How DNA makes a cell Chapter 12 It always starts with an accident! • In 1928 ________ was trying to find a vaccine for __________ • He started by trying to understand why one strand was so virulent and the other was not – The ___ strand was __________and has a rough exterior – The ___ strand was _________ and had a smooth exterior. • He never found a vaccine but stumbled upon clues of inheritance. No vaccine, but a new question • He injected mice with different combinations of the two bacterium's hoping to find a combo that gave resistance… here is what he found… • He concluded ____________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________________ • They didn’t know how or why! DNA or Protein • Since Griffith’s time there was a debate– DNA or Protein, which was responsible for passing on heritable traits? • ______ ___ _______ (Chase is the woman) did the experiment that proved it was DNA • Used viruses (________________) which contain only DNA and protein The Experiment… • They knew that a virus made other viruses by pirating a bacterial host (I’ll explain) • They didn’t know if it was the protein or DNA that had the code to make new viruses so… – They made two kinds of viruses • Radioactive protein • Radioactive DNA – Let them infect bacteria – Separated the liquid they were in from the bacteria – In the radioactive protein mix they found the radioactivity in the liquid (_____________________ _________________________________________) – In the radioactive DNA mix they found the radioactivity in the bacteria ____________________ ______________________________) • Therefore _____________________________ _________________________________________ Supernatant= Liquid Enter Watson and Crick • We are going to watch a whole movie about them! • They came up with the very structure of DNA– and won the Nobel Prize • They used (and abused) Rosalind Franklin… you’ll see! Structure of DNA • The nucleotide structure was known long before the molecular structure • 4 base pairs (nitrogenous bases) Nucleotide – – – – Adenine Guanine Cytosine Thymine (Uracil in RNA) • Attached to a sugar (deoxyribose or ribose) and phosphate backbone What Watson and Crick discovered (and Rosalind) • DNA links up along the ___________ (sugarphosphates) • Then ____ __________ _____________ and wrap around in a double helix (alpha helix) • Don’t forget one is right side up and one is upside down So if DNA passes on (and it does) it needs to have a copying system (and it does!) • DNA undergoes _____ __________ replication (each new molecule has one old and one new strand) • First it pulls apart into two strands, then pair in new bases… AT and GC • Sounds simple right? But what is the mechanism (oh no!) More on replication • To make a new copy we need an enzyme (speed things up) • ______ ___________is our guy • Synthesizes DNA from the ____ ________ (Wants itself to start with out an OH… mirrors the 3’) • On the 3’ parental end the DNA is just run off real fast–(______ __________) • On the 5’ end (_____ _______) it is done in little 5’3’ pieces (Okazaki fragments) then put together at the end (like making individual copies of each page) – A 2nd enzyme then puts the individual pages together (DNA ligase) When finished there is one from the parent and one new strand in each molecule Which is leading? Lagging?