Words Their Way Activities

Words Their Way Activities
 Open Sort--Read each word aloud. Sort words into categories however you want! Copy
categories and words into journal. Explain to an adult why the words are sorted in those
particular categories.
Speed Sort--Sort words into original categories as fast as you can. Do 5 times, try to beat your
time each time. Write your times in your journal.
Writing Sort--Sort your words into original categories, then write them in your journal.
No Peeking Buddy Sort--Choose a word from each category as a header and then have a buddy
read each word aloud to you. You tell what category the word belongs in without SEEING the
word. Your buddy will add the word to the category. Buddy checks for accuracy. Copy into
Blind Writing Sort--Have a partner call the words to you. You write them in the correct sorting
category in your journal.
SAW--Sort into original categories, alphabetize into ABC order, write into journal.
Change-a-Letter--Change one letter in each word to make a new word. Write in journal.
Cut and Paste--Go through magazines and cut out words with the same "pattern." Try to find
two or three for each category. Paste into journal.
Word Hunt--Look for words in a book you have already read that have the same sound, pattern,
or both. Try to find two or three for each category. Copy into journal.
Draw and Label--Choose 10 words. Draw and label a picture for each word.
Typing--Type your words three times each. Print and glue into journal.
Cursive and Print--Write each word in cursive and then print one time.
Lowercase and Uppercase--Write each word once in all lowercase, then once in all uppercase.
Building Words--Write the "Building Words" for words that have a root or base word. Example-Friend--> friendly, friends, friendship. Build-->builder, building, builds, builders
Word Search--Make a word search in your journal using all words.
Spelling Conversation--Talk to an adult using each word in your conversation. Write words
down in a list and have an adult sign.
Rhyming Words--Make a list of rhyming wods for each of your words.
Original Story--Write your own creative story using 10-12 of your words.
Definitions--Write the definition of each word.
Rainbow words--Write each of your words in 3-5 different colors.
Synonyms and Antonyms--Write a synonyms (same) or antonym (opposite) for each word.
Sentences--Write an interesting sentence using each of your seplling words. One sentence for
each word. Underline the word in each sentence.
Pyramid--Write each word in a pyramid, adding one letter at a time. The result will be a pyramid
shape of words!
Spelling City--With parent permission, go to http://www.spellingcity.com and complete one of
the activities with your words. Print and glue into journal or write a description of the activity
you did in your journal.
Word Processing--Use the computer to type your spelling words in their original categories. You
can make it fun by using different fonts, colors, and sizes. Glue into your journal.
Tongue Twister--Choose 8 of your words and write a tongue twister sentence using each word
(most tongue twisters start with the same letter). Underline the spelling word in the sentence.
Example--Fabulous Fulton friends found the forgotten fortune.