Biodiversity Policy with a Focus on the Endangered Species Act


Biodiversity Legislation: A focus on the Endangered Species Act

S E C T I O N 2 : T H E M A J O R A C T O R S I N E S A



Class Outline

Endangered Species Act Imperatives

Why Legislate Biodiversity Protection? Why have an Endangered Species Act?

Bodies Governing the ESA

The Role of the Fish and Wildlife Service


National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA)

Congressional oversight and appropriations committees


ESA Imperative

 The introduction to the Endangered Species Act of

1973 (Act), determines that endangered and threatened species of wildlife and plants “are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value to the Nation and its people” (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Under the

Endangered Species Act, 2009).

Why Legislate Biodiversity Protection? Why have an Endangered Species Act?

Societal Services

Ecosystem Services

Endangered Species Actors

The U.S. FWS


The Courts-

Members of congress

Oversight committee members

Appropriations committee members

The Role of the Fish and Wildlife Service

 The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is to administer the Endangered Species Act.

Under Section 7 the FWS has to verify that it along with all public and private entities are not infringing upon the ESA

Under Section 9 the FWS limits the amount of take that any given entity can do

Provides grants for conservation programs

Keeps information on listed species, candidate species, conservation plans, updates, educational information, etc.

Helps to ensure that any recovery plans follow the guidelines within the ESA

Work with Indian tribes to ensure that they follow the law like everyone else

Offer habitat conservation plans (agreements between the FWS and land owners about how to protect threatened and endangered species)

The Role of the Fish and Wildlife Service

 The FWS is offering grants for farmers

Figure adapted from:

2010 Funds Available through the FWS

 Cooperative Endangered Species Fund annually provides approximately:

$10 million through the Habitat Conservation Planning

Assistance Grants Program

$41 million through the Habitat Conservation Plan Land

Acquisition Grants Program

$15 through the Recovery Land Acquisition Grants Program

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The FWS administers the ESA under Section 6 of the text

The FWS coordinates with federal agencies under

Section 7

The FWS is continually underfunded, undermanned, and underrepresented in the power structure surrounding the

ESA (Spray and McGlothlin, 2003, 138-139)

The Department of the Interior's Hugh Vickery says, "It's part of the whole history of the [ESA]. The provisions aren't working. They're just a litigation magnet."

NOAA Fisheries Office

Manages marine and anadromous species (species that live their adult lives in the ocean)

Section 4

Listing of species

Critical habitat

Recovering species

Cooperation with States- Section 6

Interagency Consultations- Section 7

International Cooperation

Enforcement of the ESA- Section 9

Permits and Habitat Conservation Plans- Section 10

Bodies Responsible for ESA

Endangered Species Committee composed of five members including:

(A) The Secretary of Agriculture.

(B) The Secretary of the Army.

(C) The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

(D) The Administrator of the Environmental Protection


(E) The Secretary of the Interior.

(F) The Administrator of the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration

(G) A president-appointee

Financing the ESA

More money is given to listed species with land conflicts and for charismatic megafauna

Federal agencies sometimes provide matching grants for species recovery plans

U.S. FWS provide funding for grants for recovery plans

Congressional oversight and appropriations committees

Can block amendments, biodiversity legislation, and can block the U.S. FWS from complying with specific provisions within the ESA

Study finds partisan influences committee decisions on threatened and endangered species designation

For the Endangered Species Act this tends to be the

House Resources Committee and the Senate and

Environmental Works Committee

Interest Groups

Environmental Lobby Groups including: Center for

Biological Diversity (CBD), The Defenders of

Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy

Lobby to congress

Develop Reports on conservation and individual threatened species

Create Congress advertisements like the one on the right

Developers, landowners psas/stop_the_bush_administration_from_und ermining_the_esa_ads.php


 Political Maneuvers:

Department Setting a time limit for the FWS permitting

Can block amendments, biodiversity legislation, and can block the U.S. FWS from complying with specific provisions within the ESA

Study finds that committee decisions on threatened and endangered species designation there is a significant statistical difference in how many fewer animals were accepted when there were more Republicans than democrats

Controversy over the Science

Union for Conserned Science

ESA is not as bad as it seems there needs to be more time to for species to recover- there has only been 30 years for them to recover

Reform bills are often used to weaken the ESA rather than to strengthen the science (which is just a pretext to change the bill)

There are modest successes which will take time for the species to fully recover

Representative Pombo from


“only 10 of these 1,304 species have been recovered in the act's history.”

“Numerous qualified studies assert that none of the species listed by the FWS to have been

“recovered” in the United States may reasonably be claimed to have recovered as a result of the

ESA. The fact is that the few recovery success stories are not even attributable to regulatory protections under the ESA but to unrelated factors such as bans on

DDT and other organochlorides.

Restructure the ESA?

Species-based conservation-

Can protect ecosystem services and ecosystem functioning-

Ecosystem approach-

Tend to be more cost effective

Tend to be less effective at preserving species due to poor ecological understanding

Species protected for their ecosystem roles-

Protect species = protect the ecosystem = $ =  society

Fail to protect species = ecosystem collapse = $ =  society



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Additional Reading

Ed. Scott, Michael J., Goble, Dale D., and Frank W.

