Participation in Government 12


Participation in Government - Potential Unit Outline

I. Foundations of American Government

II. Citizenship a. Naturalization b. Responsibilities and Obligations c. Political Participation

i. Voting and elections

ii. Political Ideology

iii. Political Parties

iv. Mass media and public opinion

III. Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

IV. Legislative Branch

V. Executive Branch

VI. Judicial Branch

VII. State and Local Government


Participation in Government Curriculum Guide

Compelling Questions Suggested Learning Activities


DEMOCRACY: The principles of

American democracy are reflected in the Constitution and the Bill of

Rights and in the organization and actions of federal, state, and local government entities. The interpretation and application of

American democratic principles continue to evolve and be debated.

12.G1a Enlightenment ideas such as natural rights, the social contract, popular sovereignty, and representative government greatly influenced the framers of the

Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Why should Americans today care about the Enlightenment?

 How does the Declaration of

Independence define tyranny?

 How do we apply the concept of natural rights for the 21st century?

Analyze excerpts from the works of Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau and locate/interpret evidence of these ideas in the Declaration of

Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights

 Enlightenment philosophers inquiry

 Have students develop a classroom constitution with rules and procedures for the classroom to illustrate a social contract theory of government

 Illustrate the concept of tyranny

12.G1b The Constitution created a unique political system that distributes powers and responsibilities among three different branches of government at the federal level and between state and federal governments. State constitutions address similar structures and responsibilities for their localities.

 How is government organized at the federal, state, and local level?

 Who represents you in government and how do you contact these people to voice your concerns? by employing case studies of contemporary dictatorships (i.e.

North Korea, Zimbabwe,

Myanmar, China, Cuba, Russia)

 Students will write an individualized Declaration of

Independence in which they break away from someone/something in their life

Compare/contrast excerpts of the New York State Constitution with the US Constitution

Utilize current events to illustrate the concept of federalism and highlight contemporary controversies such as the legalization of marijuana, same-sex marriage,

Common Core standards,

Affordable Care Act, voting policies and procedures,

Hurricane Katrina

12.G1c Limited government is achieved through the separation of powers between three different branches. The system of checks and balances is part of this limited government structure at all levels of government.

12.G1d The rule of law is a system in which no one, including government, is above the law. The United States legal system has evolved over time as the result of implementation and interpretation of common law, constitutional law, statutory law, and administrative regulations.

 How does checks and balances guard against tyranny?

What does the rule of law mean?

Does America sufficiently apply the concept of the rule of law?

 Create a visual graphic illustrating separation of powers/checks and balances at the federal level

 Checks and balances DBQ essay

 Student groups will research and present a historical example of checks and balances in action (i.e. Treaty of Versailles, nomination of Robert Bork, impeachment of Bill Clinton, resignation of Richard Nixon,

Supreme Court decision involving student rights at public school, Bush’s stem cell

 research veto,)

Rule of law webquest: Compare the USA’s interpretation and application of the rule of law with nation-states such as Saudi

Arabia, Russia, Singapore (i.e. caning of American citizen

Michael Fay) Italy (i.e. Amanda

Knox as a case study highlighting extradition), Mexico,

China, etc.

ABA Rule of Law Info - Use this to help students be able to explain the concept of the rule

12.G1e The powers not delegated specifically in the Constitution are reserved to the states. Though the powers and responsibilities of the federal government have expanded over time, there is an ongoing debate over this shift in power and responsibility.

12.G1f The Constitution includes a clearly defined and intentionally rigorous process for amendment. This process requires state and federal participation, and allows the

Constitution to evolve and change.

 Does federalism promote unity or division in the United States?

 Is the Constitution a “living document” or an “enduring document?” What is the difference?

