Pool Mission Statements

Pool Mission
2004 Governance and Leadership
Hershey, PA
CSAC Excess Insurance Authority
CSAC Excess Insurance Authority is a member-directed risk sharing pool of counties
committed to providing risk coverage programs and risk management services, which
Providing programs, which are competitive in scope and price over the long term.
Endeavoring to make available programs, which are flexible in meeting member, needs.
Delivering quality, timely services in claims management, loss control, education and
Allocating cost and services between various members in a fair and consistent manner.
Ensuring cost-effective, fiscally prudent operations and staffing, which maintain
financial strength and solvency.
Michigan Municipal Risk
Management Authority
Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority, a
leader among public pools, is dedicated to providing
superior risk management services and products that
protect its Member participants and the public they
NonProfits’ United
Mission statement is to provide quality and costeffective pooled-risk coverage to private nonprofit
organizations and to provide services that are both
responsive to our members’ needs and that
contribute to the professionalism on nonprofit
Housing Authority Insurance
Housing Authority Insurance is dedicated to:
 Provide housing authorities and other affiliated or
related entities with stable, affordable insurance, other
programs and services of the highest quality, and to do
so with integrity, dignity, and respect:
 Assure members’ ability to participate in the
companies through board, council, and committee
 Maintain fiscally sound companies, which provide a
reasonable rate of return.
Washington State Transit Insurance
Pool (WSTIP)
WSTIP’s Mission: “We are committed to reducing our
members’ cost of risk through the delivery or
comprehensive and innovative risk management
Colorado School Districts Self
Insurance Pool
 We
will be the leader in providing a broad spectrum of
innovative insurance that is competitively priced
 We will treat our members equitably, with respect, and
act with integrity
 We will provide reliable, effective and useful risk
management consulting services
 The Board will provide professional, dedicated
management and administration
Association of Arkansas Counties
The AAC supports and promotes the ideas that all elected
officials must have the opportunity to act together in order to
solve mutual problems as a unified group. To further this
goal, the AAC is committed to providing a single source of
cooperative support and information for all counties and
county and district officials. The overall purpose of the AAC
is to work for the improvement of county government in the
state of Arkansas. The Association accomplishes this
purpose by providing legislative representation, on-site
assistance, general research, training, various publications
and conferences to assist county officials in carrying out the
duties and responsibilities of their office.
Public Employers Risk
Management Association
 To
provide the membership with:
 Adequate, appropriate and continuous insurance coverage;
 Stable and competitive pricing;
 Aggressive and attentive claims management;
 Comprehensive and extensive loss control services; and
 Technical assistance on matters relating to risk
Bay Cities Joint Powers
Insurance Authority
Bay Cities Joint Powers insurance Authority (BCJPIA)
provides cost effective, fiscally sound liability, property,
and other coverage for member agencies.
Schools Excess Liability Fund
To establish, operate and maintain cooperative
programs of self-funding for excess liability, property,
workers’ compensation and other plans for California
public educational agencies.
Valley Schools Insurance
Trust/Workers' Compensation Pool
The VSIT/VSWCP is a resource to reduce liability
by promoting and assisting in the safety and
protection of the Deer Valley, Paradise V and Peoria
Unified School Districts' valuable assets including
student employees, and property.
ACHD Alpha Fund
 Dedication to our work and those efforts, which define our success
and determine our reputation. People are our strength.
 Maintain an environment that encourages learning and creative
thinking, and helps us to develop and apply new knowledge and skills
in everything we do.
 Dedication to appropriate solutions, both for healthcare districts and
the communities they serve
 Dedication to achieving optimum health in the communities served
by healthcare districts, through programs such as healthy communities.
 Optimize an expansion of existing resources.
 Commitment to the development of unique collaborative
Continuous quality service, excellence and improvement in addressing
member needs.
Wisconsin Municipal Mutual
Insurance Company
WMMIC, a consortium of governmental units
organized under Section 611.11 Wisconsin Statutes,
exists to partner with members to share risk taking,
provide a cost effective and comprehensive range of
liability insurance, other coverages, and risk
management services to Wisconsin municipalities.
Association of Governmental
Risk Pools
The mission of the Association of Governmental
Risk Pools is to unite the pooling community to
achieve excellence in pooling management,
operations and services.
Contra Costa Country Schools
Insurance Group
1. promoting a safe working environment;
2. actively engaging all participants of the
workers' compensation process in cooperative
efforts to achieve this mission;
3. delivering professional and responsive claims
services that promote employee well being
and reduce costs;
4. administering a self-funded program that is
fiscally sound and provides stable rates.
