Chapter 19 Section 1 The Other America


Chapter 19 Section 4

The Other America


Amidst the prosperity of the 1950’s, millions of Americans lived in poverty.

The Urban Poor

1962, nearly 1 out of every 4

Americans was living below poverty level

Many were elderly, single women, and minorities

1950’s millions of middle class

Americans left the cities for suburbs

Rural poor migrated to the inner cities

“White Flight”

Cities lost people and business

Cities could no longer afford to maintain or improve schools, public transportation, and police and fire departments

Suburban Americans were unaware of decay in the inner city

“ The Other America”

Book written by Michael Harringtonissue of poverty in the United States

Most African Americans, Native

Americans, and Latinos lived in crowded, dirty slums


Housing Act of 1949 was passed to provide a “decent home and suitable living environment for every American family”

 Called to tear down neighborhoods

Poverty Leads to Activism

African American Civil Rights movement was inspired to make a change

1942-Mexican Americans through a program called braceros (hired hands) were allowed into the U.S. to harvest crops

Many braceros were expected to leave the U.S. after their work was done but many stayed illegally to escape Mexico

Native Americans Continue their


Continued to fight for rights and identity

1924 Snyder Act granted citizenship to Native Americans but they still remain 2 nd class citizens

1944 established National

Congress of American Indians to ensure civil rights that whites had

The Termination Policy

Termination Policy- eliminated federal economic support, discontinued the reservation system, and distributed tribal lands among individual native


Termination policy was failure

Native Americans were left without medical care and jobs