 What constitutional amendment is needed for the 21st century?

 of law

Federalism inquiry

 Conduct case studies of both ratified and failed amendments to illustrate the process (i.e. child labor, Equal Rights

Amendment, D.C. statehood,


 Justice Scalia Interview -


 Students propose an idea for a

28th Amendment and mimic the ratification process in the classroom


LIBERTIES: The United States

Constitution aims to protect individual freedoms and rights that have been extended to more groups of people over time. These rights and freedoms continue to be debated, extended to additional people, and defined through judicial interpretation. In engaging in issues of civic debate, citizens act with an appreciation of differences and are able to participate in constructive dialogue with those who hold different perspectives.

12.G2a Equality before the law and due process are two fundamental values that apply to all under the jurisdiction of the United States. While the United States legal system aims to uphold the values of equality before the law, due process, human dignity, freedom of conscience, inalienable rights, and civility, the extent to which the legal system upholds these values in practice is an issue of ongoing civic debate.

 What is due process and how has it been redefined for the

21st century?

 What makes a law discriminatory?

 “Bill’s Bad Day” due process scenario

 Case studies and scenarios:

Rights of the accused

 Case study: Yick Wo and equal protection

12.G2b The Constitution aims to protect, among other freedoms, individual and group rights to freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of petition, and freedom of religion. The extent to which these ideals exist in practice and how these protections should be applied in a changing world continues to be an issue of ongoing civic debate.

12.G2c An independent judicial system is an integral part of the process that interprets and defends citizens’ freedoms and rights. Issues pertaining to the flexibility of judicial interpretation and the impartiality of justices in practice are continued sources of public debate.

 What are the limitations on the freedom of expression?

 How do Supreme Court justices make decisions?

 Does the Supreme Court ever

When does the majority interest outweigh the rights of the minority?

Why is a free press essential to

American democracy? change its mind?

Should Supreme Court justices hold life tenure?

 Suggested video: Constitution

USA with Peter Sagal , episode

3, “Created Equal”

 Patriot Act inquiry

 Assignment → When might speech be limited?

 Research assignment→

Interpreting the establishment clause and the free exercise clause

 Students can go to

and read petitions started by Americans or start their own petition

 Review existing petitions at

 Suggested film for freedom of the press: All the President’s

Men (1976)

 Suggested reading assignment:

“5 Things to Know About the

Supreme Court”,

New York

Times UpFront

12.G2d The definition of civil rights has broadened over the course of United

States history, and the number of people and groups legally ensured of these rights has also expanded.

However, the degree to which rights extend equally and fairly to all (e.g., race, class, gender, sexual orientation) is a continued source of civic contention.

12.G2e Rights are not absolute; they vary with legal status, with location (as in schools and workplaces), and with circumstance. The different statuses of

United States residency bring with them specific protections, rights, and responsibilities. Minors have specific rights in school, in the workplace, in the community, and in the family. The extension of rights across location, circumstance, age, and legal status is a subject of civic discourse.

 What is the purpose of the

“equal protection” provision of the 14th Amendment? How is this interpreted today?

 Video clips from video series

Constitution USA series

(Episode titled “created equal”)

 Should marriage rights be extended to all citizens?




(Same-Sex Marriage)

 NY Times Summary Students will review and analyse the NY

Times article.

 What are the limits on free speech?

 Are there specific rights that are not protected while in school?

 Review Supreme Court decisions: o Schenck v. United States o


Tinker v. Des Moines

Independent School

District (1969)

Following review and discussion of the above

cases students will brainstorm other rights they

may not believe to be absolute

Schenck v.


: ecourt/capitalism/

ml or blic_education/initiatives_awards/stude

12G2f Freedom of the press is an essential element of a democratic system, and allows for a citizen to receive and interpret information representing different points of view.

Freedom of the press has limits, which are intended to protect the rights of individuals and other entities. The degree to which the press is free and impartial in practice is a source of ongoing debate.

 Are there any limits that are placed on the press?

