History and Approaches of Psychology

 By the end of this chapter, I will be able to:
 Recognize how philosophical perspectives shaped the development of
psychological thought.
• Describe and compare different theoretical approaches in explaining
— structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism in the early years;
— Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism emerging later;
— evolutionary, biological, and cognitive as more contemporary approaches.
• Recognize the strengths and limitations of applying theories to explain
• Distinguish the different domains of psychology:
— biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling, developmental, educational,
experimental, human factors, industrial–organizational, personality,
psychometric, and social.
• Identify the major historical figures in psychology (e.g., Mary Whiton
Calkins, Charles Darwin, Dorothea Dix, Sigmund Freud, G. Stanley Hall,
William James, Ivan Pavlov, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Margaret
Floy Washburn, John B. Watson, Wilhelm Wundt).
 Lesson 1: Define psychology and trace its historical
 Lesson 2: Explain how psychology’s different
perspectives contribute to a complete view of the
human form.
 Lesson 3: Identify the major subfields of psychology.
 By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
 1. Recognize how philosophical perspectives shaped
the development of psychological thought.
 2. Describe and compare different theoretical
approaches in explaining behavior:
 3. Identify the major historical figures in
 When you hear the
word psychology, what
words come to mind?
 Turn to someone next
to you and talk about
 What words did you
come up with?
 Why did you pick those
 People have been studying
human behavior for
thousands of years.
(Examples: Romans,
Egyptians, Indians)
 This was good, but was not
done in an organized
 Psychology as a science has
a very short history.
 Today, psychology focuses
much more on quantifying
results (observation is not
 Psychology: The scientific study of behavior and mental
Let’s break down the definition
Behavior – Anything that you do that can be observed.
Mental Processes – Internal experiences such as:
thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perceptions. (harder to
observe and quantify)
Systematic Study: Systematic collection and examination
of data (empirical evidence) to support or disprove
hypotheses (predictions) rather than depending on
common sense.
 Roots of psychology can be
traced back 2000 years ago to the
early philosophers, biologists,
and physiologists of ancient
 Hippocrates – Greek
Physiologist that thought the
mind or soul resided in the brain.
 He believed that it was not
composed of a physical
 This is called mind-bodydualism – seeing mind and body
as two different things that
Can anyone lend this guy some
facial moisturizer?
 Plato (350 B.C.) –
Greek philosopher that
believed that who we
are and what we know
are innate (inborn).
 Aristotle – Plato’s
student believed that
who we are and what
we know are acquired
from experience.
 About 2000 yrs. later John
Locke and Rene Descartes had
a similar argument.
John Locke – Believed that
knowledge comes from
observation, and what we
know comes from experience.
He coined the term “tabula
rasa” – blank slate.
“The mind is like a blank slate
in which the environment
writes upon.”
Rene Descartes – Believed
that what we know is innate.
Focused much of his research
on how the nervous system
“I think therefore I am.”
 The debate about the extent
to which our behavior is
inborn or learned through
experience is called the
nature vs. nurture
 Nature: Certain elementary
ideas are innate to the
human mind; not gained
through experience
 Men are born, not made
 Nurture: Anything
that we know, we have
learned through
 Our mind is like a
blank slate (tabula
rasa; Locke) that the
environment writes
 Men are made, not
Where do the Spartans fall
into this nature vs. nurture
 By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
 1. Describe and compare different theoretical
approaches in explaining behavior:
 — structuralism, functionalism, and behaviorism in
the early years;
 — Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and
humanism emerging later;
 — evolutionary, biological, and cognitive as more
contemporary approaches.
 2. Recognize the strengths and limitations of
applying theories to explain behavior.
 Not all psychologists look at
psychology the same way.
Some believe that you are who
you are purely because of your
Some believe that experiences
play a much bigger factor.
Psychology is a broad field that
aims to answer questions from
many different perspectives.
We are going to look at the
different schools and
approaches to psychology.
But first….. A quick poll to
wake you up!
 By the late 1800’s,
psychology was beginning
to emerge as a separate
scientific discipline.
 Biologist Charles Darwin
came up with the theory of
natural selection.
 Psychology branched into
two schools of psychology
(structuralism and
functionalism) and from
there several approaches to
Wilhelm Wundt – Credited as the
founder of scientific psychology
because in 1879 he set up a
research laboratory in Germany.
The lab was dedicated to the
scientific study of conscious
experiences and sensations.
Introspection – the process of
looking inward to identify how one
feels, thinks, or acts.
he replicated his studies in
different conditions with similar
Wundt helped found the School
of Structuralism which aimed to
focus on the structure of the mind
and indentify the basic elements of
 William James was a
psychologist that felt that
Wundt was asking the
wrong questions.