Davis. The Endangered Species Act at Thirty:

Renewing the Conservation Promise. v.I Island

Press, Washington: 2006.

Albrecht, Virginia S. and Christman, James N., 1999.

The Endangered Species Act. Hunton & Williams

LLP. Accessed Online May 2, 2010:

 Albrecht, Virginia S. and Christman, James N., 1999. The Endangered Species Act. Hunton & Williams

LLP. Accessed Online May 2, 2010:


Clayton, Mark, 2007. Politics undercut species act, suits say. Christian Science Monitor. Accessed

Online May 7, 2010.

Cooper, Mary H. 2005. Endangered Species Act: Is the landmark law in need of change? Available at:


Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. 1992. Robertson v. Seattle Audubon

Society'y (90-1596), 503 U.S. 429. Available at:


Cornell University Law School, Legal Information Institute. 1999. Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapt.

Comms. for Ore. (94-859), 515 U.S. 687. Available at:


Czech, Brian, and Krausman, Paul R. The Endangered Species Act: History, Conservation Biology, and

Public Policy. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore: 2001.

 Ed. Scott, Michael J., Goble, Dale D., and Frank W. Davis. The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Conserving

Biodiversity in Human-Dominated Landscapes. v.II Island Press, Washington: 2006.

Ed. Scott, Michael J., Goble, Dale D., and Frank W. Davis. The Endangered Species Act at Thirty: Renewing the

Conservation Promise. v.I Island Press, Washington: 2006.

Greenwald, Noah D. 2009. Effects on Species’ Conservation of Reinterpreting the Phrase “Significant Portion of its

Range” in the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Conservation Biology , 23 (6): 1374-1377. Available at:

Justia US Court of Appeals, Cases and Opinions. 2005. Spirit of the Sage Council, et al., Appellees v. Gale A. Norton,

Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior, et al., Appellees coalition for Habitat Conservation, et al., Intervenors.

Available at:

Justia US Supreme Court Center.1978. TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTH. V. HILL, 437 U. S. 153. Available at:

Justia US Supreme Court Center.1989. ROBERTSON V. METHOW VALLEY CITIZENS, 490 U. S. 332. Available at:

National Association of Homebuilders logo. Available at:

National Defenders of Wildlife, 2010. Endangered Species Act. Accessed Online May 4th, 2010:

National Marine Fisheries

National Marine Fisheries Service logo. Available at:

NOAA, 2010. Interagency Consultation (ESA Section 7). Available Online:

OpenJurist. 2000. 199 F3d 1224 Wyoming Farm Bureau Federation v. Bruce Babbitt,

Secretary of Department of Interior. Available at:

OpenJurist.2001. 245 F3d 434 Sierra Club v. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Available at:

Petersen, Shannon. 2002. Acting for Endangered Species: The Statutory Ark. University Press of Kansas: Lawrence, Kansas.

Picture of Bruce Babbitt. Available at:

Picture of dam on Little Tennessee River. Available at:

Picture of Forest in Pacific Northwest. Available at:

Picture of Gulf Sturgeon in water. Available at:

Picture of Mule Deer Herd. Available at:

Picture of Northern Rocky Mountain Gray Wolves. Available at:

Picture of Okanango National Forest. Available at:

Picture of Palila bird. Available at :

Picture of red cockaded woodpecker. Available at:

Picture of snail darter. Available at:

Picture of Spotted Owl. Available at:

Picture of sturgeon being held up in the air. Availble at:

Picture of Yellowstone National Park. Available at:,%20Lower%20Falls,%20Yellowstone%20National%20Park.jpg

Spirit of the Sage council logo. Available at:

Spray, Aaron L. and McGlothlin, Karen L. Loss of Biodiversity Lanham, Maryland. The Rowman & LittleFields Publisher, 2003.

The Oyez Project. 1992. Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife , 504 U.S. 555

Available at: ( )

The Oyez Project. 1995. Babbitt, Secretary Of Interior v. Sweet Home Chapter Of Communities For A Great Oregon , 515 U.S. 687. Available at:

The Oyez Project. 2007. National Association of Home Builders, et al. v. Defenders of Wildlife, 551 U.S. ___. Available at:

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Program, 2009. Consultations with Federal Agencies: Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Online Accessed:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logo. Available at:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2008. A History of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Available at:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010. Endangered Species Act of 1973: As amended through the 108th Congress. Available at:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Secretary Salazar Announces Nearly $66 Million in Grants to Conserve Habitat of Threatened and Endangered Species. Online Accessed 26 April 2010. News Release 12 April


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Endangered Species Act at 35. Online Accessed 4 April 2010. Last Updated 12 June 2009. Available at:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A History of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Online Accessed 4 April 2010. Publication April 2008. Available at:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Endangered Species Act of 1973: as Amended by the 108th Congress. SEC. 7. FEDERAL AGENCY ACTIONS AND CONSULTATIONS, Pages 17-18. Accessed Online


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2008. "Permits for Native Species Under the Endangered Species Act"
