Into the Wild Assessment Timeline: Chapters 1-5 Using Reading Comprehension Strategies 1.2 select and use the most appropriate reading comprehension strategies to understand texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts Demonstrating Understanding of Content 1.3 identify the most important ideas and supporting details in texts, including increasingly complex or difficult texts Your Task 1. Review the notes in your folder from chapters 1 to 4 of Into the Wild. 2. Find your notes on places that Chris travelled. Skim through chapters 1 -4 and add to your notes if needed. 3. Create a Power Point, Google Slides or Mindomo which shows images of all the places that Chris has travelled so far in the book. 4. Organize the images into chronological order. 5. Add captions indicating both where and when he travelled to each location. 6. Read chapter 5 and add to your timeline. 7. Save your work to your Google Drive 8. Share your slide show with your teacher: Success Criteria Information on slide matches information in the novel One image per slide Each image is labelled with both a date and the location name eg. Las Vegas, May 1991 Slides are organized chronologically