Texas Association of School Boards
Risk Management Funds
The TASB Risk Management Fund provides high
quality, financially sound, cost-competitive risk
management services to Texas school districts
consistent with TASB’s mission to promote
educational excellence for Texas schoolchildren.
“MARCIT is a pool comprised of selected
governmental entities established to provide its
members with risk financing mechanisms, risk
management services, and educational and loss
control programs in a professional and cost- effective
manner, consistent with member needs, sound
business practices and applicable legal parameters."
Oklahoma Municipal
Assurance Group
To provide our customers quality insurance
coverages, training and risk management
services through an organization owned and
governed by cities and towns.
Vermont League of Cities and Towns
Property and Casualty
Intermunicipal Fund, Inc.
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns Property
and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund, Inc. (VLCT
PACIF), in partnership with Vermont municipalities,
will provide cost effective, financially sound,
comprehensive risk management programs and
services of the highest quality. VLCT PACIF and its
members are unfailingly committed, on a continuing
basis, to improvement, innovation and strength of
Alaska Municipal League Joint
Insurance Association
The AMLJIA is a member-driven pool dedicated to
providing stable, cost effective risk financing and
quality loss control services, designed to meet the
needs of local governments and school districts.
Colorado Intergovernmental Risk
Sharing Agency
To provide quality services and coverage that
gives Colorado municipalities and other public
entities a unique advantage.
Association of California Water
Agencies Joint Powers Insurance
The ACWA/Joint Powers Insurance Authority
is dedicated to consistently and cost effectively
providing the broadest possible affordable
insurance coverage and related services to its
member agencies.
New Jersey School Board
Association Insurance Group
The mission of the NJSBAIG, a non profit
school insurance pool, is to provide the
availability of insurance to the New Jersey
school districts by offering the best coverage
at the lowest possible cost and by providing
insurance education and risk management
Utah Risk Management
Mutual Association
The Utah Risk Management Mutual Association
welcomes the membership of those Utah
municipalities dedicated to improving their
communities through the prevention and control
of loss who are willing to commit time, effort and
funds to protect citizens, employees and public
Washington Cities
Insurance Authority
"WCIA will take a leadership role to provide
professional risk management and stable risk
financing programs that respond to members'
Virginia Association of
Counties Risk Pool
Through intergovernmental cooperation,
VACoRP is to provide its members with the
most efficient, cost effective and innovative
program possible. VACoRP must be responsive
to the current and future needs of its members,
while providing a stable alternative to the
traditional insurance marketplace.
Missouri Intergovernmental Risk
Management Association
The Missouri Intergovernmental Risk
Management Association is an alliance of
governmental entities committed to providing
comprehensive, competitively priced insurance
and risk management services to members.
Valley Insurance Programs JPA
The mission of Valley Insurance Program JPA is to
fulfill the trust delegated by our member districts to
provide comprehensive, cost effective risk
management programs which protect their human
and financial resources.
Arizona Counties Insurance Pool
The Arizona Counties Insurance Pool is dedicated
to providing long-term stability in coverages,
protecting member resources by stabilizing risk
costs in a reliable, economical, and beneficial
manner; assisting members in development of
improved risk management practices; providing
members control over their management of risk;
and aggressively defending unjustified claims.
Kentucky League of Cities
The Kentucky League of Cities strengthens
cities, as the hearts of communities, by
promoting innovation, leadership, and quality
Georgia Education Workers
Compensation Trust
The Georgia Education Workers Compensation Trust has
been established to provide a stable source for Workers
Compensation Insurance for safe-working Georgia
Education Facilities in the state of Georgia. The Trust
will offer a full range of services, including, but not
limited to, claims management, loss control, and training
designed to assist Trust members in controlling work
related accidents. The Trust will strive to reduce the
administrative costs of workers compensation and create
an environment, which encourages members to commit
to long-term participation and effective loss control
Self-Insurers’ Security Fund
It is the mission of SISF to provide continuity of
Workers’ Compensation benefits to injured workers
of insolvent, private self-insured companies at the
lowest overall long-term cost, equitably distributed to
the self-insurance community.
California State University Risk
Management Authority
The California State University Risk Management
Authority is an association of CSU and auxiliary
organizations joined to protect member resources by
providing broad coverage and quality risk
management services that stabilize risk cost in a
reliable, economical and beneficial manner.
