Unit 11: Acidic Soils & Salt

Unit 11: Acidic Soils & SaltAffected Soils
Chapter 8
Impacts/Causes/Effects of soil acidity
& salinity
Action of lime in the soil & products
Application methods for lime
Reclaiming & managing salt-affected
Many adverse affects from acidic &
saline soils
Some research says ¾ of humidregion soils need lime
~ 2.5 b ac affected by saline conditions
Salinity can occur from various
reasons, various regions
Salinity much harder to manage than
Why Some Soils Are Acidic
Most soils become acidic due to
Soil cations leached through soil profile
Favorable soil cations replaced by Al on
CEC sites when pH < 4.7 – Al toxic to
most plants
Areas receiving >30” rain/yr high risk for
acidity, if not managed
Why Some Soils Are Acidic
Must have centuries of leaching of
cations to acidify naturally
Most acidic soils in the U.S. found:
East of Mississippi River
Pacific coastal soils
Mountain areas
Avg 35” rain/yr – soil pH’s 5-6
Ecological Relation of Soil
Acidic soils usually leached
Strongly acidic soils have:
Few basic cations (Ca, K, Mg, etc.)
available for absorption
High amounts of Al, Mn, etc.
Low contents of micros
Toxic levels of Al, Mn
Severely slowed microbial process & N
Ecological Relation of Soil
Acid-tolerant plants have adapted to
these conditions well
Don’t require high levels of nutrients
Able to lock up Al
Composition of Lime
Lime standard treatment for acidic soils
Liming materials:
Calcic Limestone (Ag Lime) – fine ground
Dolomitic Limestone – lime w/ Mg
Quicklime – burned limestone
Hydrated Lime – reaction w/ water to
hydroxide form
Marl – lime from bottom of freshwater
Composition of Lime
Chalk – soft limestone from ocean
Blast surface slag – byproduct of iron
industry – has higher P content
Ground oystershell, wood ash – from
paper mill, sugar beet plants, fly ash, etc.
Fluid lime – suspension containing any
form of usable lime
Gypsum – not lime, but does supply Ca,
can help alleviate Al toxicity
Composition of Lime
Chemical Guarantees of Lime
Limestone seldom pure calcium
More impurities, lower level of true
CaCO3 available
Lime purities can be expressed w/ a
CaCO3 equivalent – ex. 85%
Composition of Lime
Reactivity of Lime
Neutralizing power of lime determined by
rate of solubility of the material used
Different forms more/less soluble
Fineness of grind also has great affect
Reactions of Lime Added to
Acidic Soils
Addition of lime to an acidic soil
eliminates two major (among others)
Excess soluble Al (toxic levels)
Slow microbial action
Other benefits to liming
Raised pH reduces excess soluble Mn, &
Reactions of Lime Added to
Acidic Soils
Ca & Mg (deficient in many acid soils)
can be added in one operation w/
Dolomitic lime
Increases availability of P
Makes K usage more efficient
Increases N availability by promoting
microbe growth, decomposition of
organic matter
Increases plant-available Mo
Keeping pH above 6.5 reduces solubility
of heavy (toxic) metals
Crops, Lime, & Soil
How Much Lime to Apply?
Soluble & exchangeable acidity need to
be neutralized to change pH
Especially exchangeable
Acid tolerance
Least: alfalfa, sweet clover
Low: corn, wheat
Moderate: oats, strawberries
High: blueberry, Lespedeza
Crops, Lime, & Soil
Increased levels of clay/organic matter,
increase amount of lime needed to
change pH
Our soils typically <10% organic matter –
our target pH should be ~6.5
Soil nutrients more/less available at
varying pH’s
Crops, Lime, & Soil
Methods of Applying Lime
Most effective – apply lime each year
How many do?
