Week Beginning Lecture title Post lecture Summary of PTs role in

Lecture title
Wk 3
24 Sept
Summary of PTs role
in school placement
Wednesday 12 September
EPS Seminar –
Opportunity to meet with your EPS
Wk 1
10 Sept
Wk 2
17 Sept
Post lecture
Effective Teaching and Learning
Mark James
What makes effective teaching and
learning? How do theoretical perspectives
inform our practice?
Seminar 1.
Educational Study
What is the Educational Study?
Managing Pupil's Behaviour
Mike Bosher
How do teachers develop effective
behaviour management strategies to
promote learning?
Online Webshare :
School Induction
Child Protection
Discuss Lecture:
What makes effective teaching and
How do we manage pupils’ behaviour?
(this will close on Sunday 7th October)
Educational Study:
Start to identify a topic
or topics to pursue.
Discussion Focus:
Good Behaviour
Wk 4
01 Oct
Using assessment to inform teaching and
Maria Lewis
How do teachers use assessment support
students and promote achievement?
Seminar 2:
Educational Study
How to write a good question?
How can we use assessment to improve
pupil achievement?
Educational Study:
Discuss emerging
questions from any
Share personal
reading log.
Discuss draft question.
Discussion Focus:
particular Assessment
For Learning
Wk 5
8 Oct
The Challenge of Inclusion
Harry Daniels and Jill Porter
What are the statutory frameworks for
inclusion in schools? How does the law
promote fair access to education?
Designated EPS time.
For details see page 23
Educational Study:
Continue to discuss
readings and
emerging questions.
Share personal
reading log. Review
question if necessary.
Discussion Focus:
Inclusion Policy
Wk 6
15 Oct
Special Needs in the Classroom
Jane Furnivall
What is the experience of the special
needs pupil in our classroom? How can
teachers be aware of special educational
needs and provide effective support for
Seminar 3:
Educational Study
What research Methods should I use in
my ES?
Discuss Lecture: How do we support
Special Needs in the classroom?
Discuss Webshare
Wk 7
22 Oct
Teaching pupils with English as an
Additional Language
Steve Donaghue
How do we support and teach EAL pupils
Designated EPS time.
For details see page 25
Educational Study:
Examine appropriate
research methods:
start to design
appropriate methods
for study. Also
consider who they will
need to talk to
complete study and
any potential
Discussion Focus:
SEN in the classroom
Educational Study:
Discuss research
question focus and the
way forward.
Discussion Focus:
Social Inclusion
SEN in the classroom
Wk 7 (Thurs
& Fri 25 / 26
EPS Enrichment Week
A three day programme consisting of:
Research Methods seminars and workshop sessions; focussing on the writing of the Educational
Child Protection Training
SEN workshop Carousel
A Reading/Literacy workshop including an introduction to ‘Systematic Synthetic Phonics’
N.B. Although this is Mid-Term Break for schools, this week is a full week of the course for all PGCE
trainees and attendance is compulsory for all sessions.
Wk 9
05 Nov
Applying for and obtaining a suitable post
in teaching
Barry Hancock NASUWT
What are perspective employers looking
for? How do I apply for a job? How will I be
an outstanding candidate at interview.
Seminar 4
Educational Study
Literature Review
How do I write a Literature review?
Bring Overview Proforma to Seminar and
discuss ES study with group.
Educational Study:
Discuss literature
review. Discussion
Focus: the changing
Email Completed
Overview Proforma
to EPS tutor and PT