Tourism and Major Events Division

Business Directorate
Tourism and Major Events Division
January 2014
Following a search of our paper and electronic records, I have set out below the information
you requested.
The 2012 Ryder Cup at Medinah, Chicago provided a unique opportunity to promote
Scotland to a worldwide audience at one of the biggest global sporting events; and to
develop new and existing business relationships through an extensive programme in
Chicago, in the week of the tournament.
The next Ryder Cup will take place at Gleneagles in 2014 and has the potential to generate
£100 million for the Scottish economy with tens of thousands of spectators attending from all
over the world and millions more watching the tournament on television in more than 180
countries. Over 200,000 people attended the 2012 tournament at Medinah and over 500
million watched it on television.
As well as attending the opening ceremony of the 2012 Ryder Cup at Medinah, the First
Minister accepted, at the invitation of Ryder Cup Europe, the official ‘Silver Putter’ at the
closing ceremony, symbolising the handover of the tournament to Scotland as the host
nation for the 2014 tournament. Ministers also carried out an extensive programme of
targeted engagement with high-level business, media, tourism and civic leaders, to develop
relationships, support potential and existing inward investment in Scotland, and to promote
Scotland, as the Home of Golf, and the host of the 2014 Ryder Cup.
Scotland’s strong presence at Medinah not only helped build and strengthen relationships
with the world’s media ahead of the 2014 Ryder Cup but resulted in significant press,
broadcast and online coverage throughout the globe, particularly following the official
handover ceremony. On the Monday morning following the Medinah event more than 9,000
online articles mentioned the 2014 Ryder Cup and Gleneagles or Scotland. In addition, our
Gleneagles 2014 stand was seen by tens of thousands of spectators on the ground and
millions, across the globe, watching at home saw the Scotland, Home of Golf promotion.
EventScotland has already provided details of the costs that were incurred in taking forward
the programme at Medinah.
Ocean Point, Edinburgh EH6 6JH
In addition to the Ryder Cup at Medinah the Ministerial delegation spent four days
developing business and trade links with North America. The delegation, led by the First
Minister who was accompanied by Mrs Salmond, also included the Minister for
Commonwealth Games and Sport, four Ministerial Private Office staff, two Visits and Events
Officials, two communications officers, three representatives of Scottish Development
International, the Scottish Government’s Director of Business and an official from the
Scottish Government’s Sports Directorate. The Scottish Government Counsellor in North
America and the Second Secretary of Scottish Affairs also attended.
The First Minister helped to encourage the expansion of Scottish companies into the North
American market. He joined Airdrie-based company Albert Bartlett - which currently employs
700 full-time staff in Scotland – to announce the company’s launch into the US market. By
partnering with supermarket giant Walmart, Albert Bartlett’s brand Rooster potatoes will be
sold in Colorado and Georgia, before a wider roll-out to stores in multiple US states during
2013. The First Minister then hosted a reception to welcome to Chicago a Scottish
development international trade mission of 13 Scottish food and drink and golf related
companies seeking to do business in the United States. Also present at that reception were
around 20 US companies from the aerospace, financial services, life sciences, automotive
and chemicals industries who are exploring opportunities to invest and grow their businesses
in Scotland.
The First Minister’s work in Chicago also included a number of business meetings which
secured over 140 new jobs and tens of millions in new investment from US based
companies who are successfully expanding their operations in Scotland.
Following a roundtable discussion with key stakeholders in the oil and gas sector, GE oil and
gas announced a £9 million expansion of their oil and gas centre of excellence in Montrose
and the creation of 40 new jobs by 2014.
The First Minister also met key representatives of automotive company American Axle
ahead of a joint announcement that the firm was establishing a new manufacturing and
engineering centre of excellence in Glasgow, by investing £3.6million in new equipment and
supporting approximately 80 jobs, aided by financial assistance, totalling over £570k, from
Scottish Enterprise.
Further reinforcing Scotland’s world-leading position in the field of life sciences, the First
Minister met with global life-science and high-tech chemical company Sigma Aldrich to
announce the expansion of the company’s operations on its Irvine site with a new
manufacturing project creating 24 new jobs.
The First Minister also met Chicago city Mayor Rahm Emanuel and delivered a keynote
speech to business leaders and decision makers at the Chicago Council on Global Affairs,
one of the USA’s oldest and most prominent international affairs organisations.
Ocean Point, Edinburgh EH6 6JH
As requested, please see the breakdown of costs by date of purchase, which covers the
whole delegation of eighteen people as outlined above:
Accommodation &
business room hire
The projected costs, previously estimated in answer to Parliamentary Question S4W-11204,
were published on 27 November 2012. On finalising costs, VisitScotland spend was £3000
less than initially anticipated. No further information applicable to your request is held by the
Scottish Government.
Ocean Point, Edinburgh EH6 6JH