedures found in the Princeton High School Student Handbook. Attendance policy: Please refer to the PHS Student Handbook. Tardy policy: Being on time means being in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings, so make sure that you are in your own seat so that you will not be marked late or absent. Every third tardy becomes an unexcused absence. A late student is expected to enter the room silently to avoid causing any distraction. At an appropriate time the student can obtain needed directions and materials from a classmate. Students will not be dismissed from class for any reason other than an emergency. No food, gum or drinks allowed in class except for water. PLEASE take care of all personal affairs before entering the classroom (i.e. - restroom, drinks, phone calls, social relationships, lockers, etc.). AP EXAMS, STUDYING FOR AP EXAMS, FIELD TRIPS, SPORTS DISMISSALS, COLLEGE VISITS, EXTENDED HOLIDAYS, TRIPS WITH MUSIC GROUPS, AND ANYTIME YOU ARE GONE FROM MY CLASS: YOU ARE STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR WORK YOU MISSED. 9/9/2015 DAILY required materials to be prepared for class (*this is a component of your participation rubric): Binder with paper, pencil/pen. Course Evaluation 25% of your grade is based on Participation Participation – being prepared to class, listening attentively, answering questions, active involvement in the lesson. Participation must be in Spanish. If there is a word that you don’t know how to say, you will learn how to use circumlocution in Spanish. You will be rated on a scale of 1 – 3 for daily participation. Points are taken off for speaking in English. 25% of your grade is based on Homework It must be turned in when it is due, otherwise 25% will be subtracted per every day late. 25% of your grade is based on Tests/Quizzes Students who actively participate in the daily lessons and do homework are very likely to do well on tests and quizzes. 25% of your grade is based on Projects/Presentations All deadlines must be met unless there are extenuating circumstances such as, verified illness, death in the family, verified absences, etc. Come to class prepared with work completed on time. Failure to do presentations results in a zero. Parent/Guardian (PRINT)________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (SIGN)_________________________________________________________ Student (PRINT)_______________________________________________________________ Student (SIGN)________________________________________________________________ Date___________________________________________ Please have your child bring this copy signed tomorrow to class. 9/9/2015