The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 and Simposium Fisika Nasional XXVI. October, 10-11, 2013 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Physical Parameters Measurement to Analyze the X-ray Radiation for Radio diagnostic Quality Control in Hospitals Syamsir Dewang*, Bualkar Abdullah1, Bannu Abd. Samad1, Nur Hasanah1 1. Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar. *Email: Abstract. Medical physics have given contribution to medical technology. The medical physician has several fields of research; there are radio diagnostics, radio therapy and nuclear medicine. In the case of radio diagnostic, we developed a research to measure physical parameter of X-ray radiation such as: tube voltage (kV), exposure time (mS), X-ray exposure (mGy), exposure rate (mGy/S), and Half Value Layer (HVL) in several Hospitals of Makassar city; Haji, Bhayangkara, and Jala Ammari Navy hospital, respectively. These measurements were intended to analyze the quality parameters for quality control of X-ray radiation such as: Voltage accuracy (kV), Reproducibility (CV), Current linearity coefficient (CL), and HVL in mm-Al as well. The standard value for quality parameters were regulated by Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (PERKA BAPETEN) Nu: 9th, 2011, and the International atomic energy agency (IAEA). Standard value as the quality control for radiation out put of X-ray machine. Parameter value is accepted by IAEA regulation in tolerance limit of reproducibility (Cv) ≤ 0.05, current linearity coefficient (CL) ≤ 0.1, and HVL is more then 2.1 mm-Al of 70 kV, respectively. Analyses show that physical parameter of X ray radiation in Jala Ammari Navy hospital for reproducibility (CV), linearity (CL) and HVL are exceed the minimum value from regulation, in this case, it is needed for calibration. Mean while, the all parameter values in Bhayangkara haspital were accepted in good condition. However, Haji hospital is also good condition accept the measurement of reproducibility for exposure dose out put was 0.3417, and CV for exposure time was 0.3417, these exceed the standard values and there were recomended for calibration. Keywords: X-ray radiation, ray exposure, radio diagnostic, hospital. PACS : 87.59.B- 1. INTRODUCTION Developing of science and technology contributed to Medical physics, especially; the X-ray application for radio diagnostic and radio theraphy in the field of medicine. The X-ray spectrum ranges 10 to 100 nm wavelength, it has a narrow bandwidth, high energy and strong power. Furthermore, it’s can be used to detect the internal body of patient. The X-ray is an electromagnetics wave; when it is applied to expose for a long time; however, the patient, medical physicion and doctor of radiology can derive the effect of radiation. Meanwhile, X-ray radiation will produce low quality or inaccurate source of radiography, or giving over diagnosis to doctor and to medical operator[1]. The problem is how to use the X-ray machine in good condition, here, it is needed to regularly calibrate of X ray machine in each hospitals. The standard for calibration of X-ray radiography is regulated by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia, such as in PERKA BAPETEN Nu: 9th, 2011[2]. This research is inteded to measure physical parameter of X-ray radiation, i.e. Tube voltage (kV), exposure time (mS), X-ray exposure (mGy), exposure rate (mGy/S), and Half Value Layer (HVL) in mm Al of Xray machine. This observation measured several Hospitals of Makassar city; such as in Haji, Bhayangkara, and Jala Ammari Navy hospitals, respectively. The aim of research is going to giving the recommedation of each Xray machine for observing physical parameter, within the accepted or non required value for IAEA and PERKA BAPETEN. 2. THEORY AND METHOD The operational of X-ray machine has two principle goals of quality assurance. The first is obtain accurate and timely diagnosis, the second is minimization of radiation exposure and obtain high image quality. Performance the X-ray machine can be control by optimum operation of physical parameters such as: current linearity, reproducibility, exposure time, X-ray tube efficiency, accuracy of kV , mA, time, focal spot size . and half value layer[3]. The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 and Simposium Fisika Nasional XXVI. October, 10-11, 2013 Malang, East Java, Indonesia The first formulation of the present paper is to calculate the current linearity (CL) for checking the current stability of X-ray machine. The