Character Analysis: Two Faces Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde You will analyze the main character in the novel by focusing his two sides, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Respond to each question in the sections below for both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Provide at least two pieces of textual evidence, the context of the evidence and commentary that explains how the evidence supports your answer for each question. Be sure to provide the page number of your evidence in parentheses. Head: You will analyze the intellectual side of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 1. Does he analyze situations or just react? 2. Is he smart or intelligent? 3. What are his dreams or desires? Eyes: You will analyze how observant Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are. 1. What does he notice about others? 2. What does he notice about his surroundings? Mouth: You will analyze what Jekyll and Hyde reveal when each speaks. What philosophy regarding life and surroundings does each reveal? 1. What idea or value does he assert or demonstrate is important? 2. What song would symbolize his philosophy of life? 3. What lyrics/images from the song would symbolize his philosophy? Ears Throughout the novel we hear reports of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from various eyewitnesses, including the servants in Dr. Jekyll’s household. List examples of what these eyewitness say about Jekyll and Hyde. 1. What do others say about him? 2. Why does he remember what others say to him? 3. How is he affected by what others say? Revised Using Laying the Foundations’ lesson %20reading.doc CHARACTER ANALYSIS RUBRIC - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Name:_________________________________ Period:__________ Text MLA Excellent 90-100 Strong 80-90 Developing 70-80 Below Expectations 6070 Evidence Character is with Character facial features labeled with quotes that that strongly character evidence characterization. and effectively logically supports well-defined analysis is not with with clear; limited support each character trait or does not support sparse, absent, or supports Textual characterization. Character is adequately facial features labeled use of with quotes that quotes accurately textual character trait. Textual evidence is Textual evidence evidence Character is defined defined with facial features labeled support each quotes support each trait. logically unrelated. characterization. Effective use of parenthetical citations. Accurate use of parenthetical citations. Correct MLA format is evident. Mostly correct MLA format is evident. Numerous errors in parenthetical citations and/or parenthetical citations are missing. Blatant disregard for MLA guidelines and format. MLA format is flawed. Mechanics and No errors present; Language accurate spelling, Usage capitalization, punctuation, and usage. More than three errors in Few (three or less) errors in spelling, spelling, capitalization, capitalization, punctuation and usage. punctuation, and usage. Many errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and usage; weak/inappropriate vocabulary. Presentation/ Strong organization; Organization Information is organized and easy to follow. Information is organized and easy for the reader to follow with a few details out of place. Difficult to read. Little sense of organization. Work is written sloppily. No evidence of time or effort. Neat; creative ideas expressed. Extra effort is shown in color or neatness. Difficult to follow/understand. Lacks attention to detail or neatness. Work looks rushed and not completed with the student’s best ability. Neatly presented and shows evidence of careful planning. Modified from haracter-analysis.doc