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Biology Test
Name: ________________________________
Question 1: Answer the following in relation to bacteria:
Draw a labelled sketch of a typical bacterial cell (12 marks):
Name the kingdom to which bacteria belong: ________________________________ (3)
Name the THREE groups bacteria can be divided into based on their shape:
1. ____________________________ (3)
3. _____________________________ (3)
2. ____________________________ (3)
Bacteria reproduce asexually by a method called _________________ ________________ (3)
What is meant by photosynthetic bacteria? __________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Give ONE example of a photosynthetic bacterium:
Photosynthetic: ______________________________________ (3)
(vii) Name TWO forms of heterotrophic nutrition found in bacteria:
1. ____________________________ (3)
2. _____________________________ (3)
(viii) Give TWO economic benefits of bacteria:
1. ____________________________ (3)
2. _____________________________ (3)
What are antibiotics?
___________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Question 2: The graph shows the growth curve of bacteria in a culture on a nutrient medium.
Numbers of
(i) Name each of the stages of the curve
labelled A, B, C and D.
A: _____________________ (3)
B: _____________________ (3)
C: _____________________ (3)
D: _____________________ (3)
E: _____________________ (3)
Explain what is taking place at stage A:
__________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Explain what is taking place at stage B:
__________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Explain what is taking place at stage C:
__________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Give ONE possible reason for the decline in bacterial numbers at stage D:
__________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Briefly describe the process of batch flow culture:
__________________________________________________________________________ (9)
Give ONE advantage batch flow has over continuous flow culture:
__________________________________________________________________________ (3)
Question 3:
Saprophytic and parasitic fungi are widespread in nature. Explain each of the underlined terms.
___________________________________________________________ (3)
___________________________________________________________ (3)
The diagram shows Rhizopus, also known as common bread mould.
1. Label A, B, C, and D.
A: _________________
B: _________________
C: _________________
D: _________________
2. State ONE function for each of A, B, C, and D:
A: ____________________________________________________________________ (3)
B: _____________________________________________________________________ (3)
C: _____________________________________________________________________ (3)
D: ____________________________________________________________________ (3)
Briefly describe the process of sexual reproduction in Rhizopus:
_________________________________________________________________________ (12)
Give ONE example of a beneficial fungus and ONE example of a harmful fungus.
_________________________ (3)
_________________________ (3)
Question 4:
Amoeba belongs to the Kingdom_______________________________________ (3)
Draw a labelled diagram of Amoeba (12 marks):
Briefly describe how Amoeba prevents itself from bursting in its natural habitat of the pond:
__________________________________________________________________________ (9)