The Cardio Vascular System

By Mason Shoalmire
• The Cardio Vascular body system also called
the circulatory system is one of the most vital.
The organs include the heart, the blood, and
the blood vessels. The heart is the pump. It
pumps the blood which contains nutrients
throughout the body using the blood vessels.
The Heart
• The heart is an utterly unique organ containing four
chambers used to pump blood throughout the body.
The right atrium receives blood and pumps it to the
right ventricle which pumps the blood to the lungs
were it receives oxygen. The right ventricle the
pumps it to the left atrium after receiving blood it
pumps it to the left ventricle (the strongest chamber)
that pumps the oxygenated blood throughout the
The Blood Vessels
• The blood vessels are the train tracks of the body. They
transport nutrients, oxygen, and waste the body. There are
three types of blood vessels.
1-Veins move blood back to the heart.
2-Arteries move blood to the body were it is needed.
3- Capillaries move blood to individual cells, sometimes being
only one cell thick.
Some of the most important are the Aorta, the superior and
inferior vena cava, and the pulmonary vein and arteries.
The Blood
• There are several different components that make up the
blood. The plasma makes up about one half of the blood it
also contains the nutrients and glucose, it is even the
transport system other blood cells use. The red blood cells
give it its color and is used to transport oxygen to cells and
carbon dioxide back to the lungs to expel it. The white blood
cells defend your body from pathogens. They destroy them by
either eating or creating anti bodies to overpower it. The last
cell that makes up the blood is the platelets. The platelets are
used to clot up breaks in the blood stream. All of the blood
cells are created in the bone marrow.
• The circulatory system interacts with several
systems very closely, mainly the repertory, the
skeletal, and the excretory systems. The
skeletal system produces the components of
the blood. The repertory system replenishes
the oxygen in the blood and expels the carbon
dioxide. The excretory system expels other
types of waste like excess water and salt that
it reeves from the blood stream.
• The red blood cells use their indention to squeeze
through tight capillaries.
• Pathogens use have several methods for beating the
white blood cells, such as changing there protein make
up to become resistant to anti bodies the body creates.
• The heart uses one way valves to stop back-ups in the
heart otherwise the body would fall into cardiac-arrest.
• The cells in the heart are one of a kind even the
individual cells are constantly contracting.
Cardio Vascular Problems
• Cardiac Arrest- Cardiac arrest is one of the worst problems in the body
often causing death. It happens when there is an irregular beat or the
heart completely stops. It has many causes including chest trauma, heart
infection, blocked blood vessels, defective valves, and drugs.
• Sickle Cell Anemia- Sickle Cell Anemia is the genetic disorder that cause re
blood cells to form in shape of a sickle(crescent). It is a very serious
disease that can cause many problems throughout the body like
restricting blood flow to organs.
• There are numerous other problem that can occur with this body system
many of which are life threatening.
Work cited
• Principles of Anatomy Fifth Edition by: Gerald
J. Tortora