
WELLNESS NEWS for Week of November 12, 2014
Find all the latest Wellness news, activities and community events on the MWSU wellness web page.
Registration information, class details/times/locations and community events information can be found on
the MWSU Wellness webpage.
My Rewards points for 2014 must be redeemed no later than November 30th
Off Campus Reimbursement Verifications Due No Later Than December 5th.
Mosaic Lunch & Learn (Bring your lunch, if you choose)
*****Register by emailing Misty Miller, Benefits Coordinator at*****
November 12 (Wednesday) – Superfoods – CANCELED
November 19 (Wednesday) – Breaking the Cycle of Stress
Stress seems to be inevitable in this day and age, and unfortunately it wreaks havoc on our bodies.
From obesity to anxiety disorders to high blood pressure, stress has a role in many chronic diseases.
While you may not be able to eliminate the stress in your life, you can learn to manage it in healthy
ways. This class addresses how you can take a holistic approach to stress through physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual practices.
Popplewell 301
12:00 – 1:00
Bring your lunch if you would like.
December 3 (Wednesday) – Eating Healthy on a Budget
One of the most common reasons people give for not eating healthier is that it costs too much. Well, we
are here to tell you that eating healthy does not have to be expensive. In this class, you will learn tips
for sticking to a budget while you stick to your diet.
Popplewell 301
12:00 – 1:00
Bring your lunch if you would like.
December 10 (Wednesday) – Memory and Brain Health
Do you find yourself becoming more forgetful? Quick, where are your keys? Where did you park your
car today? What is the square root of 12,344? The last one was a trick question, but honestly, did you
know you can improve your memory and mental function and even reduce your risk of developing
Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia? This class will explore how lifestyle behaviors like exercise,
nutrition and choice of leisure activities can keep your memory sharp now and in the future.
Popplewell 301
12:00 – 1:00
Bring your lunch if you would like.
Aqua Fitness Class
Come cool off and wash your troubles away. This class will help you keep and gain flexibility in your joints with
no pressure on your joints, give you a great workout and help to relax your body and mind.
 Mondays and Thursdays, 4:45-5:30pm August 25th thru December 4th (No Class October 2nd)
 Looney Sports Complex Swimming Pool
This hatha yoga class is appropriate for all skill levels. It combines breathing and postures that will leave you
feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Find out first-hand the strength, flexibility and balance that can be gained
through yoga.
 Mondays, 12:00-1:00pm September 8th through December 1st
GISC (Griffon Indoor Sports Complex) Indoor Field
Bring a Yoga Mat, if you can. The indoor turf on Monday afternoons is not very comfortable.
Wednesdays, 5:00-6:00pm September 10th through December 3rd
Baker Fitness Center MPR133
Bring a Yoga Mat, if you can
Recreation Services Facilities
For hours of operation for Baker Fitness Center, Arena & Gymnasium, Swimming Pool or Racquetball Court,
please go to the following website:
Blue Cross Blue Shield---My Rewards
My Rewards points for 2014 must be redeemed no later than November 30th. If not redeemed by this date, they
will become void and will not carry over to the next year. Information about My Rewards can be found on the
MWSU wellness web page at
Fitness Class Reimbursements
In an effort to bring you fitness opportunities, we will be offering a reimbursement program for fitness classes
you attend in the community.
We will post schedules that we know about on the MWSU wellness page at If you know of opportunities that we are not posting and will
share, we will add them to our website.
The maximum reimbursement opportunity for the fall semester will be $50 (for the entire semester) for the first
20 employees to present their completed documentation. To be eligible for the reimbursement, your
participation and cost/payment for the class(es) you attend must be substantiated. Class examples are Zumba,
kickboxing, pilates, circuit training, etc.
Verification forms are available on the HR web page. This documentation must be turned in to Human
Resources no later than December 5th.
Weight Loss Program Reimbursement
Missouri Western will offer a reimbursement program for participation in a community weight loss program
(Weight Watcher’s, Slim for Life, etc.).
The reimbursement opportunity for the fall semester will be $100 (for the entire semester) and verified weight
loss of at least 5% of your starting body weight for the first 20 employees to present their completed
documentation. Program examples are Weight Watchers, Slim 4 Life, Curves, etc.
Verification forms are available on the HR web page. Actual weight in pounds is not needed.
This documentation must be turned in to Human Resources no later than December 5th. Due to this
reimbursement program, Weight Watchers at Work will not be offered on campus this semester.