Lottery Rose 1st week PowerPoint (TP Revision)

The Lottery Rose
by: Irene Hunt
Analyze everything you can on this book cover.
Think about the pictures, what predictions can you
make about this story?
1. List every prediction you can think of on your paper.
2. Take turns reading your list and explaining why.
3. Rank your ideas. 1 being the best
The Lottery Rose
by: Irene Hunt
Novel Description:
In this contemporary young adult novel, Georgie
Burgess, overcomes an abusive environment. After
winning a rosebush in a grocery store lottery,
Georgie lavishes all the love and care that he never
received, on the rosebush.
What to expect this week in Reading
O Tuesday: Introduce Novel, The Lottery Rose
O Anticipation guide on major themes (handout)
O Reading log check
O Vocabulary Acquisition – Define, Illustrate &
O Wednesday:
O characterization chart – Keep this in your
notebook and jot down notes as we read!
O Novel Reading
O Thursday:
O Novel Reading & Characterization Chart
O Friday:
O Novel Reading & Characterization Chart
O RC quiz or alternative due
Directions: This is a chance to share your thoughts.
Answer the questions listed on the handout provided.
We will discuss these as a class.
1.There is a famous claim in the Declaration of Independence that we are
all “created equal.” Do all kids really get the same start in life? Explain.
2.Some people say that childhood is the easiest or most carefree time of
life. Do you think this is necessarily true?
3.What are some of the biggest problems that kids face today?
4.What do you think might be a solution for some of these problems?
Lottery Rose Vocabulary
O Using a dictionary or your BYLD
( define and illustrate your
pre-assigned word.
O Do not write your word on your word strip
O When everyone in your group has finished their
illustration, share your definition and
illustration and see if they can guess your word
1. What are 5 types of child abuse?
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _____ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is _______%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of _______.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing
the horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _____ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is _______%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of _______.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is _______%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of _______.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of _______.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of __5__.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of __5__.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of __5__.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About ______33___% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing
the horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of _______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of __5__.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of ______% of child maltreatment fatalities.
1. What are 5 types of child abuse? Physical, sexual, emotional, physical neglect, emotional neglect
2. Rank the types of abuse from 1-5 by which one happens the most to the least.
3. In 2012, _5__ children a day died as a result of abuse or neglect.
4. Studies indicate that the percentage of deaths due to abuse that are not counted is __50__%
5. Approximately 80% of children that die from abuse are under the age of __5__.
6. A report of child abuse is made every 10 seconds/minutes/hours?
7. About _________% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children, continuing the
horrible cycle of abuse. 5
8. At least one parent is the perpetrator of __80__% of child maltreatment fatalities.
Novel Themes
•surviving extreme physical and emotional challenges
•healing power of self-respect and love
• the ability to give and receive love
• dealing with loss
•coming of age
• learning to trust oneself and others
O Characterization - the process by which
authors create memorable characters,
directly and indirectly sharing information
about them.
O Direct characterization – the author includes
specific character descriptions through the
characters or the narrator.
O Indirect characterization – the author
reveals a character’s traits through the use
of dialogue and character actions.
Draw this chart in your Reader’s Notebook to use throughout our reading of The Lottery Rose.
Characterization Chart
As new characters are introduced in the story, add them to the chart. Leave about 10 lines per character to
allow room to keep adding information.
Include pg. #s
Physical description
Age: He’s 7 ½
What does he look
Things we know about this character, (for
example: what’s happened to them)
He is physically abused.
He likes _______________________
Things the character says to others AND
things he/she does
What does he say when someone asks about
his injuries?
What others think of this
character OR say to character
What does Rennie say about
Now let’s start reading,
The Lottery Rose!
Open your novel, be careful with the
pages and don’t bend the book back.
Follow along while we are reading or
listening to the novel.
Leave the novel on the right corner of
your desk when you leave. 
Make notes on your characterization
chart, page numbers, questions you
Day 2, warm-up
Directions: Copy the following definitions into your reader’s
Types of Characters
antagonist – a force working against the protagonist, or
main character
protagonist – the central character or hero in a narrative or
a drama
static (or flat) character – this character stays the same
dynamic (or round) character – this character changes
throughout the story
minor character – less important characters who interact
with the main characters and others
Day 3
O Read the novel
O Characterization review
Day 4
O Continue Reading Novel
O Quiz over Ch. 1-4 Monday