ORANGE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE OF CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF SCIENCE GRADE 2 SCIENCE Balance and Motion Pre/Post Assessments Directions, Answer Key, and Scoring Guide School Year 2014-2015 Grade2 Pre/Post Assessments – School year 2014-2015 Directions, Answer Key, and Scoring Rubrics Before the Test Teacher: are the to the student, nor with the students. Be aware that the pre-assessment and the post assessment same. The pre- test should not be returned should the responses be reviewed Students need: A copy of the examination (consumable) Scrap Paper One or more No. 2 pencils During the Test: Students should have a minimum of 45 minutes to complete the test. At the teacher’s discretion, the test may be administered in one or two sessions. In addition, the performance portion of the test may be given to a portion of the class while the reminder of the class is working on the written portion. After the Test: Student scores should be calculated as follows: PRE/POST ASSESSMENT Name Date _______________ WRITTEN ASSESSMENT 1. In the picture to the right, label the balance point and the counterweights. 2 1 0 2. 2 1 0 All points identified Identifies balance or counterweights Does not identify correctly or no response Circle the shapes below that you think will balance in a stable position. counterweights Picked the correct 2 Identifies one of the two pictures Does not identify correctly or no response correct 3. Balance point correct How do you know when something is in a stable position? 2 0 4. Writes it is steady, not falling over or there are counterweights (clothespins) attached low Does not explain correctly or no response Write as many words as you can that describe the different ways things move. 2 Writes straight, zigzag, round and round, back and forthy, fast, slow, spinning, rolling 1 Writes most of the ways things move 0 Does not correctly identify ways things move or no response 5. What is needed to start an object moving? 2 Writes a force is needed to start an object moving 0 Does not answer correctly or no response 6. Look at the rollers in the box. A B C Which roller went down each ramp shown below? Top Roller __C________ Top Roller ___A_______ Roller ____B_____ 3 2 1 All three identified correctly Two identified correctly Identified 1 correctly 0 Does not identify correctly or no response PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Choose a piece of heavy paper. Draw a shape on the paper that you could balance on a craft stick. Cut it out and try it. Draw a picture to show how you balanced your shape. 2 1 0 Drew a picture of a shape and balanced it. Picture should show the clothespins down low. Drew a picture of a shape balanced. picture should show the clothespins in a reasonable place so that the shape would balance Does not draw a shape balanced and /or no counterweights or no response Explain how you balanced your shape. Did you need clothespins? Where did you put them, and why? 2 1 0 Write about the fact that the counterweights (clothespins) need to be down low for the shape to balance Write about the shape balancing but no not include a generalization about where counterweights should be placed Does not answer correctly or no response