The Washington Governmental
Entity Pool
To serve as a risk sharing pool of local
governments and special purpose districts
operated and controlled by member. Our
purpose is to provide stability through financial
risk sharing and risk management service
responsive to members’ needs.
ACCG – Interlocal Risk
Management Agency
"It is the mission of the Association County
Commissioners of Georgia to enhance the role, stature and
responsiveness of county government in Georgia. Since
counties are the level of government closest to the people
and serve all the people of the state, ACCG will promote
the ability of Georgia counties to provide public services
responsibly, efficiently and cost effectively through
cooperative legislative action, education of public
officials, provision of quality member services and
technical assistance, and increasing public awareness of
critical local government issues."
Management Corporation
To be the premier American Indian risk management
company providing culturally sensitive professional
services and quality products that champion safe and
secure living conditions, and contribute to economic
opportunities in Indian Country.
California Affiliated Risk
Management Authority
CARMA is dedicated to innovative approaches
in providing financial protection for its public
entity members against catastrophic loss.
California Sanitation Risk
Management Authority
The California Sanitation Risk Management
Authority is an association of wastewater
agencies joined to protect member resources by
providing broad coverage and quality risk
management services that stabilize risk cost in a
reliable, economical and beneficial manner.
California Transit Insurance Pool
CalTIP is a member-driven public sector
organization dedicated to providing stable, costeffective insurance, risk management, and safety
services to public transit agencies.
Cities & Villages Mutual
Insurance Company
Cities & Villages Mutual Insurance is a
quasi-public, member oriented, owned and
operated mutual liability insurance company
committed to developing and maintaining
stable, affordable insurance products and risk
management services of the highest quality;
supporting effective public services and
serving the long term needs of its members.
County Commissioners Association
of Pennsylvania
The Association serves to strengthen Pennsylvania
counties' ability to govern their own affairs and
improve the well-being and quality of life of their
The Association strives to educate and inform the
public, administrative, legislative and regulatory
bodies, decision makers, and the media about county
Housing Authority Risk
Retention Pool
HARRP's primary purpose is to provide the
Members, on a consistent basis, a cooperative
program of indemnification and financial
protection against risks of loss relating to the
properties and operations of the Members and a
cooperative program of risk management.
City/County Insurance
Services Trust
“To Deliver TRUST-worthy Results in a Trust-worthy Way”
Contra Costa County Municipal Risk
Management Insurance Authority
Partnering to protect the human and financial resources of our Member
Cities, thereby allowing Members to continually improve their level of
community services.
Stabilizing rates and operational costs;
Providing responsive, innovative and professional risk management
Exercising pro-active loss control and risk prevention programs to
controlcosts and provide a safe work environment; and
Maintaining a leadership role in the JPA community.
Housing Authority Insurance Group
Housing Authority Insurance Group is dedicated to:
 Provide housing authorities and other affiliated or
related entities with stable, affordable insurance, other
programs and services of the highest quality, and to do so
with integrity, dignity, and respect;
 Assure members' ability to participate in the companies
through board and committee membership;
Maintain fiscally sound companies which provide a
reasonable rate of return.
Idaho Counties Risk
Management Program
"Our Mission is to provide quality property and
casualty liability insurance services and support
to Idaho's public entities."
Intergovernmental Risk
Management Agency
"The mission of IRMA is to provide reliable protection
against human and financial losses through a selfdirected and proactive partnership which delivers high
quality risk management services that are
professionally managed for the benefit of Members at a
cost that is competitively priced."
Local Government Insurance Trust
The Local Government Insurance Trust mission is to
provide coverage and risk management services at
stable and competitive rates through an organization
that is owned and managed by its local government
M.A.I.S.L. Joint Risk
Management Trust
To provide stable and competitive property/liability
coverage that minimizes the cost of risk to our
member owners.
Miami Valley Risk
Management Association
The mission of the Miami Valley Risk Management
Association is to deliver high quality risk management
services to its member municipalities in a manner
which provides long-term financial stability,
minimization of risks, and protection of mutual
Middle Cities Risk
Management Trust
The Middle Cities Risk Management Trust and Workers’
Compensation Fund provides educational based insurance programs
and risk management services. Controlled by and working for our
members, we seek to provide outstanding service, emphasizing:
 Competitive, stable insurance pricing;
 Value added educational risk management and safety services
responsive to members;
 Professional and responsible service from staff and business service
providers; and,
 Member input in all aspects of the organization, assuring direction,
clarity of purpose and long term stability and sense of ownership.