current linearity is defined by formulation such as equation as follows: [4] ππππ₯ −ππππ ππππ₯ +ππππ (1) Where: CL is current linearity coefficient, ππππ₯ is maximum of exposure rate/current tube, and ππππ is minimum of exposure rate/current tube in (mGy/mAS). The standard value of linearity current CL is less then 0.1. The value was arranged by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia in PERKA BAPETEN Nu: 9th, 2011. The second view of this consideration is formulation of reproducibility dose out put of X-ray radiation. The reproducibility is variation coeficient (CV) of physical variable, which is derived by standard deviation per unit rate of high voltage, time, or dose output for X-ray machines. The analysis is derived by difference between the measured and nominal value of physical parameter for CV calculation. The formulation of CV is written as follows: πΆπ£ = π πΜ = 1 √∑ππ=1(ππ πΜ FIGURE 1. Standard curve HVL (mm Al) vs Voltage (kVp). − πΜ αΊ)2 /(π − 1) . . . . . ..(2) Where CV is the reproducibility or coefficient variation, S is the estimator of standard deviation, the series of measurements dose [mGy], time [ms] or voltage [KV], πΜ is rate of measured variable. The reproducibility value is formed over a range of clinical settings. A standard for reproducibility within the accepted value of IAEA is CV ≤ 0.05. The third consideration is Half-value layer (HVL) which is one of the important parameters for Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) of X-ray tube. The HVL filtration of X-ray source is expressed in units of distance (mm or cm), where 50% of the incident energy has been attenuated. The HVL is often used in radiography simply because it is easier to remember values and perform simple calculations. Increasing the penetrating energy of a stream of photons will result in an increase in a material's HVL [5]. The standard value for HVL in (mm-Al) is required for IAEA that is exceed the minimum HVL (mm Al) πΆπΏ = value, passed above 2.3 mm-Al at 70 KV. Figure 1 shows the standard curve HVL (mmAl) vs voltage (KV) is accepted by IAEA. 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Acceptable Non cceptable 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 kVp Figure 1 shows the accepted value of HVL (mm Al) vs kV above the standard curve, and value below curve is non acceptable. METHOD This research measured the radiation of Xray machine in three hospitals such as in Haji, Bhayangkara police and Jala Ammari Navy hospital, respectively. Measuring of radiation output dose using detector of Barracuda tools. The experimental setup such as in Figure 1. Sistem pengaturan alat pesawat sinar X X-ray Tube Measurement of X-ray dose out put 9/24/2013 Patient Table Figure 2. Experimental setup of X-ray measurement The procedure of measurement such as in The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 and Simposium Fisika Nasional XXVI. October, 10-11, 2013 Malang, East Java, Indonesia Figure 2 shows the X-ray radiation source as beam spot from X-ray tube to object in patient table. Focal length is arranged by source image distance, SID = 100 cm. Barracuda detector is connected to computer system, the photo multipled detector (PMD) sensor of Barracuda connection is lied on the patient table for measuring the ray from above Xray tube which is placed inside the selected field size, and six exposures were made. Measurement of Xray radiation is setted by arrangement of voltage (KV) tube, current electricity (mA) and exposure time (mS) in the display of X-ray machine. Meanwhile, Barracuda detector measure the physical paramater such as: voltage (KV), exposure time (mS), exposure dose (mGy), exposure dose rate (mGy/S), and Half Value Layer (HVL) in mm Al, and other parameters we need. Data processing is used to calculate the KV accuracy, current linearity coefficient (CL), reproducibility or coefficient variation (CV) by deviation standar per rate of KV, time, and exposure dose, respectively, as well as HVL (mm Al) values. The techniques of processing data were calculated by formulation on base teory of above section 2, to derive the standard value of IAEA, BAPETEN regulation. 3.RESULT AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Lianerity Measurement of radiation output. Current linearity is one of physical parameter that was required by PERKA nu. 9th, 2011 Regulatory Agency of Indonesia. Analizing the current linearity coefficient is intended to control the consistency of radiation output [mGy/mAs]. The measurement located in Haji, Bhayangkara, and Jala Ammari Navi hospital, respectively. Table 1 shows the sample of exposure radiation in Haji hospital using detector of Barracuda measuring tools. The tools detected exposure time, radiation exposure (mGy), the sample of radiation measurement is carried out six times such as follows: TABLE 1. Measurement of X-Ray machine in Haji Hospital. Nu. