Historical Fiction

Welcome to a wondrous journey . . .
Some characters may
be actual people
from history, but the
story is fictional
Form of fiction
Based on historical
Authentic settings
Artistic mix of
fiction and
historical fact
Characters portrayed in
realistic manner
Historical Fiction
Mentor Texts
form of fiction (not true)
based on historical events
authentic settings
characters portrayed in realistic
some characters may be actual
people from history, but the story
is fictional
artistic mix of fiction and historical
Character Profile Questions
Brainstorm answers to each
question with a brief response.
Number your answers.
1. Is your character a girl/boy?
- How old are they?
2. Body Type? - Tall, short,
sturdy, puny, thin?
3. What type of hair?
-Long? Straight? Curly?
-Style? Ponytails? Braids?
4. What about your character’s
facial features?
- Cheerful, scowling?
- Eyebrows? -arched, bushy?
- Eyes? - large, small?
- Lashes? - thick, thin, long?
- Freckles?
- Skin? - light, dark?
5. What striking features does
he/she have? -scars, tattoos?
6. What type of clothing does
your character typically wear?
(Think about the time period)
7. What is your character’s
personality flaw? In other words,
what is something that gets in the
way for him/her, or something
about your character that bothers
other people?
-Temper? Forgetfulness?
Pushy? Loud? Too timid?
Too snoopy?
8. What has ever gotten him/her into
9. What good traits does he/she
10. Does your character have friends?
- What do they like to do?
11. Who is in your character’s
- Lives with parents? One or both?
- Siblings? Older, younger?
- Grandparents?
- Pets?
12. Where does your character
- House, hut, tent, cottage?
- Village, farm, woods?
13. I imagine my character
looking like this in my story.
(You may draw a picture on your
paper below).
Historical fiction stories will use the characteristics
listed below as a guideline for writing:
Narrative Structure
Historical setting (100 year time frame)
Main character is a girl/boy ages 10-12
Problem/solution that main character faces,
events based on that time period
• Events accurate for that historical time
• Map of historical area
• Use of “Thinking Maps” for organization
Historical Fiction Genre Rubric
(3) Developing
Introduction “sets the stage”
through a scenario (including setting,
problem and goal)
Includes a detailed map for location and a
timeline for the historical period
Mix of historical and realistic fictional
characters (one has to be a 10-12 year old
boy/girl) with some details and dialogue
Events are historically accurate
Resolution is historically accurate and
(5) Strong
Introduction “sets the stage”
through a scenario (including
setting, conflict, problem and
Includes a detailed map for
location and an expanded
timeline for the historical
Mix of historical and realistic
fictional characters including
time specific character details
(clothing, food, housing, daily
life, transportation) and
believable dialogue
Historically accurate events
include details that expand
Resolution is historically
accurate, believable, and
includes many details
Originally presented by Ms. Larkins