Sense and Sensibility – A Review of Two Post Award Office

Sense and Sensibility – A
Review of Two Post Award
Office Structures
Rochelle Athey – Executive Director Sponsored Programs
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Kim Calvery – Assistant Director Office of Post Award Administration
Oregon State University
The experience of a combined post-award
office in a growing, medium-sized research
Background Information
“One does not love a place the less for having suffered in it, unless
it has been all suffering, nothing but suffering.”
UNLV Post-Award Statistics
$106M in awards in FY07
$104M in expenditures in FY07
Experienced expenditure growth of 16.5%
annually over the past five years
Staff has not increased significantly during
that time frame
1 Assoc Dir; 4 Sr. Research Administrators; 2
Grant Coordinators
UNLV Post-Award History
Co-located with the pre-award office in
November 2005
Combined with pre-award in May 2006 as
Sponsored Programs
Oversight under Vice President for Research
Many adjustment issues after combination
Advantages of a Combined Office
One Vice President to provide vision and
One Director to manage office
Unification of policy, procedure and process
Better staff understanding of cradle to grave
business processes
Team work is easier
Disadvantages to a Combined Office
Potential audit issues – no separation of duties
Potential for weak or disfunctional relationship with
other divisions at university
if under Research, then potential relationship issues with
Finance or vice versa
Sometimes there is little understanding by your
division leadership for aspects of your workload that
may be more familiar to another division (try
explaining F&A proposal development to a
The experience of a separate post-award office
in a growing, large - sized research university
Background Information
“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”
OSU FY07 Statistics
Carnegie Foundation designation
Very High Research Activity
$145 million in Awards
$149 million in Expenditures
2,800 Active Awards
Cognizant Agency is DHHS
Major Sponsors are NSF, USDA, HHS
No Audit Findings for Last 12 Years
A-133 Audits; OIG Investigations; OIG Close-out Audits
Staff – Post Award Admin
Twelve Total Staff
1 - Assistant Director
1 - Assistant Manager
5 - Grant Accountants
1 - High Risk Monitoring Accountant
1- Accountant 2 – Award set-up
1- Fiscal Coordinator – Cash Mgmt, Cost Share
1- Lead Fiscal Coordinator – Subcontracts
1- Admin Program Specialist – PAR, Electronic Files
Duties of Post Award Admin
Award Set-up in FIS –
Invoicing Agencies
Budget Changes
No Cost Extensions
High Risk Expenditure
Audit Coordination
Cost Share
Subcontract Admin
Electronic Filing
Effort Reporting
Fellowship Admin
Training Campus
Department Staff
OSU Pre and Post Award Structure
OSU has separate Pre and Post Award Offices
 Pre-Award and Contracts combined – Report to
VP for Research
 Post Award – Report to VP for Finance
July 2006 Contracts Combined with Pre-Award
 Previously co-located with Post Award
Advantages of Separate Offices
Commended by Internal Audit
Allows for Separation of Duties
Maintain Focused Missions
Post Award Reports to Finance VP
Understanding of Financial Issues
Disadvantages of Separate Offices
No Flexibility for Exceptions
Unique Circumstances
Post-Award very focused on Regulations
Pre-Award Doesn’t Understand Post-Award Issues
with Invoicing and Budgets
Communication Breaks Down or non-Existent
Conflicting Policies and Procedures
Hard to Establish “Seamless Operation” with Faculty
Culture- UNLV
“One man’s ways may be as good as another’s, but we all like our
own best.”
Culture and Transition at UNLV
New mission and focus for institution
Workload changes
External and internal environmental
Culture – Age of UNLV
Experience with non-standard research issues
Reputation of university
Culture – Centralization v. Decentralization
University Systems
Use to your advantage
Risk management and Office Role
Distribution of Activities
Time/effort monitoring
Expenditure monitoring
Other post award activities
Culture at OSU
“As long as you’re going to think anyway – you
might as well think BIG!”
Culture – Centralization v.
Decentralization at OSU
Business Centers
Business Centers at OSU
Combine College Thematic Areas
Central Accounting Office
Pay Bills up to $500,000; Reimbursements
Process HR Actions
Review Proposal Budgets
Effort Report Monitoring
Reports to Finance and Administration
Ensures compliance
Provides separation of duties for Colleges
Business Centers at OSU
Train Staff
Grant Accountants come to OPAA for Training
Immersion in OPAA (Central Admin functions)
Train for 4-6 months
Include in staff meetings/social functions when return
to Business Center
Grant Accountant from OPAA will Rotate to
Business Center to Establish Compliance Culture
Growth at OSU
“Surprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not enhanced, and
the inconvenience is often considerable.”
Plan for Growth at OSU
50% Increase in Awards
No New Staff
Reclassed only Admin Support position to Grant
Little or no Overtime Allowed
Occurred over 3 years
Budget Constraints
Leadership Change in Post Award
New Ideas
Plan for Growth at OSU
Review Processes
Can you stop doing non-essential functions?
Automate Invoicing
Hand typing invoices and forms
Decentralize Functions
Double reviews; Shadow Accounting Systems
Bill payment; non-standard invoicing
Student Labor vs Classified Staff
Plan for Growth at OSU
Automate Processes
Keep VP’s Informed of Growth
Staff Very Team Oriented
Let them know your struggles
Suggestions taken from Staff
Nothing implemented w/o staff buy-in
Celebrate Your Successes!!
Make them Public
Growth at UNLV
“Surprises are foolish things. The pleasure is not
enhanced, and the inconvenience is often
Growth – Complexity at UNLV
Contract requirements
Export control
Program Income
Cost Sharing
Growth – Efficiency at UNLV
Consolidation of activities in post award
Business processes
Keep statistics of process functions
Time tracking
Growth – Audit and Compliance
Increased funding
International awards
Small business relationships
“Seldom, very seldom, does complete truth belong to any human
disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little
disguised, or a little mistaken.”
Communication Between Separate PreAward and Post-Award Offices
Close Proximity of Offices
Co-locate if you can
Meet Weekly to Discuss Issues
Develop Joint Policies and Procedures
Develop Joint Communications to Campus
Develop and Present Training Jointly
Review Websites for Conflicting Information
Communication Between Separate PreAward and Post-Award Offices
Release Data Jointly
OSU offices work together for award and
expenditure data releases
Host Joint “Meet and Greets” for Campus
Create Opportunities for Staff
Get to know each other
Mentor each other in procedures
Encourage team building
Communication in a Combined Office
Weekly meetings between Associate Vice President
for Research and Executive Director
Weekly individual meetings with Executive Director
and Associate Directors of pre and post award to
discuss issues
Monthly combined meetings of Executive Director
and both Associate Directors
Monthly staff meetings
Regular meetings with Finance Division staff
Communication in General
Ad hoc work or issue groups
Formal university committees
Informal networking within university
OSU utilizes for policy implementation
OSU meets monthly with campus University
Research Administrators
External networks and groups
Lessons Learned at UNLV
“We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it,
than any other person can be.”
Lessons Learned
Create policies and procedures
Write it down and document
Business process redesign
Lessons Learned
“Working together works.”
The End
Any Questions?
Contact Information:
Rochelle Athey
Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Contact Information
Kim Calvery
Office of Post Award
Oregon State University
541 737-2198