Module 2 Leadership

Ben Gurion Syllabus
Building High Performing NGOs
Friday, March 15 2013 (Half Day)
Tuesday, March 18 2013
Wednesday, March 20 2013
Friday, March 22 2013 (Half Day)
Course elements:
 All sessions will have an interactive component
 Ample time will be provided for discussion on how to apply concepts and practice to the NGO
sector in Israel
 Students should read the cases or articles the night before the discussion after first reviewing
the study questions
Friday, March 15
Strategic Planning at NFTE Case
PlaNet Finance Case
Note on the Nonprofit Coherence Framework
Introductions, Course Overview, Managerial Perspective and Class Norms
Module 1
Mission, Theory of Change and Strategy
Case discussion
Strategic Planning at NFTE (9-302-002)
1. On page 5 of the case it states, "Everyone had different ideas of what NFTE was and
where to focus their attention." How has this state of affairs been created and
2. A great deal of time and energy was expended on modifying NFTE's mission
statement. What is your assessment of NFTE's latest mission statement in the
footnote on page 7 of the case compared to its original mission statement on the
bottom of page 1 of the case? How much will this change help reduce the
3. Why is the strategic planning process so challenging for NFTE/ what would you
recommend to make it less so?
Case discussion
PlaNet Finance: Broad Scope in Microfinance (9-708-441) (Bridgespan 2x2)
1. How well does the strategy align with the mission of PlaNet Finance?
2. How would you describe the effectiveness of the strategy of the organization?
3. Which of the activities of the organization would you drop and which would you
grow? How would you decide?
Tuesday, March 18
Year Up Case
What Leaders Really do Article
The Work of Leadership Article
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Case
Lecture Nonprofit Coherence Framework Note (9-309-035)
Discussion and reflections of applicability to NGO sector in Israel
What is the status of the sector today?
Module 2
Discussion of Leadership
1. What does it take to be a successful leader in Israel’s NGO sector?
2. How different is this from the business sector, the military?
3. Is there a leadership gap in the NGO sector, why?
Case discussion
Year Up (9308-032)
1. Chertavian has to date been more successful than most social entrepreneurs
overcoming many of the barriers to high performance. What are the key leadership
qualities that have enabled him to do create, sustain and scale Year Up?
2. What might he have done more effectively?
3. Are there specific areas of his current operations or planning that concern you as
you look ahead?
4. What would you recommend that Gerald do during the difficult economic situation
he faces at the end of the case? Should YU continue to implement Growth Phase
Discussion of Articles
What Leaders Really Do (HBR Reprint RO111F John P.Kotter)
1. What is your assessment of Kotter’s distinction between leadership and
2. Is one easier to do in the NGO sector in Israel?
The Work of Leadership (HBR Reprint RO111K Ronald A. Heifetz and Donald L. Laurie)
1. How relevant is the concept of Adaptive Challenge to the NGO sector in Israel?
2. What are your challenges for becoming an adaptive Leader?
3. How can you most successfully overcome these challenges?
Module 3
Funding the Nonprofit
Case and Article discussion
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation (9-302-090)
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the old, Systems Reform, and the
new, Institutional Field Building, funding models?
2. What impact could this shift in strategy have on existing and potential grantees?
3. How important is it for Bailin to build support and engagement from other
grantmakers for Institutional Field Building? If important, what are the challenges
for building support?
What Foundations can Learn From Venture Capitalists (HBR Reprint 97207)
Wednesday, March 20
Chapter 1, Yours for the Asking
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Case
Jumpstart Case
Discuss Article
Individual Giving—Chapter 1 What does it take to raise money successfully in Israel?
Fundraising Practicum Reading from Yours for the Asking, Reynold Levy, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc, 2008
Based on your own experiences, answer the following questions:
1. If you have ever asked for money, how did you feel? What made your ask successful
or less so?
2. When others have asked you for money, what characteristics made "the ask"
successful? What factors had the opposite effect
Lecture, Discussion and reflections
What are the challenges of raising funds in Israel’s NGO sector?
What are the current trends among funders?
Module 4
Performance Measurement and Management
Case Discussion
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (99-300-105) (Logic Model)
1. What are the key elements of NCPTP's strategy? How well does the strategy align
with and drive the theory of change and the mission?
2. How much evidence does NCPTP have that they are materially contributing to the
national trend of lower teen pregnancy rates?
3. What are the key challenges to measuring the organization's effectiveness? What
ways would you recommend to NCTP to assess its impact?
Case Discussion
Jumpstart (9-301-037)
1. How well do the components of Jumpstart's performance measurement and
management system fit together? Be specific in your analysis by referring to the
framework on page 7 of the case.
2. What changes, if any, would you make to the performance measurement and
management system at Jumpstart?
3. What adjectives would you use to describe the culture at Jumpstart?
4. What are the challenges of sustaining the performance measurement and
management system and culture at Jumpstart?
Lecture and discussion
Status of performance measurement in Israel’s NGO sector—barriers to and
opportunities for implementation
Friday, March 22
Strive Case
Salud Digna Case
Module 4
Scaling to Achieve Impact
Case discussion
STRIVE (9-399-054)
1. What are the essential elements of the STRIVE program? Why are they important?
2. What is your assessment of the Strive’s expansion strategy?
3. What are the key factors that STRIVE management should consider for successful
Case Discussion
Salud Digna (9-311-051)
1. Which of the three growth options--providing new tests and services, opening
primary care clinics, offering diagnostic services to public institutions--the last three
discussed on page 13 of the case--should Moreno pursue and why?
2. Contrary to often held nonprofit stereotypes, Salud Digna is able to demand a great
deal from its employees. What is their key for accomplishing this?
3. Are the advantages discussed in the case of Salud Digna being a nonprofit fair to the
numerous for-profit organizations that have entered this bottom of the pyramid
4. To access capital, should Salud Digna become a for-profit organization? Why or why
Lecture and discussion
Barriers and opportunities for scaling in Israel
Closing Session
Reflections and discussion
For the next 15 minutes, write down the answers to following questions:
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the effectiveness of Israel’s NGO sector?
What can you do in you careers to increase the impact of the sector?
Feedback from Students about the course
Closing remarks by the Professor