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exposure Time (S) 0.05696 0.06049 0.06452 0.06049 0.06452 0.06345 Tube Current x Exposure Time (mA.S) Exposure (mGy) 1.82272 0.08259 1.93568 0.08334 2.06464 0.08351 1.93568 0.08336 2.06464 0.08348 2.0304 0.08302 CL = 0.05689 Exposure Rate / Current tube (mGy/mA.S) 0.04531 0.04305 0.04045 0.04307 0.04043 0.04089 Measurement of X-ray machine such as in Table 1 was settled in tube voltage of 70 KV and tube current was 32 mA source to detector distance (SID) 100 cm. The calculation of current linearity coefficient using formulation in equation (1) was derived CL = 0,05689. This value lower then the standard for PERKA nu. 9th, 2011 Regulatory Agency of Indonesia is CL ≤ 0.1. This result shows that current linearity of X-ray tube in Haji Hospital in good condition. Meanwhile, the current linearity of X-ray radiography in Bhayangkara Police hospital was measured such as in Table 2. The result value of current linearity coefficient (CL) was 0.00665. It means that current linearity fulfilled at CL≤ 0.1, here is a significant of stable current tube. TABLE 2. The X-ray radiation Bhayangkara Police Hospital. Nu. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Exposure Time (S) 0.049 0.064 0.079 0.100 0.125 0.159 Tube Current x Exposure Time (mA.S) measurement Exposure (mGy) 4.939 0.227 6.401 0.293 7.912 0.366 10.030 0.458 12.450 0.574 15.930 0.734 CL = 0.00665 in Exposure Rate / Current (mGy/mA.S) 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 On the contrary, the calculation of current linearity coefficient (CL) of X-ray radiation in Jala Ammari hospital was 0.25465 such as in Table 3. The value is greater than 0.1. It indicates that current linearity is unstable condition, in this case, the X-ray machine of Jala Ammari has to be calibrated. This is a point The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 and Simposium Fisika Nasional XXVI. October, 10-11, 2013 Malang, East Java, Indonesia of quality control of radio diagnostics instrument for medical physics. 3.2 TABLE 3. Measurement of X-ray radiation in Jala Ammari Navy Hospital. Exposure Time (S) Nu. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.5947 0.5932 0.5942 0.5952 0.5952 0.5932 Tube Current x Exposure Time (mA.S) Exposure (mGy) of The step up consideration of X-ray machine is to analyze the reproducibility in three hospitals as considered above. Determination of reproducibility using formulation in equation (2). Reproducibility or variation coefficient (Cv) is defined by deviation standard per means value of parameter measured, i.e., exposure time [ms], voltage [KV] dose out put of X-ray machine. This measurement is arranged at even voltage of 70 Kv, SID 100 cm. Table 4 shows the experimental results of X-ray dose out put in three hospitals as follows: Exposure Rate / Current (mGy/mA.S) 59.47 2.551 59.32 2.663 59.42 2.589 59.52 2.575 59.52 2.644 59.32 1.582 CL = 0.25465 Reproducibility measurement radiation out put 0.04290 0.04489 0.04357 0.04326 0.04442 0.02667 TABLE 4. Reproducibility value of X-ray radiation in tube voltage (kV), exposure time (mS) and Exposure (mGy) in Haji, Bhayangkara and Jala Ammari Navy hospital, respectively. JALA AMMARI NAVY HAJI HOSPITAL BHAYANGKARA HOSPITAL HOSPITAL Nu Tube Voltage setted (KV) Tube Voltage measured (KV) Exposure Time (mS) Exposure (mGy) Tube Voltage measured (KV) Exposure Time (mS) Exposure (mGy) Tube Voltage measured (KV) Exposure Time (mS) Exposure (mGy) 1 70 68,29 44,36 0,0512 69,67 99,79 0,4585 66,17 594,7 1,124 2 70 68,18 36,30 0,1026 69,78 99,75 0,4587 67,13 593,2 1,585 3 70 68,13 44,36 0,0518 69,86 98,27 0,4580 66,25 594,2 1,545 4 70 68,00 40,33 0,0516 69,71 98,77 0,4592 66,24 595,2 1,537 5 70 68,43 56,46 0,0813 69,83 99,28 0,4569 66,70 595,2 1,578 6 68,38 0,16288 36,62 7,54345 0,1015 0,02505 69,77 0,07127 100,3 0,74340 0,4581 0,00078 66,58 0,36918 593,2 0,91742 1,582 0,18133 8 70 Deviation Standard Rate 68,21 44,362 0,0733 69,77 99,36 0,458 66,512 594,283 1,492 9 Cv 0,00239 0,17004 0,34165 0,00102 0,00748 0,00171 0,00555 0,00154 0,12155 7 PERKA nu. 9th, 2011, regulatory agency of Indonesia gave requirement value for reproducibility Cv less then 