James was more interested
in the function or purpose
of behavioral acts.
School of Functionalism
– Researchers that focused
on how we adapt to our
environments. (stream of
Main Goal: Explain human
Also wrote first psychology
 Max Wertheimer –
founded Gestalt
The whole is more than the
sum of it’s parts
Example: A beautiful
A painting is more than
just colors and line – its an
So, each person has a
completely different
experience when viewing
the world – must be
sensitive to this during
 Behavioral Approach –
Focuses on measuring and
recording observable
behavior. (behavior results
from learning)
 Pavlov and his dogs, Watson
and Baby Albert, Skinner
and his rats. (rewards,
punishments, and
 All these men believed that
psychology should be the
science of behavior.
 Psychoanalytic Approach
– Focuses on unconscious
internal conflicts to explain
mental disorders,
personality, and motivation.
 Sigmund Freud developed
this approach and focused
on unconscious desires
(Freudian slips, life and
death instincts, libido, early
life experiences.
 Psychodynamic Approach
– Those that varied Freud’s
ideas but kept with the
roots of psychoanalysis.
 Humanistic Approach –
Emphases the importance
of people’s feelings and view
human nature as naturally
positive and growth
 Abraham Maslow
(Hierarchy of Needs) and
Carl Rogers (Unconditional
Positive Regard) led the
 This approach came out the
60’s and 70’s.
 Biological Approach
– Examines how
complex chemical and
biological processes
within the nervous and
endocrine systems are
related to the behavior
of organisms.
 Much research is being
done today using this
approach – Brain based
 Cognitive Approach –
Emphasizes the
importance of
receiving, storing, and
 It also focuses on
thinking, reasoning,
and using language to
understand human
 Cognition – thinking
and memory.
 Evolutionary
Approach –Attempts
to explain behavior
patterns as adaptations
naturally selected to
increase reproductive
 This approach uses
Darwin’s theory of
natural selection as a
 Darwin wrote Origin of
 As time progressed more
people were traveling and
visiting other cultures.
 Psychologists soon
recognized the difference in
cultural gestures, body
language, and spoken
 Socio-cultural Approach
– Examines the cultural
differences in an attempt to
understand, predict, and
control behavior.
 The most widely used
psychological approach
today is eclectic
 Eclectic – No one
perspective can best
explain all human
 So…Eclectic
psychologists use a
combination of all the
 By the end of this lesson, I will be able to:
 1. Distinguish the different domains of psychology:
biological, clinical, cognitive, counseling,
developmental, educational, experimental, human
factors, industrial–organizational, personality,
psychometric, and social.
 Psychology saw a huge
boom after World War II.
Many opportunities arose in
clinical and counseling
Psychologist – Treats
patients through talk
therapy and behavior
Psychiatrist – Treats
patients with medication
and behavior modification
Careers in Psychology
Website Link (APA)
Zimbardo Link
 Clinical Psychologists –
Evaluate and treat mental,
emotional, and behavioral
disorders. (OCD,
 Counseling Psychologists –
Help people adapt to change or
make changes in their lifestyle.
(Analyze This)
 Developmental
Psychologists – Study
psychological development
throughout a lifespan. (Piaget)
 Engineering Psychologists –
Do research on how people
function best with machines.
(assembly lines)
 Educational Psychologists –
Focus on how effective
teaching and learning take
place. (consultants)
 Forensic Psychologists –
Apply psychological principles
to legal issues. (crimes)
 Health Psychologists –
Concentrate on biological,
psychological, and social
factors associated with health
and illness. (hospitals)
 Industrial/Organizational
Psychologists – Aim to
improve productivity and the
quality of work life by applying
psychological principles and
methods to the workplace.
Neuro-psychologists – Explore
the relationship between
brain/nervous systems and
behavior. (Laboratory research)
 Psychometricians – Focus on
methods for acquiring and
analyzing psychological data.
(research based)
 Rehabilitation Psychologists –
Help clients with mental
retardation, developmental
disabilities, and disabilities
resulting from neurological injury.
 School Psychologists – Assess
and counsel students, consult with
educators and parents, and
perform behavioral intervention
when necessary. (Mrs. Waikem)
 Social Psychologists –
Focus on how a person’s
mental life and behavior are
shaped by interactions with
other people. (can be
workplace related)
 Sports Psychologists –
Help athletes refine their
focus on competition goals,
increase motivation, and
deal with anxiety and fear of
failure. (Professional
Athletes) - Link