REGISTRATION FEES CHALL SPRING REGISTRATION FORM Baseball/Softball: 1 child 2 children 3 or more 50/70 League: Jr/Sr League (Boys): Make checks payable and mail to: “CHALL” P.O. Box 4759 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 Please print legibly and fill out a separate form for each player. By 1/31 After 1/31 $150.00 $300.00 $425.00 $100.00 $175.00 $165.00 $330.00 $470.00 $115.00 $190.00 MAIL: by 1/31/13 (if played at CHALL last season) IN PERSON: 1/17 and 1/24 from 9am - Noon, and 1/20 and 1/22 from 6pm - 8pm at CHALL Field House on Evesham Rd. ON-LINE: at PLAYER INFORMATION Players Name ____________________________________ Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Phone Number ___________________ Address _________________________________ Housing Development ________________ School ____________ Grade _____ Where did your child play last season? Here at Cherry Hill Atlantic LL CHYAA (formerly Cherry Hill Eastern LL) Cherry Hill National Athletic League (formerly Cherry Hill National LL) Other Did not play Name of medical insurance ________________________ Please list any physical limitation (allergies, etc.) ___________________ Parent/Guardian Name(s) _____________________________________ Occupation(s) ___________________________________ _ Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________ E-mail (Print Clearly) _____________________________ LEVEL OF PLAY DESIRED Boys Baseball (see website for age cutoff dates) T-Ball (ages 4 and 5) A (ages 5 and 6) AA (ages 7 and 8) AAA (ages 9, 10 and 11 - must attend evaluation for draft) Majors (ages 11 and 12 - must attend evaluation for draft if player did not play in Majors Division last season) 50/70 League (ages 11 and 12 – supplemental league that competes against leagues in other towns; leading and stealing allowed) Jr. League (ages 13 and 14 – 60/90 field) Sr. League (ages 15 and 16 – 60/90 field) Big League (ages 17 and 18 – 60/90 field) T-BALL, A, AND AA: EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO PLACE PLAYERS TOGETHER FROM THE SAME NEIGHBORHOOD BUT CANNOT BE GUARANTEED Girls Softball (see website for age cutoff dates) T-Ball (generally ages 4, 5 and 6) AA Coach Pitch (generally ages 7 and 8) AAA (generally ages 9 and 10)** Majors (generally ages 10, 11 and 12)** Jr. League (ages 13 and 14) **May be required to attend an evaluation. Please check the CHALL website for updates. GO TO WWW.CHERRYHILLATLANTIC.COM FOR INFORMATION ON EVALUATIONS PROSPECTIVE MANAGERS AND COACHES WANT TO SPONSOR A TEAM? Please provide the following and also complete a “Little League Volunteer Application”. The Board of Directors approves all managers and coaches. Type of Business _________________________ Contact Person _________________________ Name __________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________ Phone Number _________________________ Manager Coach VOLUNTEERS NEEDED LEAGUE USE ONLY YES, I want to volunteer my time. (Please fill out “Little League Volunteer Application.”) No, but I would like to make a tax deductible donation (Checks Payable to “CHALL”) in the amount of $_______ Proof of Age Proof of Residency Payment Amount $__________________________ Bank _____________________ Check # ________ CHALL Signature __________________________