May - Palisades School District

May 2014 SEPTA Meeting Minutes
SEPTA held its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 08, 2014, at 12:10 in the school’s library. Those in
attendance were: Jill Triani, Dawn Jackson, Lyla Cookson, Miss Weeks, Mrs. Rabi, Jen Keller, Mrs. Cuff,
Mrs. Musantry, Miss Borzok, Mrs. Scholl, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Garr, Miss Saxton, Mrs. Barnowsky, Kelley
McDowell and Mrs. Lampa. The meeting was called to order by Vice-President, Jill Triani, at 12:16pm.
Jen Keller, Secretary, announced that the minutes were passed out and everyone should take a few
minutes to review them. Mrs. Rabi made a motion to accept the minutes, Lyla seconded it. Motion
carried. Dawn Jackson gave the treasurer’s report. There is an operating balance of $31,873.19. Total
expenses for the month were $510.18. Total deposits for the month were $1629.50. Jill made a motion
to accept the Treasurer’s report, Mrs. Scholl seconded it. Motion was carried.
Mr. Davis gave his Principal’s Comments. He started with turning the floor over to Mrs. Garr to give a
report on the DARE Program. Officer Hammerstone takes an hour each week to meet with each 5th
grade class. They talk about such things as drugs, alcohol and making good decisions. It seems to be
going very well. Mr. Davis then reported on the classroom parties. This year each teacher will decide
when they will hold their party. The 5th grade graduation is on May 12th at 10:30 am. The Art Show is
tonight at PALMS. There is a Jump Rope Stunt Show Assembly tomorrow. A school-wide Talent Show
will be happening later this year. A letter will be coming out to parents announcing a Lock Down Drill
that will happen in the next 2 weeks. There is a Weather Drill happing on Tuesday (5/13). Mr. Davis
hopes to have the building configuration completed by next week. He will share that when it’s
complete. He also thanked SEPTA for the new Keurig machine that SEPTA purchased for the staff during
Teacher Appreciation Week. Mr. Davis presented Jill with a thank you card from the staff. Field Day is
on June 3rd with a rain date of June 6th. The 4th and 5th grade track meet is on May 21. There are still
field trips happening for most of the grades between now and the end of the year. There is a Stand Up
To Silence program that will be presented by our High Schoolers to our 3rd graders happening before the
end of the year. Mrs. Scholl and Miss Weeks gave a report on the Relay for Life effort that happened as
a 5th grade service project. They had 12 5th graders participate and plan for the event. They sold loom
bracelets in cancer colors. They raised almost $1900 so far for the effort to date. This included money
from online donations, fundraisers at school and at the Relay. There are still two more pretzel days at
school, 5/16 and 5/30. The kids are spreading the word to the 4th graders too to help spread the
Kelley McDowell reported on the Dorney Park ticket sales. We sold 264 tickets for this fundraiser. An
email will be sent to those that purchased tickets letting them know when the tickets will be coming
home so they can keep an eye out for them.
Jill gave a report on Teacher Appreciation Week. Tuesday was the luncheon and Friday will be desert
The Book Fair is going well. It’s Buy One Get One Free week. Mrs. Cuff was able to purchase books for
Reading Olympics for next year through the Scholastic money that was raised through the book fair.
Lyla reported on the School Directory for next year. People are signing up. So far there are 70 signed up
and still more to go. She is going to send out a reminder to hopefully get the second wave of people
signing in. It seems to be working out well doing it online so far.
Jen reported on 5th Grade Activities. Jen reported the costs that she knew of. There was a long
discussion about the activities and food for the day. It was decided that the SEPTA officers would
assemble the group that is working on the activities to get a better handle on what the day is going to
look like and what things are going to cost. This will be done in the next week.
We discussed the Fundraising Efforts and School Wide events that would like to happen at Springfield
next year. It was decided that we would do the following: Information Night, Publishing Center, Giant
A+ cards, Box Tops/Labels for Education, School Store, Dorney Park Tickets, Target Rewards, Bottom
Dollar Rewards, Teacher Appreciation, PSSA Breakfasts, Book Fairs, Movie Nights, Bingo, Barnes and
Noble Night, Directory, Bakers, Race for Education and Santa Shop. SEPTA will be providing times for
individuals to sign up to work on these projects.
The meeting adjourned at 1:06 by Mr. Davis and Lyla. The motion was carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jen Keller