Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Lesson 12 Greek and Latin Bases Clin, cumb, and cub Clin, Cumb, and Cub The Latin bases cumb and cub and the Greek base clin all mean “lie, lean” These bases can mean to both literally and figuratively lie or lean. Clin, Cumb, and Cub Clin combines with three directional Latin prefixes de(down), in- (in, on, onto), and re- (back) Cumb and cub combine with four directional prefixes in(in, on, onto), pro- (forward, ahead), re-(back), and suc(under) clin= “lie, lean” In(in, on, onto) + clin(lie, lean) =incline— “lean” “in” a forward direction, tend Re(back) + clin (lie, lean) = recline— to “lean” “back” Clin + ic = clinic— a ward where sick people can go to “lie” down Cumb, cub = “lie, lean” In (in, on, onto) + cumb(lie, lean)+ ent= incumbent— someone who “lies” “in” a position (usually political) Pro (forward, ahead) + cumb (lie, lean) = procumbent- “leaning” “forward” In+cub= Incubus- a worry or anxiety that “leans” “on” you Practice How do the bolded words use the meanings of “lie” and “lean”? Use context clues to help create a definition. After the mother bird died, there was no one to incubate her eggs, so they did not hatch. In political elections, it is always difficult for a new challenger to unseat an incumbent. In archaeopterygids, for example, the premaxillary teeth are more peg-like and procumbent than are the other teeth. Practice How do the bolded words use the meanings of “lie” and “lean”? Use context clues to help create a definition. After the mother bird died, there was no one to incubate her eggs, so they did not hatch. To “lie” on the eggs and keep them warm until they hatch In political elections, it is always difficult for a new challenger to unseat an incumbent. One who “leans” on or “lies” in a position In archaeopterygids, for example, the premaxillary teeth are more peg-like and procumbent than are the other teeth. To “lean” “forward” or to stick out ahead of something Practice How do the bolded words use the meanings of “lie” and “lean”? Use context clues to help create a definition. My parents are not inclined to let me go to a party with people they have never met. Before he passed away, my uncle was in declining health for several years. He went to the clinic complaining of stomach pains, but the nurse soon realized that he was just hungry because he had skipped breakfast. Practice How do the bolded words use the meanings of “lie” and “lean”? Use context clues to help create a definition. My parents are not inclined to let me go to a party with people they have never met. “leaning” “in” the direction of a particular decision Before he passed away, my uncle was in declining health for several years. “leaning” “down” , a downward trend He went to the clinic complaining of stomach pains, but the nurse soon realized that he was just hungry because he had skipped breakfast. A place where sick people “lie” down to be treated Practice When the incumbent senator lost his seat, he had to succumb to the incubus of being voted out of the senate. How do each of the bolded words mean “lie, lean”? Practice When the incumbent senator lost his seat, he had to succumb to the incubus of being voted out of the senate. How do each of the bolded words mean “lie, lean”? Incumbent—someone who “leans” on a position and occupies it Succumb—to surrender by “lying” under a challenge Incubus—a worry that “leans” on you and causes anxiety Practice When I was sick, I was inclined to go to the clinic and recline in their beds, but the nurse declined to see me. How do each of the bolded words mean “lie, lean”? Practice When I was sick, I was inclined to go to the clinic and recline in their beds, but the nurse declined to see me. How do each of the bolded words mean “lie, lean”? Inclined— “leaning” “towards” a decision Clinic– a place where sick people can “lie” down to be treated Recline– to “lean” “back” Declined– turning or “leaning” “down”; saying no Test Prep Clin, cumb, cub—these bases mean _____, ____ She was in her favorite position on Friday nights: recumbent on the couch, surrounded by her kitten, the remote control, and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, binging on the latest Netflix series. Define the word recumbent using a definition of the base. Test Prep Clin, cumb, cub—these bases mean lie, lean She was in her favorite position on Friday nights: recumbent on the couch, surrounded by her kitten, the remote control, and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, binging on the latest Netflix series. Define the word recumbent using a definition of the base. “lying” “back” or reclining in posture Test Prep Clin, cumb, cub—these bases mean ____, ___ I don’t have the slightest inclination to work on cleaning my room this weekend; I’d much rather spend my time at Kings Island. Define the word inclination using a definition of the base. Test Prep Clin, cumb, cub—these bases mean lie, lean I don’t have the slightest inclination to work on cleaning my room this weekend; I’d much rather spend my time at Kings Island. Define the word inclination using a definition of the base. “leaning” “in” a certain direction; tending towards