Name Date Per ____ Nervous System Learning Outcomes

Name _______________________
Date ________________ Per ____
Nervous System Learning Outcomes Completed
1) What are the three main functions of the nervous system?
1. Receives information about what is happening both inside and outside your body.
2. Directs the way our body responds to the information.
3. Helps maintain homeostasis.
2) What are the five senses that bring information to the brain? Sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch
3) What is a stimulus? What is an example of a stimulus? Any signal or change in your
environment that can make an organism react. Example: mosquito lands on your arm...
4) What is a response? What is an example of a response? An organism’s reacts to the stimulus,
the reaction. Example: You slap your arm to try to squish the mosquito.
5) What are the 2 division of the nervous system?
1. Central Nervous System
2. Peripheral Nervous System
6) What is the central nervous system? The Brain and spinal cord: the control center of the
7) What is the peripheral nervous system? All the nerves located outside of the central
nervous system. The PNS is involved in voluntary and involuntary actions.
8) Draw and label the five parts of the neuron.
9) What is the job of the dendrite? To deliver information from the senses to the cell body.
10) What is the job of the axon? To send information away from the cell body to another
neuron, muscle, organ, gland, cell.
11) Describe the functions of the following types of neurons
A. Sensory - send information from sensory receptors (e.g., in skin, eyes, nose,
tongue, ears) TOWARD the central nervous system. Sensory = senses
B. Interneuron - send information between sensory neurons and motor neurons. Most
interneurons are located in the central nervous system. Inter = between
C. Motor - send information AWAY from the central nervous system to muscles or
glands. Motor = muscle
12) What do we call a message that needs to be sent to the brain? A nerve impulse
13) What is the space between neurons called? A synapse
14) What are the three regions of the brain AND their functions?
A. Cerebrum - The LARGEST part of the brain. Responsible for: Learning,
Intelligence, Emotions, Personality, Judgment, senses, speech, all voluntary
activities of your body.
B. Cerebellum - Located towards the back of your brain. Coordinates the actions of
your muscles, Coordination, Balance
C. Brain Stem - Controls all of your involuntary actions: Heartbeat, Breathing,
15) What are two typical injuries that occur to the nervous system? Paralysis (spinal cord) and
concussion (brain “bruise”)