EMU Graduate Assistant Orientation Programme September 30th, 2005 Effectiveness in Teaching Prof. Dr. Ahmet Konrot Dip Ed, Dip ALPTE, PhD, LCST EMU Education Faculty, Dept. of Education Introduction I have a difficult task to achieve today… – Lecturing about how to lecture effectively and present myself as a case… If you enjoy it, try to do what I have done If not, then try not to do what I have done today… How did I prepare for this lecture? I started by asking several questions Question 1 What were/are my objectives in general? –To be effective and affective in life…. Question 2 Who am I ? –How much do I know about myself? Question 3 Does my audience know who I am ? How much do they know about me? – What are my limitations? I can not possibly know about evertyhing! Neither can you! – What are my strenghts? – Which personality traits can define me the best? Question 4 Who are my listeners ? How much do I know about them? –What are their limitations? –What are their strenghts? –Which personality traits can define them individually the best? Question 5 What are my resources? What are their resources? Question 6 What are my responsibilities as a professor/teacher? –Recorded (contract, bylaws etc.) –Unrecorded (social factors, personal choices etc.) … Question 7 What am I going to do on stage? –What shall/must I talk about? Question 8 What this are my objectives for session? – ‘All sessions’ planner- a routine practitioner – ‘This session’ planner- a possible routine breaker Mid-session advice from an old man… BREAK YOUR ROUTINE Question 9 What will be my performance like? What will be the reaction of the audience? On stage fright and reading the minds of the audience before the performance starts !… Who is this guy? How islong will this What he trying torture last? I’ve to do? got an What amappointment I suppose with to mydo? girl-friend! Who are they? Encounters of the first kind ! Why are they here? What do they expect me to do? What if I won’t be able to staisfy their expectations? ???? The hell with this TA Orientation Programme! I’ve got better things to do! am I? Who What am I doing here? What am I suppose to do? It is certain that I can’t meet the expectations of the guy who is thinking about something more interesting! But what can I do to attract his attention? And the next step R A tI R Searched A tI for general objectives Searched for relevant material Constructed a synopsis Prepared a draft presentation Reviewed the ppt presentation Rehearsed the ppt presentation Made changes and amendments Rehearsed again R A tI Prepared an alternative presentation Rehearsed the alternative ppt Compared the presentations Decided on the final draft Rehearsed the final draft Made changes and amendments Decided on the presentation to be used Pleased with the final version and went to bed for a good night’s sleep at dawn still knowing that it is not the final version yet! Woke up and came here! How long did it take to prepare for an hours’ lecture? Face value.. Seven days & at least 21 hours! Real value.. 34 years How much will I earn for this lecture? Face value.. NONE Real value.. Experience, academic fulfilment & professional achievement My objectives for this session To help you understand what I & some other colleagues think about effective teaching. Explore this topic by focusing on classroom teaching, mainly lecturing, because: – We do it most of the time – We were taught that way – Seems an easy way to teach BUT is it easy as it seems? Were you happy to be taught that way? – I give you three minutes… Go back to your school / university days and write down your good and bad experiences… Try to remember your ‘good’ and ‘bad’ teachers and/or lecturers… Try to recall the subjects you enjoyed and learned the most and the ones you hated and did not learn as much.. Today, I will be talking about lecturing in teching. BUT please be aware that I do not intend to give the impression that effective teaching means effective lecturing. Today, I will be talking about lecturing because, Lecturing is widely used especially at the university level. Effective teaching should include other teaching tecniques and means besides lecturing to enhance learning. BUT today, I shall leave other aspects and focus on lecturing styles only in the hope that we may improve classroom teaching at least in cases where one needs to employ lecturing as a tool to convey information on a given subject or a topic. Overview Why do we lecture? Pitfalls associated with lecturing! Patricia Hayes Andrews, Department of Speech Communication, Indiana University, Bloomington http://www.indiana.edu/~teaching/lectskills.html Published by the University Office for Learning Resources, February 1989 Why do we lecture? Exercising/gaining control of the class Highlighting major ideas Setting the stage for forthcoming activities Showing one's own interest and enthusiasm for the subject Providing a role model of good public communication skills. Pitfalls associated with lecturing (Patricia Hayes Andrews, 1989) Trying to cover too much material Failing to prepare adequately Being perceived as disorganized or unclear Inadvertently encouraging student passivity Ignoring student feedback Failing to formulate good examples Displaying distracting or poor delivery Lecturing- Direct instruction Main advantage Logarithmic/Geometricly increased – Saves time for the students. Lecturer provides listeners with concise and organised information which he/she has collated over a long period of time (may be over the years). Students need not have to wait that long and live the same experiences the lecturer had in the past in order to acquire that piece of information. BUT BE SURE TO USE IT selectively, sparingly and cleverly! A. Konrot Prepare before you start teaching Know your objectives Know yourself Know your students Know your campus resourses Define your responsibilities When I was just a young TA I asked my mentors how I shall be… Will I be bright will I be dull??? Here’s what they said to me: Don’t you worry much! What ever will be, will be! The future is yours to see! You just don’t worry… What will be, will be! Words & Music by Jay Livingston & Ray Evans Recorded by Doris Day, 1956 Lyrics by A. Konrot The original lyrics of the song is rather deterministic! Que sera sera… What ever will be, will be! not The future is Que sera sera … What will be, ours to see! will be! Of course, What will be, will be! but If you prepare ‘adequately’, you may see the future! I wish you all the best with your new venture, which I hope to see will be your career in the future... Thank you... Where to Get More Information http://www.indiana.edu/~teaching/lectskills.html IU Teaching Handbook: Section 2 — Teaching MethodsConsulting services, other sources www.indiana.edu/~teaching Handbook For Teaching and Laboratory Assistants, The Graduate School And The Office of Instructional Support and Development www.umass.edu/cft http://www.uregina.ca/tdc/difficult%20students.htm OR Search for “TA Handbook” on a seach engine such as Goooooogggle!