Voice Producer Notes

The voice as a tool for Performance
 All actors use their voice as a crucial element in performance
here are the 3 reasons:
 1st because you must be heard by the entire audience; for
two reasons: A) some of the lines contain information
necessary to the understanding of the plot and B) audiences
will become annoyed when they have to strain to hear any
 2nd The voice will convey what type of character you are
 3rd voice conveys what the character thinks and feels about
events that are taking place.
Like an athlete, you will train your voice to gain strength,
flexibility and endurance.
 Diaphragmatic Breathing: Proper breathing is essential for
stage and public speaking The diaphragm is the muscle and
tissue that is connected between the abdominal and chest
 It simply works when you inhale air will rush in through
your mouth and nose, down the wind pipe or trachea into
your lungs- the diaphragm contracts thus your abdomen will
expand. This forces the rib cage to expand thus enlarging
the chest cavity.
 Exhaling is just the reverse the diaphragm expands, the
abdomen and rib cage contract thus the air is force out of
the lungs.
Why we use Diaphragmatic breathing? Because make full use of
the diaphragm, increasing your air capacity and improves your
breathing control. This control is crucial for slow and steady
exhaling which allows you to sustain your breath longer and thus
use your voice more efficiently.
 Warm-ups Facial stretch the over extradited stretching of the facial
 Vocalization drills: use of vowels and constants in group
words repeating and changing the patterns be sure to open the
mouth fully by over extradited movement of lips and facial
Sound producers- parts of the human sound system.
1. resonators- the hard and soft palates, throat and sinuses
2. resonance- a quality caused by the vibration.
Note: resonance enriches vocal tone.
3. articulators- the jaw, lips, tongue, teeth and the soft palate
4. articulation- the clear and precise pronunciation of words
Note: the skill at using both consonants and vowels will affect
your voices resonance.
Terms relating to the Voice
5. projection: when the voice fills the performing space so that
all members of the audience can hear and understand you.
Note: shouting is not projection and a stage whisper is not
6. inflection: a form of expression with the use of the voice; by
using variety in your voice to express changing thoughts and
emotions it is done by using changes in voice elements
Elements of voice
7. pitch: how high or low your voice is
8. volume: the loudness and softness of the voice
9. tempo: the speed (fast slow) of the voice
10. phrasing: the division of your speech into smaller parts, by
adding pauses to create emphasis and a rhythmic pattern of
sounds and silences
11. quality: when your voice is shrill, nasal, raspy, breathy,
booming etc.
 Note: the quiz next week includes 12 terms to include
diaphragmatic breathing.