Q. True or False. Humans receive oxygen from the air they

3.4.4 + 3.4.7 Breathing System FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. What is the average breathing rate at rest?
A. 16 bpm
Q. Name the process involved in the passage of gas
between the alveolus and the blood.
A. Diffusion
Q. What is the function of the larynx?
A. To produce sound
Q. What is the function of the epiglottis?
A. Prevent food going down 'the wrong way'
Q. Name the blood vessel that returns blood rich in
oxygen to the heart.
A. Pulmonary vein
Q. State a possible effect of smoking on the
breathing resting rate.
A. Raises rate
Q. True or False. Humans receive nitrogen from the
air they inhale for protein manufacture.
Q. Where is the epiglottis?
A. At the back of the throat; Top of oesophagus
Q. The trachea contains rings of cartilage. Suggest a
function of this cartilage.
A. To keep trachea open; Protection of trachea
Q. Name the muscles that are used in breathing.
A. Diaphragm and intercostal
Q. True or False. Humans receive oxygen from the
air they inhale.
Q. What is the role of alveoli in the lungs?
A. Exchange gases
Q. Give one way in which water is lost from the
A. Sweating; Breathing out water vapour; Urination
Q. What is the function of cilia in the breathing
A. To trap dirt and bacteria and sweep them
upwards to the glottis
Q. When the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
contract the volume of the thorax … and the
pressure …
A. Increases; Decreases
Q. Breathing rate in humans is controlled by the
concentration of what gas dissolved in the blood?
A. Carbon dioxide
Q. State the location in the human body of the
intercostal muscles.
A. Between ribs
Q. Give one feature of the alveoli that allows
efficient exchange of gases.
A. Thin walls; Moist surfaces; Surrounded by
capillaries; Large surface area; Expandable
Q. How did you measure the breathing resting
A. Observe; Count; Repeat; Average; Record
Q. Outline the steps involved in inhalation.
A. Impulse from brain; Diaphragm & intercostal
muscles contract; Thorax volume increases;
Pressure decreases; Air inhaled
Q. What is respiration?
A. Controlled release of energy from food, within
the cells of an organism
Q. When the diaphragm and intercostal muscles
relax the volume of the thorax … and the pressure
A. Decreases; Increases
Q. Where do cilia occur in the breathing system?
A. Trachea
Q. Name the main gas transported in the
pulmonary artery.
A. Carbon dioxide
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