American History Chapters 7-21

American History
Chapters 7-21
Test Review
I have Habeas Corpus.
Who has a hothead who
sparks a revolution or
inspires others to action?
I have Firebrands.
Who has a person who
betrays trust or is false to
an obligation or duty?
I have Traitor.
Who has a citizen soldier
who met regularly to train
and drill?
I have Militia.
Who has the farmers and
artisans in the militia who
could be ready to fight in
a minute’s notice?
I have Minutemen.
Who has the government
in which the people have
the power and rule
themselves, usually
through elected officials?
I have Democracy.
Who has the great charter
that English barons forced
King John to sign in 1215 that
protected the rights and
property of English citizens?
I have Magna Carta.
Who has the colonists who
banded together to ensure
rights as Americans and
promote independence
from England?
I have Sons of Liberty.
Who has the inaccurate gun
that had to be loaded from
the top for each shot, but
could hold a bayonet?
I have Musket.
Who has the government
headed by a king or queen?
I have Monarchy.
Who has what King George III
issued to forbade colonists
from settling west of the
Appalachian Mountains?
I have the Proclamation of 1763.
Who has the law that forced people
to pay a special tax on certain
items that were then stamped to
show the tax had been paid.
Things people used every day,
such as newspapers, playing
cards, and legal documents like
diplomas or licenses, were taxed
under this?
I have the Stamp Act.
Who has the laws that placed
import taxes on pain, glass,
lead, paper, and tea
coming into America. The
money was then used to pay
British colonial officials?
I have the Townshend Acts.
Who has the act that was
passed in 1765 that
required colonists to pay for
housing and feeding British
soldiers in their area?
I have the Quartering Act.
Who has the event that
occurred on March 5, 1770
in which British soldiers
stationed in Boston fired into
a mob of civilians, killing five
and wounding seven?
I have the Boston Massacre
Who has the last effort by the
Continental Congress of
asking the king to consider
their problems; the king
refused to read the petition?
I have the Olive Branch Petition.
Who has the document
written by Thomas Paine that
argued why America should
be free from English rule?
I have Common Sense.
Who has the event when delegates
from the colonies met in
Philadelphia in May 1775 to debate
the rapidly disintegrating
relationship between England and
the colonies; named George
Washington as commander in chief
of the continental Army?
I have the 2nd Continental Congress.
Who has the basic right to
stand before a judge and
be charged with a crime?
Fact or Fiction?
John Hancock wanted to
lead the Continental Army,
but George Washington
was nominated and
Fact or Fiction?
Benedict Arnold was the
leader of the Green
Mountain Boys.
Fact or Fiction?
John Adams started the
Committees of
Fact or Fiction?
In his book, Letters of an
American Farmer,
Crevecoeur wrote about
how much he disliked
America and its people.
Fact or Fiction?
The king of England issued
the Proclamation of 1763 to
stop the colonists from
moving west into Indian
Fact or Fiction?
Eliza Lucas successfully
managed 3 plantations for
her father, but her own
family plantations failed
ager her husband died.
Fact or Fiction?
During the Glorious
Revolution, William and
Mary willingly gave away
power to the Parliament
with a Bill of Rights.
Fact or Fiction?
After the Boston Tea Party,
the king and Lord North
decided it would be best
to repeal the Tea act
Fact or Fiction?
Not all Patriots were from
America, as Thomas Paine
came over from
England in 1774.
Fact or Fiction?
Paul Revere created an
accurate engraving of the
Boston Massacre, showing
clearly that the Redcoats
acted in self-defense.
Fact or Fiction?
The British soldiers captured
Paul Revere and Samuel
Prescott before they
reached Concord.
Fact or Fiction?
Ethan Allen and Benedict
Arnold attacked Fort
Ticonderoga together,
acting as co-leaders.
Fact or Fiction?
Ben Franklin, John Adams,
and Thomas Jefferson
worked on the Declaration
of Independence together.
Fact or Fiction?
The patriot leader, Dr.
Joseph Warren, died on
Breed’s Hill.
Fact or Fiction?
On July 4, 1776, the
Declaration of
Independence was
approved by the Second
Continental Congress.
Name that person!
Who was King of England
during the Revolutionary
Name that person!
Who was a firebrand, a
member of the Sons of
Liberty, helped brew up the
Boston tea Party, and gave
the name to the Boston
Name that person!
Who was the first man to sign
the Declaration of
Independence? He also
thought of himself worthy to
become the Commander of
the Continental Army.
Name that person!
Who was the British officer in
command on the night of
the Boston Massacre?
Name that person!
Who nominated Washington
as the Commander of the
Continental Army? He also
represented the British
soldiers who were present
at the Boston Massacre.
Name that event!
The first major battle of the
Revolutionary War. The
British overtook the area
and claimed victory despite
losing over 1,00 men.
Name that person!
This man’s occupations
included: scientist, post
master, diplomat, writer of
Poor Richard’s Almanac
Topics to know inside and out…
Patriots vs. Loyalists
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea party
Paul Revere’s Ride
Continental Army vs. British Redcoats