Revised essays due Thursday. Revisions should be done in a

Revised essays due Thursday. Revisions should be done in a
different color, please.
(Highlight, underline, diff. pen color, etc)
1. Underline book titles.
The Odyssey
2. Have balance between YOUR WORDS VS. EVIDENCE from the
Bravery is one of Odysseus’ strongest points. In chapter 5 Odysseus
and his men attack a giant Cyclops. Most people would never attack
something that much bigger than them. They would run and hide if
they saw it. On page 44, it states that Odysseus stabbed the Cyclops in
the eye. “We took hold of the stake and thrust the point into his eye. I
leaned on it from above and turned it around and around, as a man
drills a hole…we scorched his eyebrows and eyelids as the eyeball
burned with a hissing sound”(Homer 44). This was brave because they
could’ve been trapped in the cave. Also the Cyclops could’ve awoken and
killed them.
The quote takes up a large chunk of the paragraph. If you take
out the pink section, you can see that the author really hasn’t
provided much of his/her own thought and analysis.
3. Be sure your EVIDENCE from the text/ QUOTE supports your
From a paragraph about Bravery:
“Odysseus is given clothing, food, and drink by Calypso, and he then
built a raft.” Odysseus was determined to get back to Ithaca, and he was
brave the whole time.
Does this quote support the trait of
4. Follow your EVIDENCE/ quote with an explanation and analysis.
Odysseus is brave in many ways. One time he is brave is when he gets
himself and most of his men out of the cave of the cyclops, who was the
son of Poseidon…This is also brave because most people in a similar
situation would have ran and hid because of the chance of dying.
“Cutting them up limb by limb, he prepared his supper. He devoured
them like a mountain lion, leaving no trace of the poor men.”
Expand your thoughts.
5. Provide SUBSTANCE. Don’t make unsupported claims.
When Odysseus and his crew were trapped by the cyclops, Odysseus
put on a brave face and stayed strong and calm for his crew. He also
showed bravery when he and his men travelled through the Sirens.
How do you know Odysseus stayed strong for his
crew? Also, what was this bravery he showed when
they passed the Sirens and why would someone have
to be brave to pass them?
6. Avoid being VAGUE or unclear.
He is strong mentally by never giving up. He was held captive for
eight years, went through extremely difficult obstacles, and risked his
life. He is physically strong because he is able to defend himself and his
men from the Cyclops. Also, he stuck up for himself to get home. “Here
Cyclops, have a drink of wine after your meal of human flesh” (Homer
One epic trait that Odysseus displays is bravery. Odysseus displays
bravery when he fights the Cyclops. This shows bravery because they
Cyclops was eating Odysseus’ men, but he still defeats him. “They took
hold of the stake and thrust the point into his eye.” Odysseus
demonstrates bravery on many other occasions.
7. Write for someone who has never read the book and doesn’t
believe a word you’re saying. 
8. Write a concluding paragraph by:
Referring back to your THESIS statement + A broad statement
(Connection to life, literature, or general importance of your topic.
Give your reader something to THINK about!)