
MUS463 Notes
Music Babble
 Informal
o Child teaches him/herself
o Responds to the tonal/rhythm syntax of music
 Music Babble
o A person is in music babble until he/she can sing in tune or move with consistent
o 2 dimensions
 Tonal
 Rhythm
 Not related to each other
 Tonal Babble
o One prevalent pitch
o Different pitch for different songs
o Expands from monotone to patterns in songs
o Out of tonal babble when child sings familiar and unfamiliar songs in tune
 Rhythm Babble
o Movements unrelated to music
o Patterns emerge that are consistent but still don’t relate to the music
o Movement patterns become consistent and consistent tempo
o Out of rhythm babble when child moves consistently with the beat of the music
and performs rhythms correctly
 Aural/Oral
o Aural= listening vocabulary
o Oral= singing/chanting vocabulary
o Basis of audiation
o Enhanced by informal music activities/varied activities
 Early Childhood Curriculum
o Song instruction
o Coordination instruction
o Chant instruction
o Tonal Pattern instruction
o Rhythm Pattern Instruction
o Listening Instruction
 Song Instruction
o Establish tonality
o Always sung in same key, tonality, meter, and tmepo
 Movement instruction
o Bilateral arms/legs
o Alternating arms/legs
o Stationary before loco motor
 Chant Instruction
o Establish meter
o Consistent meter and tempo every time
 Pattern Instruction
o Tonal patterns
o Rhythm patterns
o Informal- do not expect a response
o Instrumental
o Variety of styles
o Changes in timbre
o Contrasting dynamic sections
o Unusual tonalities/meters
Five Elements of Music
o Expressive Qualities (tempo, dynamics, timbre)
o Rhythm
o Form
o Harmony
o Melody