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Veritas Academy
A Renzulli School of Learning
35-01 Union Street, Flushing, New York 11354
Phone: 718-888-7520 Fax: 718-888-7524
Cheryl Quatrano, Principal
Course Title: Regents Chemistry
Course Code: SCS21
Grade: 11
Teacher Name: Mrs. Acosta
Teacher Contact Information: Office hours: Period 3
Room: 116
School Year: 2015-2016
Course Vision. Chemistry is Everywhere!
Everything you hear, see, smell, taste, and touch involves chemistry and chemicals (matter). And hearing,
seeing, tasting, and touching all involve intricate series of chemical reactions and interactions in your body.
With such an enormous range of topics, it is essential to know about chemistry at some level to understand
the world around us. –ACS: Chemistry for Life
Course Objectives.
Students will be able to explain:
 The properties of materials in terms of the arrangement and properties of the atoms that compose
 Use atomic and molecular models to explain common chemical reactions
 Apply the principle of conservation of mass to chemical reactions
 Use kinetic molecular theory (KMT) to explain rates of reactions and the relationships among
temperature, pressure, and volume of a substance.
 Observe and describe transmission of various forms of energy
 Explain heat in terms of kinetic molecular theory
 Explain the benefits and risks of radioactivity
 Explain chemical bonding in terms of the behavior of electrons
 Compare energy relationships within an atom's nucleus to those outside the nucleus
-NYS Core Curriculum
Topics. Tentative schedule subject to change
1. Matter & Measurement
2. Atomic Theory
3. Periodic Table
4. Bonding and Naming
5. Moles and Stoichiometry
6. Physical Behavior of Matter
7. Solutions
8. Kinetics and Equilibrium
9. Acids, Bases, and Salts
10. Reduction and Oxidation
11. Organic
12. Nuclear
Very advanced…
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Very scholarly…
Veritas Academy
A Renzulli School of Learning
35-01 Union Street, Flushing, New York 11354
Phone: 718-888-7520 Fax: 718-888-7524
Cheryl Quatrano, Principal
1. Daily assignments/homework will be written on the front board and it is the student’s
responsibility to copy it into his or her planner.
2. The number of assignments that are given this year will vary as to the particular unit. Graded
homework will average 3-4 times a week.
3. Assignments will include reading, research, written activities and occasional reports. All work
is considered necessary to prepare and enhance the student’s comprehension of the course material.
4. Assignments are due at the beginning of class time on the due date unless otherwise stated
5. All submitted work must be typed or written legibly. A proper heading is required. Work
submitted on ripped or crumpled paper will not be accepted.
CCLS (Common Core Literacy Standards) Assessments.
The Next Generation Science Standards majorly shifts science education by integrating life,
physical, and earth sciences with engineering and technology. The new science standards emphasize
scientific practices including asking questions, constructing models, planning investigations,
analyzing data, using math, forming explanations, evidence based argument, and communication. All
the new science standards also incorporate crosscutting concepts like patterns, cause & effect, scale
& proportion, systems & system models, energy & matter, structure & function, and stability &
The State of New York requires satisfactory completion of 1200 minutes of laboratory work is
a prerequisite for taking the Regents examination at the conclusion of the course
Students will work in groups to collect data and discuss concepts. They will not work together to
produce identical copies of a lab report.
Each student is mandated to produce his or her own lab reports for the work assigned.
Attendance and Make-Up Assignments Policy.
1. Students are to be aware of the school’s attendance policy as stated in the student handbook as
to eligibility for course credit. However, in a Regents class, class work and labs must be made up. A week
will be scheduled later in the year for any lab-make ups needed. It is difficult to achieve success in Earth
Science if very many days are missed.
2. YOU are responsible for all missed work during an absence. Students missing class and work
because of legal absence will have an equal number of days to make up work at full credit, otherwise no
late work is accepted past the due date.
3. Missed test/quizzes will be taken the day you return from an absence.
Workbook: Prentice Hall – Brief Review for NY Chemistry: The Physical Setting
Chemistry Reference Table
Very advanced…
Very personal…
Very scholarly…
Veritas Academy
A Renzulli School of Learning
35-01 Union Street, Flushing, New York 11354
Phone: 718-888-7520 Fax: 718-888-7524
Cheryl Quatrano, Principal
2” three ring binder- FOR CHEMISTRY ONLY- No spiral notebooks
binder tab dividers
Loose-leaf paper
3 Hole punch
Blue or black pens only- please bring more than one to class
# 2 pencils
An small inexpensive calculator (non-graphing) that can fit in your binder
Barron’s Regents Review Book***
1. Be on time! When the bell rings you should be in your seat, working on the
Do Now!
2. Be prepared for class every day. This includes: homework, binder, review book, pen/pencils,
agenda, and calculator.
3. Be respectful to others, to yourself, and to school property.
4. Listen carefully and follow directions. Raise your hand before speaking and do not talk while
others are speaking.
5. Always try your best: complete classwork, homework, ask for help when needed, and
I have read this Syllabus and agree with these expectations.
Student name______________________________ Student’s Signature__________________________
Parent/Guardian Name_______________________________
Parent email or phone # ______________________________
If your son or daughter has an special needs, medical alerts, or wears glasses, please indicate:
Very advanced…
Very personal…
Very scholarly…