17-21 French Revolution to Enlightenement

Chapters 17-21 Focus and Concept List
Immanuel Kant
Fontenelle’s Plurality of Worlds
James Cook’s Travels
John Locke’s tabula rasa
Essay Concerning Human
Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws
Voltaire’s Treatise on Toleration
Denis Diderot’s Encyclopedia
“science of man”
David Hume
Francois Quesnay
Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations
French Revolution
enlightened absolutism
Louis XV
Cardinal Fleury
Madame de Pompadour
Louis XVI
Marie Antoinette
July 14, 1789
the Bastille
July 4, 1776
natural rights
the Constitution of 1789
the United Kingdom
Bill of Rights
“pocket boroughs”
the Hanovarians/the Georges
Robert Walpole
“Wilkes and Liberty”
William Pitt the Elder
Patriots v. the Orangists
Frederick William I
“Prussian militarism”
Frederick II the Great
“the first servant of the state”
Condorcet and Baron d’Holbach
Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social
Contract and the general will
Mary Wollstonecraft
the salon and the coffeehouse
Marie-Therese de Geoffrin
American Philosophical Society
Jacques-Louis David
Johann Sebastian Bach
George Frederick Handel
Franz Joseph Haydn
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Samuel Richardson’s Pamela
Henry Fielding’s History of Tom Jones,
A Foundling
Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire
Addison and Steele’s Spectator
newspapers and libraries
Realschule and Volkschulen
Cesare Beccaria
Joseph II’s Toleration Patent
Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews
pietism and the Moravian Brethren
John Wesley and Methodism
Maria Theresa
the marquis de Lafayette
First and Second Estates
the taille
Third Estate
the bourgeoisie
French Parlements
vote by order or by head?
Abbe Sieyes
the National Assembly
the Tennis Court Oath
Declaration of the Rights of Man and
Olympe de Gouges
Joseph II
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Catherine II the Great
Emelyn Pugachev
Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji
partitions of Poland
War of the Austrian Succession
Robert Clive
Seven Years’ War
French-Indian War
Montcalm and Wolfe
Treaty of Paris
scurvy and yellow fever
the Jacobins
escape to Varennes
Declaration of Pillnitz
Paris Commune
Georges Danton
National Convention
Girondins and the Mountain
the Vendee
Committee of Public Safety
Maximilien Robespierre
Reign of Terror
the guillotine
coitus interruptus and infanticide
Law of General Maximum
agricultural enclosures
Temple of Reason
Bank of England
the “putting-out”
Richard Arkwright’s “water-frame”
the country house
Thomas Gainsborough
Grand Tour
Herculaneum and Pompeii
London’s one million
beggars and prostitutes
“balance of power”
“reason of state”
Thermidorean Reaction
Gracchus Babeuf
Napoleon Bonaparte
Italian and Egyptian campaigns
First Consul and Emperor
the Concordat
the Civil Code
Germaine de Stael
Austerlitz and Trafalgar
the Grand Army
Elba and Saint Helena
Industrial Revolution
Reaction, Revolution, Romanticism
Industrial Revolution
agricultural revolution
Richard Arkwright’s water frame
James Hargreaves’ spinning jenny
Samuel Crompton’s mule
the cottage system
James Watt and the rotary engine
Henry Cort and puddling
George Stephenson’s Rocket
the factory
Congress of Vienna
Klemens von Metternich
balance of power
Edmund Burke and conservatism
Joseph de Maistre and conservatism
Concert of Europe
the congress system
Latin America revolts
Monroe Doctrine
Greek Revolt
factory discipline
Britain’s Tories and Whigs
Great Exhibition of 1851
Corn Laws and the Peterloo Massacre
the Crystal Palace
Louis XVIII and Charles X
the Great Famine
Edwin Chadwick
child labor
Robert Owen
Chartism and the People’s Charter
Ten Hours Act of 1847
Coal Mines Act of 1842
the Poor Law of 1834
Germanic Confederation
the Decembrist Revolt
Tsar Nicholas I
John Stuart Mill
On the Subjection of Women
utopian socialism
Charles Fourier’s phalansteries
Louis Blanc and Flora Tristan
France’s July Revolution of 1830
revolutions of 1848