
Mollusks are soft-bodied animals
with a hard protective covering.
There are many
types of mollusks,
including clams,
oysters, snails,
squid and octopi.
There are many
Mollusks that we
The Mollusk Phylum has three
Main classes:
1. Gastropods (ex. - snails)
2. Bivalves (ex. - clams)
3. Cephalopods (ex. - squid)
Mollusks have a mantle, which is protective tissue
Covering its body. They breathe using gills, and they
Move using a muscular foot.
One advancement that mollusks have
is an open circulatory system.
The blood is not always inside of veins.
Gastropods(snails) have adapted to life on land.
This is a big step!
Most gastropods are covered with a protective shell.
Many have eyes.
Gastropods use a radula, a rough tongue,
to eat by scraping off food.
The next class of mollusks is bivalves,
which includes clams and oysters
Bivalves are covered by a hard protective
Hinged shell, like this giant clam below.
The last class of mollusks is cephalopods,
Which includes octopi and squid.
Cephalopod means “head-foot”.
Can you see why it has this name?
Cephalopods have many advancements:
1. Closed circulatory system (blood always
within heart or veins)
2. A foot divided in to tentacles
3. A well-developed nervous system with eyes
Fact or fiction?
Here is a photo of a real giant squid.
The squid in the previous picture measured
50 feet long and weighed 5000 lbs.! It’s eyes
would be almost the size of a soccer ball.
And here’s an interesting fact….in the water,
Giant squid are “Horace Mann” maroon in
color. Perhaps we should reconsider
our mascot?