Respiratory Review SheetAnswer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The three functions of the nasal conchae are: warm__, mositen_, filter The four sinuses are ethmoid, maxilla, sphenoid, frontal The function of the sinuses are decrease weight skull, air chamber, sound The three sections of the pharynx are nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx The most superior section of the pharynx is nasopharynx, inferior_laryngopharynx The pharynx is also known as _throat The larynx is also known as _voice box You speak through these vocal cords_true The covering over the trachea to prevent food from entering is called epiglottis_, it is made of elastic cartilage 10. The trachea is made of 20 number of rings. The soft tissue is on the posterior side. 11. The rings are made of hyaline cartialge 12. The trachea is also known as the windpipe 13. The tubes leading from the trachea are called bronchi 14. The smallest conducting air passageway is the _bronchiole 15. The order of the air passageway is nasal, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchiole 16. Which lung is bigger _Right_, because_heart lies on left 17. The covering of the lung is known as visceral pleura 18. This is the covering of the thoracic cavity which helps reduce frictionparietal pleura 19. Air exchange occurs here alveoli by diffusion 20. Moving air in & out of lungs is known as_ventilation/breathing 21. Gas exchange between blood & cells is known as internal respiration 22. When you inhale this happens: Diaphragm goes down sternum goes up rib cage up_ use these intercostals muscles external intercostals, volume increases pressure in lung_decreases 23. Exhale: diaphragm goes up, sternum goes down, rib cage goes down_ These intercostals muscles used internal_, volume decreases_ pressure increases 24. The nerve that stimulates the diaphragm is called the phrenic nerve 25. Normal breathing is called _tidal_ volume measures about _500_ml. 26. Air that keeps lung inflated & stays in lung, only noticed when wind knocked out of you is called_residual volume, this amount__1100_ml. 27. Total amount of exchangeable air is known as vital capacity_ It is made from these 3 volumes TV, ERV, IRV 28. All air the lungs hold is called total lung capacity_apacity measure amount_6000_ml 29. The volume of air you inhale after a tidal volume is called inspriatory reserve vol. IRV 30. Total amount of air you can exhale is called_functional capacity made of ERV& RV 31. Respiratory rate is about _12-18 per minute 32. These two parts of the brain stem are responsible for breathing medulla oblongata, pons which are located here_brain stem 33. Forceful breathing is controlled by the ventral respiratory center_ 34. Rhythmic breathing is controlled by _dorsal respiratory center_ 35. The blood vessels aorta & carotid_ are most sensitive to this gas carbon dioxide_ 36. When you hyperventilate you actually have too much _oxygen which causes you to dizzy & faint building of this gas in blood carbon dioxide 37. Gas exchange occurs because of this process diffusion in which gas move form _HIGH concentration to are of _LOW_ concentration 38. This prevents overinflation of the lungs stretch receptors_ 39. Two most severely damaging & disabling respiratory diseases are: lung cancer & COPD 40. COPD involves decrease oxygen, smoking, high infection rate KNOW the Following Diseases/Disorders: Apnea- stop bretahing Dispnea- difficulty breathing Cyanosis-blueish tint to skin, lack of oxygen Aspiration Pneumonia-trachea clogged, lack of oxygen Asthma-constriction of airways, bronchial spasms Hypoxia-low in oxygen Emphysema-clogged airways/alveoli Pluerisy-inflammation of pleura, covering of lungs Lung Cancer-due to smoking, high fatality Tuberculosis-airbrone highly infectious respiratory disease Be Able to Label The Following: 1. Upper respiratory Pic: nasal conchae, sinuses, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea 2. Lower respiratory Pic : larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, L & R lung & lobes, visceral pleura, alveoli 3. Breathing Chart: tidal volume (TV) , residual volume (RV) , inhale reserve volume (IRV) exhale reserve volume(ERV), vital capacity (VC) , total lung capacity (TLC), functional capacity ( FRC) Inspiratory capacity ( IVC)