VICIOUS VIKINGS! CONTENTS ♥ Who were the Vikings? ♥ The Viking Homes! ♥ Viking adventures! ♥ Ruthless raiders! ♥ Viking food ♥Viking fashion Go back if you dare! VIKING ADVENTURES! The Vikings loved adventures - so they sailed away on risky voyages, over stormy seas. Viking explorers hoped to become famous, take over new land and get rich. The Vikings had no maps but used clouds and stars to guide them. They sailed in fast war ships , powered by men rowing and by the wind trapped in big, cloth sails. The Vikings sailed west and reached Iceland, Greenland and America. Viking traders travelled east through Russia. Sometimes they had to drag there ships behind them over frozen rivers. They travelled over land and mighty rivers to reach middle eastern lands. WHO WERE THE VIKINGS? The Vikings came from three countries of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The name 'Viking' comes from a language called 'Old Norse' and means 'a pirate raid'. People who went off raiding in ships were said to be 'going Viking'. The Viking age in European history was about AD 700 to 1100. During this period of time many Vikings left Scandinavia and travelled to other countries, such as Britain and Ireland. Some went to fight and steal treasure. Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen or traders. Go back please VIKING HOMES! Go back please Viking homes were usually made of wood. Most had just one BIG room . Viking homes had a smoky fire in the middle of the floor and had low sleeping platforms around the walls. In the evenings the Viking Families listened to sagas (stories) around the fire. Viking women were in charge of the home. They cooked, cared for the children, wove cloth and made clothes. Ruthless raiders! Time to go back..... NOW! Viking meant pirate! The first Viking raiders sailed from their homelands to make surprise attacks on trading centres and monasteries close to the sea. Later viking pirates built camps in their new lands. The vikings spent summer time raiding and fighting, in the winter they went back to their homes or rested in camps. During a viking raid the viking attacked people in churches, monasteries, towns, villages and on farms. A Viking raider stole Gold and silver and captured people to sell as slaves -They grabbed all they could, set fire to the rest then, hurried away. Kings in England and France paid money to the vikings to stop them from raiding. This was called Danegeld. (Danish money). If the King refused to pay the vikings KILLED them! Old Danish money Modern Danish money Hey ho lets go!!! Viking food The vikings grew a lot of their own food. Farm workers ploughed fields to grow vegetables, such as cabbages and peas (YUCK!) for eating in soups and stews. Viking farmers also grew oats and barley to make bread and beer. Viking farmers kept sheep, goats and cows. They ate their meat, made cheese from their milk and used their skins to make leather. Vikings also ate wild food. Using bows and arrows they hunted for deer, including reindeer, wild boar (pigs), hares, ducks, small birds and even bears!!! Viking sailors caught seals, walrus and many kinds of fish. Viking boys climbed cliffs to trap sea birds and collect their eggs. Girls collected sea weed for food. Viking fashion Vikings liked to look good! They chose bright colours for their clothes and trimmed them with fur, braid and embroidery. Both men and women styled their hair and wore homemade make-up. Viking men wore tunics and trousers, and women wore long dresses, pinafores and shoals. To keep warm they wore hats, boots and cloaks. Beautiful brooches, made of gold, silver or cheap metals, were used to fasten clothes. Vikings also wore bead necklaces, bracelets and rings. The vikings kept clean in saunas. They heated rocks on a fire, then poured on water to create piles of steam. They sat in the steam and sweated to clean away the dirt. Time for... QUIZ TIME! Whoo! Yes! Get in! Lets get started! QUESTION NO.1!!! What three countries did Vikings come from? A. England, France and Germany B. Denmark, Norway and Sweden C. Egypt, Kenya and Ghana TOO BAD.... Can u do better in question number 2? That's Wrong!! Lets go to Question number 2! SORRY......... That's right!! QUESTION NO. 2!! Who was in charge of a Viking household ? A. The men B. The Children C. The women TOO BAD.... Can u do better in question number 3? That's Wrong!! Lets go to Question number 3! SORRY......... That's right!! QUESTION NO. 3! What does Viking mean? A. Ballerina B. Pirate C. Fairy godmother TOO BAD.... Can u do better in question number4? That's Wrong!! Lets go to Question number 4! SORRY......... That's right!! QUESTION NO.4 True or False Vikings liked to look good! Yooouuuu wuuunn SORRY......... That's right!! TOO BAD.... Youuuu looosssttttttt!!!!! That's Wrong!! TIME TO SAY GOODBYE FOR NOW......... Rosie & Ella &