 Does the press have any responsibilities to the government? nts_in_action/schenck.html



Tinker v. Des Moines Independent

School District :


 Students will review the highlights of the colonial era

John Peter Zenger trial


 Students will review the key point of the case known as the

“Pentagon Papers” or


York Times v. United States



Based on the above students will write a letter to

the editor discussing conditions that warrant a limit on the First Amendment’s

Freedom of the Press idea.

 Suggested topics: Racial



Active, engaged, andinformed citizens are critical to the success of the United States representative democracy. United States citizens have certain rights, responsibilities, and duties, the fulfillment of which help to maintain the healthy functioning of the national, state, and local communities.

12.G3a Citizens should be informed about rights and freedoms, and committed to balancing personal liberties with a social responsibility to others.

 How can you become and active and engaged citizen? profiling, child labor, women’s rights issues (pay, health & privacy), marriage equality

 Community Service project o Students will complete 20 hours of community service at a pre-approved site and document their experience

 Government in Action project o Students will attend 1 local town meeting and 1 school board meeting for the purpose of actively engaging in local government

12.G3b The right to vote, a cornerstone of democracy, is the most direct way for citizens to participate in the government. A citizen must register to vote, and may register as a party member or select the status of independent.

12.G3c Citizens have opportunities to both participate in and influence their communities and country. Citizens contribute to government processes through legal obligations such as obeying laws, paying taxes, serving on juries, and registering for selective service.

 Lecture/discussion: Balancing personal liberty with national security

 How can citizens influence public policy in a representative democracy?

 NYS Voter Registration

What are the requirements to be able to vote?

How does an individual register to vote?

 Students will create a list of requirements to vote in New

York State egister.html

How can you influence local lawmakers?

What is and how do you register for selective service?

What other legal obligations are there as a US citizen?

 answer a series of questions related to jury service (ex. How is a jury pool created?, etc.)


Students will create a chart highlighting the qualifications for jury service in New York

State. Additionally, students will

Students will create a list of expectations for selective service as well as for the consequences for failing to

12.G3d Citizens have the right to represent their locality, state, or country as elected officials. Candidates develop a campaign, when they decide to seek public office.

 Who can run for public office?


PARTICIPATION: There are numerous avenues for engagement in the political process, from exercising the power of the vote, to affiliating with political parties, to engaging in other forms of civic participation. Citizens leverage both electoral and non-electoral means to participate in the political process.

Why should I join a political party?

What political party should I join?

How do I join a political party?

What happens if I do not join a political party?

What is the difference between a liberal and conservative?

Where do I fall on the political ideology spectrum? register. Students will also discuss whether or not the law should apply to males and females in the 21st century

 Film case study: Street Fight

 Guest speakers inform students of the campaign process:

Representatives from state and local government (i.e. Senator

Griffo, Assemblyman Brindisi)

 NY Times Upfront article: A Day on the Campaign Trail

 Party Ideology Project

12.G4a Depending on the level of government and type of election, there are different processes and mechanisms within the United States electoral and representational systems, including the electoral college and winner-take all systems. Advantages and drawbacks of election processes and mechanisms continue to be an issue of ongoing debate in the United


What are the major advantages and disadvantages of the electoral college system?

Can the electoral college system fail?

How could our voting system be improved?

12.G4b Allowing citizens to vote does not ensure that a system is a democracy. Open, safe, and honest elections are essential to a democratic system. Engaged and informed citizens should know the mechanics associated with voting, including when major local, state, and national elections are held, how to register to vote, who currently holds each office, who is running for office, and what the central issues are pertaining to that election.

Who are our elected officials?

How do I effectively communicate with these people?

When and how do I vote?

How can I get involved in the political process within my community?

Students will use the website to: o analyze past elections and the impact of the o o electoral college on those elections. predict the outcome of the upcoming elections realize the impact that one state can have on the outcome of an election.

