Essential Skills for All Youth, including youth with disabilities Information and Referral Independent Living Skills Training Housing Advocacy Assistive Technology Peer Mentoring Contracted Services Community Education City / County Housing Departments Independent Living Skills of Northern CA Far Northern Regional Center/Vendors North Valley Catholic Social Services NorCAL Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing PAS Toolkit Food Skills Plan, shop for healthy diet Prepare, store food Cook balanced meal Use kitchen appliances Independent Living Skills At Home Skills Locate housing options Arrange rent, utilities, phone Basic routine maintenance Clean, vacuum, dust Find a circuit breaker/use it Locate, use water, furnace shut-off Fix basic plumbing, Personal Appearance Skills Basic clothing repair-buttons, hems) Iron garments Fold, put away clothes Laundry, Follow care labels, treat stains Maintain personal appearance Clothes that Work Health and Wellness Basic First Aid Maintain healthy diet Use medication safely Routine exercise Make healthy lifestyle choices Maintain hygiene /grooming Be aware of personal safety County Health/Human Services Hospitals, Clinics and Medical offices County Health Department County Mental Health Services In Home Support Services Public Guardian Disability Advocate California Children Services Financial Literacy Disability Financial Planning Disability Benefits Social Security Veterans Benefits Financial Literacy Education Understand gross, net pay, deductions Make a budget-stick to it Use a bank and/or ATM / On-Line Banking Open, use, balance checking account Apply for credit card, use wisely Benefits planning Saving account, Keep track of documents file taxes Accommodations available at Banks Accessible Banking websites Voice, Relay and TTY / TDD Lines Talking ATM earphones, Y adaptors Alternative Format Checks o (raised line, large print, Braille) Audio recording of print materials Assistance to read forms Free Magnifiers Individual assistance Department of Motor Vehicles Practice tests at Disability Services TTY for Speech / Hearing Impaired Only Interpreters, (including ASL) Accommodations for Service Animals Alternative methods for completing Driver’s License written exam Specifically designated counters for disabled individuals Disabled Person Parking Placard/License plate Transportation Community Access Drive / Maintain a Car Driver’s License Buy car, buy insurance Registration Pump gas Maintain vehicle oil, fluid, Maintain, change tires, Follow traffic laws/ safety Use Public Transportation Know schedules Know routes, pick up points Know options (bus, taxi, on demand Know options Read a map/ Use GPS Know landmarks Community orientation Agencies that provide adaptive driving vehicles and mobility assistive devices Veterans Administration Department of Rehabilitation AT&T Accessibility Services Use Technology- at work, at home, socially Public Library Free access to computers and lots of information Public Transportation Disability Services Community Access Use social media responsibly-know cyber presence Validate sources of information Maintain safe identity Maintain current knowledge of technology/applications Universal Design E-Readers, Netbooks, Notebooks Be A LifeLong Learner: Be curious, interested to learn something new or apply old info in new ways Seek opportunities to learn-in classrooms, with computers, with books, with people Learn from and with others. Share what you learn. Recognize you aren’t “The Expert” Take in information-analyze it, join it with other information, then apply it Demand Response Service for public transportation Specialized transportation services available through disability-serving agencies Maps Agencies provide Mobility Training Community Education Parks and Recreation Department On Line Courses Webinars You Tube Career Technical Courses Explore hobbies through businesses Local Museums, Art Galleries Community College Library Self Determination and Self Management Characteristics of Self Determined People Know yourself-your strengths, limitations Manage your time Believe in Yourself Set priorities Monitor your performance Balance your responsibilities and priorities. Adapt and accept Change Advocate for yourself to meet your needs Self Advocacy is understanding your strengths and needs, identifying your personal goals, knowing your legal rights and responsibilities, and communicating these to others. Awareness of personal preferences, interests, strengths and limitations. Have the ability to identify wants and needs. Make choices based on preferences, interests, wants and needs. Ability to consider a variety of options and anticipate consequences for their decisions. Ability to evaluate decisions based on the outcomes of previous decisions and revise future decisions accordingly. Ability to set goals and work towards them. Problem solving skills A strive for independence while recognizing interdependence with others. Self Advocacy Skills Independent performance skills and ability to adjust performance. Persistence Ability to assume responsibility for actions and decisions. Self Confidence From A Practical Guide for Teaching Self-Determination, Sharon Field, Jim Martin, et al, Reston VA, Council for Exceptional Children DISABILITY INFORMATION Legal Rights: The laws protect disability rights Air Carrier Access Act (transportation) Americans with Disability Act (Employment, Government/Community Access, Public Transportation, Telecommunication) Architectural Barriers Act (access to buildings) Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Fair Housing Act Help America Vote Act Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Rehabilitation Act Telecommunications Act If you have a disability that creates challenges for you, the disability may qualify you for assistance from a variety of agencies. It is up to you to decide to tell anyone about your disability. If you choose to talk about it, some information that would be helpful is: What is your disability? How does your disability create barriers to overcome at work or in the classroom? Where are records that document your disability? Help that you need (Accommodations): Consult job accommodation network Remember: Accommodate yourself – then seek accommodations. Common Classroom Accommodations Presentation: Provide on audio tape Provide in large print Reduce number of items per page or line Provide a designated reader; Present instructions orally Response: Allow for verbal responses Allow for answers to be dictated to a scribe Allow the use of a tape recorder to capture responses Permit responses to be given via computer Permit answers to be recorded directly into test book Timing: Allow frequent breaks Extend allotted time for a test Setting: Provide preferential seating Provide special lighting or acoustics Provide a space with minimal distractions Administer a test in small group setting Administer a test in private room or alternative test site Test Scheduling Administer a test in several timed sessions or over several days; take subtests in a different order, take at specific time. Provide any reasonable accommodation that a student needs that does not fit under the existing categories. State a tentative interest that matches interests, abilities and preferences. Find a job using job search tools: Cal Jobs, Craigslist, Monster/Hot Jobs CareerBuilder Labor Market Employment services (WIA/One Stop Agencies Temporary Employment Agencies Learn About SelfInterests, Skills, Find the Job Personality that is Right for YOU! Participate in classes and training required for the career and to meet hiring standards for education, licenses and certification Work, Volunteer Explore through internships, Volunteering, project-based learning, and through service or work based learning, community-based instruction, Investigate Research/ Explore Career & Education And Training Options Reflect on Insights Gained Prepare: Learn Skills Test the Waters: Gain Experience Develop Your Personal Career Plan ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF! What did you learn about yourself? Envision your future: Picture life 5 years from now: Where do you want to live and work? What do YOU want to do? Create your own plan for your future! Explore careers on line with O’NET, California Career My Next Move – Talent Knows No Limits Other options for exploration: Hobbies, Talk with people-informational interviews, job shadowing, career fairs, community events Tell people what you want and need! i How about becoming an Entrepreneur? (running your own business) Post secondary education options On the job training Short term training for a specific job Apprenticeship, Internship Certification College Degree- 2 year, 4 year +More Web Based Training On line courses, webinars Tutorials Check out employment agencies that have training modules Postsecondary options Explore career options- through print, web media Explore postsecondary education options Apply decision-making skills Submit applications, take qualifying tests Use labor market info. to guide choices Develop resume Submit applications / resume on line Interview skills Do you have an interest that could become a service or product you sell? Do you want to be your own boss? Are you confident you can succeed? Do you have resources to get started? Can you “stick with something for a long time? Are you organized? Do you have a business plan? Can you keep track of what you will sell and how much charge for your products or services? Do you have a business advisor? How will your advertise and let people know about your business?