Sociology Semester Study Guide

Sociology Semester Study Guide
Directions: Fill out and study the following terms and concepts. This is the material that will appear on
your semester exam for sociology
Key terms:
-gender conflict
-structural functional
-global perspective
-low income
-medium income
-high income
-manifest function
-social conflict
-participant observation
-independent variable
-dependent variable
-interpretive sociology
-Hawthorne affect
-scientific sociology
-popular culture
-cultural universals
-counter culture
-cultural relativism
Key Concepts and terms:
-Karl Marx beliefs and which analysis theory he supported
-suicide trends
-Auguste Comte and what term he coined
-cultural trends in the U.S.
-material and nonmaterial culture
-sociological perspective
-sociological imagination
-C. Wright Mills
-criticism of structural functionalist approach
-symbolic interaction approach
-W.E.B. Du Bois
-sociology was established as an academic discipline in the United States when?
-Herbert Spencer (about him and what phrase he coined)
-Emile Duikhiem
-interpretive sociology
-research method
-snowball sampling
-types of truths
-gender blindness
-4 methods of sociology investigation
-mean, median, mode
-Sapir-Whorf Thesis
-Key U.S cultural values
-Material and nonmaterial culture
-culture shock
-ideal and real culture
-5 elements of culture
-monotheistic and polytheistic
-3 analysis theories in sociology, what their theory is , level of analysis and who is associate with each.
-Polytheism/ Monotheism
-5 major world religions
-father of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
-the Exodus in Christianity and Judaism
-Christianity split from Judaism over what issue
- City Islam was founded in
-religious text of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity