Extra Credit Projects

Each extra Credit activity has a number; when you submit your assignment make sure you
are also including the number for identification. Each project will give you 5 points extra
1) Student creates a “picture” book with 10 vocabulary picture and a sentence for each picture of
current vocabulary.
2) Grammar picture book (Preterite, future, present, etc) 5 pages (yo, tú, él or ella, nosotros and
ellos or ellas or Uds.) example: 3 sentences in the preterite for each subject ( 1 –ar verb, 1 –er
verb and 1 –ir verbs; no repeating verbs on subsequent pages)
3) Research a job that you would require you to speak Spanish. Explain the job and whether or
not it would interest you. (Half a page, times new roman, pt 12 font.)
4) Go to a Spanish speaking movie (or use Netflix/Red Box). Write a short summary of the
movie (Half a page, times new roman, pt 12 font.) ; attach your ticket stub to your summary
(picture proof).
5) Find 10 signs in Spanish at stores or on bill boards around Pearland. Take a picture of it, write
what it means in English and where you saw it. (if it is wrong, correct it)
6) Go to a “Quinceañera “ party or to an Hispanic event and participate in the activities (fairCountry Independence day celebration). Write a short summary (Half a page, times new roman,
pt 12 font.) about your experience; attach to your paper your ticket stub or pictures that proved
that you were there)
7) Search for a Hispanic radio station on the internet (preferable 101.1 – 104.9 or online search).
Listen, record (as a proof) and write a summary of the topic in discussion.
8) Watch a soap opera / Novela on Univision,(Hispanic channel station) from 6:00 pm to
10:00pm. ; Mentir para Vivir - Por siempre mi amor - Lo que la vida me robó – Que Pobres tan
Ricos. Write a synopsis of the episode..)
You can also go online, (http://novelasyseries.univision.com/); to “ Escena del día “, and see any
of the past scenes. In your report include; the name of the “ Novela” you selected and the date of
the Novela (you watched it)
9)Watch any program in Spanish (A report, cultural, news, etc) using the web (Google, You
tube, etc.) and summarize what you understood. Specify the name and the web address so I can
find it. Get your teacher’s approval before beginning.
10)Learn a song in Spanish from a Spanish radio station (101.1 mega , 104.9, etc. ), and explain
11) Memorize a poem-in Spanish- of any Hispanic poet. (search on web)
12) Look up an interesting article in a Hispanic Magazine or newspaper and write a summary
about it. Must include original article. (Half a page, times new roman, pt 12 font.)
13) Create a collage centered around a theme relating to Hispanic culture (a country, city, food,
music, holiday, festival -get your theme approved by your teacher first). You may use magazine
pictures, photos, hand drawn images, etc- be creative! The collage cannot be done on notebook
paper (use computer/ construction paper, poster, etc). On the back, include a typed paragraph
explaining the cultural significance of the items you chose and how they relate to your theme.
14) Choose a book that was written by a Hispanic author or is about Hispanic life (get book
approved first). Type up a 1 page summary (in your own words!!) of the book. Within the one
page summary, include a short paragraph giving background info on the author. Summary should
be size 12 font, double spaced.
15) For this option, you will need access to actual travel information. You need to plan a trip
based on accurate information, for at least three days to a Spanish-speaking city outside of the
US. The information should be written up as if you were actually going on this trip. Make sure to
include airfare, the hotel you would stay at and nightly rates, tourist attractions, etc. The most
important part of this option is to highlight culturally significant places to visit. Include a short
explanation of why the places are important. This should be typed in an easy to follow format- be
16). Learn a dance native to a Hispanic culture and perform it in front of the class (either in
person or taped). Up to 4 people can work on this together.
You/the group must also hand in a typed report on the history and origin of the dance. YOU
17) Create an original “Spanglish” comic. Your comic can be in English and Spanish, but needs
to include at least 15 Spanish words/phrases within the dialogue. Comics must be done on
computer paper and in color. Needs to have at least 8 panels or boxes and must tell a story.
18) Create a video about any topic we have discussed in class-have it approved by me first. The
majority of the video needs to be in Spanish. You will be graded on the accuracy of the spoken
Spanish. Videos need to be at least 1 full minute in length; you may include bloopers, but they
should last no longer than 15 seconds. Bloopers do not count towards the length of the video.
Max of 3 people per video. You can copy the video to a DVD/flash drive, put it on YouTube
(check w/ parents 1st!), email it to me, or just bring in the actual video camera to show me (I can
store it in a locked file drawer during the school day).
19) Create a board game based on a topic we are covering in class. The game must include
directions (can be written in English) and be done neatly and colorfully. Make sure you include
all game pieces, materials needed to play the game
20) Write a letter to an “imaginary” future student of mine for next year giving him or her
WORDS OF WISDOM OR ADVICE about what to expect when they come into the class. Use
the following questions as a guide in your writing. Your response should be at least ONE PAGE
(but may be more). Start your letter off with ‘Dear New Student.’ You Must write your name at
the bottom.
1) What should you expect from Mrs. Powell’s class?
2) What is the class like?
3) What are some things you enjoyed or disliked about the class? What is your favorite part
of the class? Least favorite part?
4) How was Mrs. Powell as a teacher?
5) What did you learn about Spanish? What did you learn from this class or Mrs. Powell?
6) What is the best piece of advice you would give an incoming student about Mrs. Powell’s
class to ensure they are successful next year?
21). TOP 10 REASONS TO STUDY SPANISH : Design a poster that promotes the study of
Spanish and lists the TOP TEN REASONS (in your opinion) why it is important to study the
Spanish language and culture. Think of this as something that could be displayed in the
classroom and/or given out to persuade students and parents for their children to take Spanish.
Be creative, decorate your posted, make it presentable!
22) SPANISH IN THE WORKPLACE: Why might it be useful to learn Spanish for a job?
Create an advertisement that describes a job or profession of your choosing and explain why
Spanish will be useful or important in that profession. Illustrate the advertisement and make it
catchy and persuasive!
23) SHORT STORY / BOOK OF MEMORIES: Create and illustrate a short story that talks
about childhood activities/memories or what you used to do as a child. Use the vocabulary and
expressions we learned in class about childhood activities as well as the Imperfect Tense.
24) Las Favoritas : Write your favorites in Spanish. You should write in SPANISH. Choose at
least 6 of the following categories: Música Favorita (favorite music), Película Favorita
(favorite movie), Programa de Televisión Favorito (favorite tv show), Comida Favorita
(favorite food), Tienda de Ropa Favorita (favorite clothing store), Clase Favorita (favorite
class), Equipo Favorito o Deporte Favorito (favorite team or sport) Libro Favorito (favorite
book), Color Favorito (favorite color), Día o Mes Favorito (favorite day or month). Your
favorites should be pictured next to the sentence that describes it. It must be presented on a
poster board (or half poster), decorated and presentable.
25) Student looks up information about a Spanish Speaking country, draws a map and labels
pertinent information. (capital city and 3 other major cities, all regions, physical geography,
historic event locations etc.) Must be colorful and neat.
26) Student researches a Spanish speaking country and prepares a travel brochure in Spanish
using commands to tell people what do see and do in the country.