 Abolish the Electoral College

DBQ assignment

 Lecture discussion: The

Electoral Process

 Who’s who in government identification assignment o Primary and general election calendar

 Have students conduct web research to identify national, state, and local officials

 Students can write letters to elected/appointed officials expressing viewpoints on political issues

 Create a voter information

12.G4c In addition to voting, there are many ways in which citizens can participate in the electoral process.

These include joining a political organization, donating money, and doing volunteer work on a political campaign.

12.G4d The United States and New

York have political party systems, and the political parties represent specific political, economic, and social philosophies. Debate over the role and influence of political parties continues, although they play a significant role in

United States elections and politics.

The role of political parties and the platforms they represent varies between states in the United States.

12.G4e Citizens participate in civic life through volunteerism and advocacy, including efforts such as contacting elected officials, signing/organizing petitions, protesting, canvassing, and participating in/organizing boycotts.

 What role does money play in campaigns and elections?

 How can I become involved in a political campaign?

 pamphlet/calendar

Mock campaign and election

 Make a campaign advertisement (video ad.)

 Community service project (20 hrs)

 What are the key differences between Democrats and


 Compare/contrast state

Democratic and Republican party platforms with the national party platforms

 Is a two-party system necessary for American democracy?  Research the role of third parties (past and present) and their influence on the political process

 Students create their own political party platform

 How can I express my political viewpoints civilly in a democratic society?

 How do good citizens serve their community?

 Community service project

 Show students how to start a petition at o Identify examples of current and past petitions

12.G5 PUBLIC POLICY: All levels of government —local, state, and federal —are involved in shaping public policy and responding to public policy issues, all of which influence our lives beyond what appears in the Constitution.

Engaged citizens understand how to find, monitor, evaluate, and respond to information on public policy issues.

12.G5a Each level of government has its own process of shaping, implementing, amending, and enforcing public policy. Customarily the executive branch will outline its plan and agenda in an executive address to the legislative body.

What is public policy and how do citizens take an active role in shaping public policy?

Which public policies are necessary for my community?

 How is public policy created?

 How can public policy be influenced? o started on a range of topics

Describe the steps necessary to receive a petition response from the federal government

 Examine elected officials websites and look for current proposed legislation

 Examine recently passed legislation and discuss potential impact of that legislation

 Create a set of goals to improve the local community and devise public policy proposals to accomplish these goals

 Students participate in weekly current events discussion

 Watch a recent State of the

Union Address and discuss what items were being addressed by the President and the reactions from both sides of the isle.

12.G5b On various issues, certain governmental branches and agencies are responsible for determining policy.

Those who create public policies attempt to balance regional and national needs, existing political positions and loyalties, and sources of political power.

12.G5c Successful implementation of government policy often requires cooperation between many levels of government, as well as the cooperation of other public and private institutions.

Conflicts between different levels of government sometimes emerge due to different goals, ideas, and resources regarding the creation and implementation of policy.

12.G5d Active and engaged citizens must be effective media consumers in order to be able to find, monitor, and evaluate information on political issues.

The media have different venues, which have particular strengths and serve distinct and shared purposes.

Knowing how to critically evaluate a media source is fundamental to being an informed citizen.

How important is compromise?

What does the term “reaching across the Isle” mean?

 What is the role of special interest groups when it comes to shaping public policy?

How are conflicts between different levels of government often resolved?

What is a good example of how conflict has led to a breakdown in government?

When has government been successful in coming together to solve a common problem?

What is the best source for news?

Can we trust the media?

What are the responsibilities of the media when reporting a story?

 Examine the current agreements between the

Oneida Indian Reservation and

Oneida County and the impact on the region

 Analyze local issues and how they have been solved by local government

 Identify a problem in our local community and come up with a solution to that problem or a suggestion as to how the local government could attempt to resolve this problem.

Examine current legislation proposals and find the compromises that are taking place

Current Event Assignment and


Recap of Nightly News Report

Analysis of news report from different news agencies and compare the similarities or differences of the reports..kp8