More common – add lime when needed
in large enough amounts to justify cost
Definitely should apply 4-12 mos before a
legume seeding, or few mos before high
value crop planting
Crops, Lime, & Soil
Surface applied
Most effective if incorporated
Liming No-till Fields
No-till fields:
Microbial action is much shallower
Acid layer at/near surface
Typical build-up of fertilizers near surface
(top 1-2”)
Liming raises that shallow soil pH,
increases effectiveness of fertilizers &
Crops, Lime, & Soil
Lime Balance Sheet
Ammonium fertilizers may neutralize
100# of lime/yr
N fertilization most common reason for soil
acidification in cropping soils
Can have ~330-500#/ac lost lime each
Calls for 1 t/ac addition of lime every 5 yrs (in
addition to lime needed to neutralize N
Acidifying Soils
If growing crops preferring acid soils
Use fertilizers w/:
S, Fe, Al compounds, sulfuric acid
Seldom attempted to acidify a soil, unless
for specific production purpose
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Excess salt kills growing plants
High salt levels can render a soil
unproductive for decades, centuries
 Soluble Salts
Not restricted to table salt – many
different salts can be formed due to
chemicals available
In some soils, salt concentrations higher
than seawtaer (>3-4% total salt)
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Irrigation can speed a soil salt problem:
All irrigation water contains salt
If a farmer adds 4” of water w/ 1000mg salt/L adds
890 lb/ac salt/yr
Raises naturally salty groundwater level
closer to surface
Groundwater can rise to surface through capillary
action & evaporate – leaving salt behind
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Measuring Soluble Salts
Electrical Conductivity (EC) – conductivity
directly proportional to salt concentration
Higher EC reading = more electricity
conducted = higher soil salinity
Effects of Salt Concentration
Usually, just reduce plant growth due to
osmotic effect – interferes w/ plant’s
ability to extract soil water
High saline soils can actually rod water back
from plant roots
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Plants have varying tolerance to soil salts
Not all affected at same time/same way
Effects of Specific Ions
Na & Cl can be toxic to woody
ornamentals & fruit crops
Some plants can be injured by <5%
exchangeable Na for some fruits, other
woody ornamentals <.5% Cl & .25% Na
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Salt-Affected Soil Classification
Saline Soils
Enough salt at some position w/in the root
zone to interfere w/ plant growth
Unleached products
Salty irrigation water
Upward movement of groundwater
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Sodic Soils
Salt imbalance caused by Na is the dominant
cation, rather than Ca
Water infiltration problems
Toxic levels of Na
pH >8.5
Irrigation water
Weathering of parent materials
Upward migration of salty groundwater
Contamination from oil/gas well production
Soluble Salts & Plant Growth
Can have a sodic horizon
Saline-Sodic Soils
High in salinity & high in Na
Affect plants by osmotic effect & toxicity of Na
Good water infiltration
pH <8.5
Attempts to improve condition by leaching
results in sodic soil
Salt Balance
23% of world’s cultivated land saline
39% sodic
Australia – many soil salinity problems
Irrigation & land clearing – primary
Salt buildup existing/potential hazard
on 42m ac of irrigated land in U.S.
Salt Balance
Salt balance – outgoing salt =
incoming salt
Managed leaching to help wash away
any salt buildups
May call for a leaching requirement to
remedy & keep crops productive
Reclaiming Salty Soils
3 Rules:
Establish internal drainage
Replace excess exchangeable Na
If not already adequate
May require tile installation, ditching
Can be impractical/costly
Necessary for sodic & saline-sodic soils
Extent varies w/ soil texture, clay, quality of available
water extent of damage
Leach out most of soluble salts
Especially in root zone
Use good quality irrigation water
Reclaiming Salty Soils
Reclaiming Saline Soils
Can be easy, if:
Low-salt irrigation water is available
Internal & surface drainage is adequate
Disposal areas for salt available
Difficult when:
High water table
Fine-textured soils
Reclaiming Salty Soils
Add organic mulch – slows movement of
water to the soil surface
Quantity of water required to help leach:
Depends on depth needed to leach
% of salts to be removed
How its done (constant/intermittent sprinkling)
Reclaiming Salty Soils
Reclaiming Sodic & Saline-Sodic Soils
Sodic soils
Downward movement of water can’t leach out
excess Na
Must first replace Na on CEC sites
Use gypsum
Can then leach out excess Na
Can also use S to reduce soil pH
Managing Salty Soils
Water Control
Maintain high water content in soil
Keeps salts diluted
Plants more able to tolerate higher salt levels
Leach soil before planting to move salts
below root zone in early plant
Managing Salty Soils
Planting Position
Salt moves w/ water
Plant on side of ridges where salt buildup may be avoided
Use sprinkler irrigation to keep salt
washed into soil profile
Managing Salty Soils
Saline Seeps
Changing topography of soil to create a
low point where water (w/ dissolved salts)
can seep out of soil & be collected
Add plantings to help utilize the water