Municipal Excess Liability Joint
Insurance Fund
To provide leadership and innovation in the financing
and management of risk and to be proactive in the
delivery of essential coverages and loss control
techniques required to improve operational practices
of public entities.
Nevada Public Agency Insurance
Pool and Public Agency
Compensation Trust
The POOL/PACT Member Services Consortium
Delivers Responsive Risk Management Resources for
Public Agencies.
New Mexico Association of Counties
The mission of the NMAC Board of Directors is to work
as a united governing body, by equally representing the
interests of all counties through dedicated elected county
North Bay Schools Insurance
"To be the leading school district Joint Powers
Authority (JPA), providing quality, cost-effective
programs and services through the pooling of
interests and resources."
Public Agency Risk Sharing
Authority of California
The mission of PARSAC is to provide quality
protection at reasonable cost to members by
maintaining a financially stable risk sharing pool.
Public Entity Risk
Management Authority
PERMA is a member-directed pool dedicated to
providing financially secure, stable and cost effective
risk coverage programs and risk management services
for its members.
Schools Insurance Authority
To protect the human and financial resources of our member
districts in order to assure continuation of the educational
process by:
 Stabilizing rates and operational costs;
 Providing innovative, responsive, professional risk
management services;
 Promoting excellence and quality in meeting our
organizational and membership needs.
 Maintaining a proactive leadership role in the JPA community.
Southwest Washington Risk
Management Insurance Cooperative
Educational Service District 112 serves learning
communities through innovative partnerships,
responsive leadership, and exceptional programs.
Texas Association of Public Schools
Property & Liability Fund
The Texas Association of Public Schools will be a
fiscally sound insurance pool for Texas school
districts, education service centers and community
colleges. Membership satisfaction will show that it
is exemplary in offering quality, competitive
insurance products and services through a
professional insurance agent network.
Texas Municipal League
Intergovernmental Risk Pool
The mission of the Texas Municipal League
Intergovernmental Risk Pool is to provide Texas
municipalities and other units of local government
with a stable source of risk financing and loss
prevention services at the lowest cost consistent
with sound business practices.
TML Intergovernmental Employee
Benefits Pool
To provide excellent service offering competitive
health benefits and administrative services to
eligible municipalities and other governmental
entities in Texas by utilizing innovative, viable,
affordable alternatives while maintaining
financial integrity.
Tri-County Schools
Insurance Group
Our Mission is to pool risk and purchasing power
of public entities to provide quality programs to
participants in an effective manner while
emphasizing customer satisfaction, stability,
financial solvency and cost.
Utah Local Governments Trust
The Utah Local Governments Trust, among the
oldest public agency pools in the nation, is a
member owned insurance cooperative committed to
providing superior insurance products and services
at a competitive price to public agencies. The Utah
Local Governments Trust is committed to providing
effective educational and risk management service
to assist members in reducing claims and losses for
the benefit of the total membership.
Vermont School Boards
Insurance Trust
The Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust (VSBIT),
which is owned and governed by Vermont public and private
schools, was organized in 1978. VSBIT offers educational
and professional development opportunities to school
district employees and administrators and also provides
insurance and risk management services.
The educational opportunities are delivered through
VSBIT's School Management Resource Center. The
Resource Center provides educational seminars and web
based resources on matters critical to the operation of a
school district.
Virginia Association of Counties
Group Self-Insurance Risk Pool
Through intergovernmental cooperation, VACoRP is
to provide its members with the most efficient, cost
effective and innovative program possible. VACoRP
must be responsive to the current and future needs of
its members, while providing a stable alternative to
the traditional insurance marketplace.
California Fair services
"CFSA delivers efficient and cost-effective risk
management, insurance and business solutions
services through a flexible and responsive partnership
with our member fairs."
Municipal Association of
South Carolina
The Association is dedicated to the principle of its
founding members: to offer the services and
programs that will give municipal officials the
knowledge, experience and tools for making the
best possible public decisions in the complex world
of municipal government.
Michigan Municipal League
“To be a long term, stable, cost effective risk
management alternative for members and associate
members of the Michigan Municipal League.”
It is the mission of NIRMA, in partnership with
Nebraska counties, other select public agencies, and the
people they serve, to be a leader in providing superior,
cost-effective, innovative and comprehensive coverages
and risk management services to its members through a
member owned and directed program.