0.05. The Cv values in Table 4 show that in haji Hospital, exposure time (mS) and exposure dose (mGy) were 0.17004, and 0.34165 respectively, the values are more then that required. Here is needed to calibrate the exposure time and exposure dose of X-ray tube machine in Haji hospital. Meanwhile, measurement of tube voltage, exposure time and dose radiation in Bhayangkara Hospital were derived Cv values less then of 0.05. The examine is accepted. Furthermore, in Jala Ammari Navy hospital, it was measured Cv = 0,12155 for exposure dose radiation, It shows the value more then that requirement, and other parameters of voltage, and exposure time is accepted by PERKA nu. 9th, 2011and IAEA. 3.3 Half Value Measurement Layer (HVL) Half value layers (HVL) measurement is intended to attenuate 50% of incident energy from radiation source by using shelding material in vocal spot of Xray machine. The thickness of material has an ability to prevent the hazard of soft X-ray, by The 3rd International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics 2013 and Simposium Fisika Nasional XXVI. October, 10-11, 2013 Malang, East Java, Indonesia reducing the surface doses during X-ray imaging. Measuring of HVL value uses the Aluminium material in mmAl unit. There were exemined the HVL (mmAL) of three hospitals such as in Table 5. It shows that HVL value raises when the voltage is increased. Voltage variation is needed to exemine the HVL value. IAEA and PERKA nu. 9th, 2011 required the HVL value in 70 KV is above 2.3 mm Al. In this case, The exemining in Haji hospital, HVL value was 2.38 mmAl of 50 KV setted or 49.68 KV measured, and in 70 KV was 3.21 mmAl. the value is bigger then the required by IAEA, while it is accepted value or normal condition. 2. The International standard for physical parameter of Xray machine is regulated by the International atomic energy agency (IAEA), and Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency of Indonesia such as in PERKA BAPETEN Nu: 9th, 2011. Parameter value is accepted reproducibility (Cv) ≤ 0.05, current linearity coefficient (CL) ≤ 0.1, and HVL in mm-Al ≥ 2.1 mm-Al of 70 kV, respectively. 3. The analysis results of reproducibility (CV), linearity (CL) and HVL values, respectively, for three hospital showed that Xray machine in Jala Ammari is not acceptable of regulation, it is needed for calibration. On the contrary, the all parameter values in Bhayangkara hospital were accepted in good condition. And Haji hospital is agree with regulation, accept the reproducibility value was 0.3417 for exposure output dose and CV for exposure time was 0.170, and it is recomended for calibration. TABLE 5. HVL Measurement of each measured Voltage of X-ray machine. BHAYANGKAR A HOSPITAL HAJI HOSPITAL JALA AMMARI HOSPITAL Nu VS (KV) MV (KV) HVL MV (KV) HVL MV (KV) HVL 1 50 49,68 2.38 49.74 1.87 47.87 1.57 2 60 58.09 2.65 59.79 2.05 57.22 1.71 3 70 68.26 3.21 69.78 2.58 71.72 2.18 4 70 68.29 3.19 69.90 2.58 67.13 2.01 5 70 68.18 3.21 69.82 2.59 6 80 77.22 3.60 79.83 2.98 66.70 - 2.0 - Where: VS is Voltage setted (KV), MV is Measured Voltage (KV) Furtheremore, HVL (mm-Al) checking in Bhayangkara Hospital was derived of 2.58 mmAl in 70 KV, this value is accepted condition. Meanwhile, for Jala Ammari X-ray machine, it is exemined the HVL = 2.18 mm Al in 70 KV, this value is less then from IAEA requirement. This is to considerate that the value of HVL parameter on this X-ray machine is proposed for calibration. CONCLUSION 1. The measurement of physical parameter of X-ray radiation in each Hospitals is one of quality control to investigate some factors affecting on quality assurance of X-ray machine, such as tube voltage (kV), exposure time (mS), X-ray exposure (mGy), exposure rate (mGy/S), and Half Value Layer (HVL). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes many thanks to Minister for Education and Culture, Rector of Hasanuddin University, and chairman of research center, Hasanuddin University for the sponsorship using operational funding for State University (BOPTN), 2013. REFERENCES 1. United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, Sources and Effects of ionizing radiation, Unscear Report, Volume 1, United Nations, New York (2009). 2. The regulation of Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency chairman (Perka Bapeten) Nu. 9, 2011 Control quallity of X-ray radio diagnostic and interventional. 3. Guibelalde E., Christofides S., Caruana C. J., Evans S. van der Putten W. (2012). 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