Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 1: Story of the Door Open Book Quiz
(23 points possible) Name______________________
1. Who is the author of Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?
A. Wallace Stevens
B. Longmans Green
C. Robert Louis Stevenson
D. Katherine Linehan
2. When was the work originally published?
A. 1886
B. 2003
C. 1850
D. 1882
3. In what city does the story take place?
A. Madrid
B. Paris
C. London
D. Dublin
4. What is NOT a personal quality of Mr. Utterson?
A. He always smiled at other people
B. He was tolerant and understanding of others
C. He was shy about talking to people
D. He was friends with people he had known for a long time
5. Which feature DOES NOT describe the nature of the friendship between Mr. Utterson and Mr.
A. They cherished each other’s company.
B. They seemed to have nothing in common.
C. They didn’t talk much when they went on their walks through London.
D. They were bored by each other’s company and looked for relief in the appearance of a
6. Draw the “sinister block of building” described on page 8 (“Two doors . . .”) and again on page
11 (“But I . . .). This is a test of your ability to read details, so try to be accurate. Use the space
below. Use labels to identify the parts of the building that correspond to the description in the
story (4 points):
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
7. Describe in your own words the entire incident that occurred at the sinister building (as told by
Enfield). In particular, what was very strange about the cheque (check) Mr. Hyde wrote to the
family? (5 points)
8. What is the meaning of the term, “Queer Street”? (p. 11) (2 points)
9. The description of Mr. Hyde is not entirely clear at this point, but he clearly evokes strong
emotions from those who are around him. What are these emotions? Support your answer
with a sentence or phrase from the chapter. (3 points)
10. Reread Enfield’s attempt to describe Mr. Hyde on page 9 (middle) and again on page 11
(bottom). Draw what you think Mr. Hyde might look like based on Enfield’s comments. Use
labels to point out the features that correspond with the description in the story (4 points):
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 2: Search for Mr. Hyde
Open Book Quiz A
1. ____ In what setting does the opening of the chapter take place?
H. Mr. Utterson’s house
E. Dr. Jekyll’s house
F. Mr. Enfield’s house
G. Mr. Lanyon’s house
2. ____ What does “holograph” mean? (page 12)
A. Theology. Utterson’s austere Sunday evening routine
B. Wholly written by the person in whose name it appears
C. An unsubstantial image projected into space
D. A will, or last testament
3. ____ What does D.C.L. mean? (top of page 13)
E. Doctor of Medicine
F. Doctor of Civil Law
G. Doctor of Laws
H. Fellow of the Royal Society
4. ____ To whom did Dr. Jekyll will all of his possessions?
A. Utterson
B. Enfield
C. Lanyon
D. Hyde
5. ____ Read the following sentence and answer the question below:
The will was holograph, for Mr. Utterson, though he took charge of it now that it was made, had
refused to lend the least assistance in the making of it; it provided not only that, in case of the
decease of Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., &c., all his possessions were to pass into the
hands of his “friend and benefactor Edward Hyde,” but that in case of Dr. Jekyll’s “disappearance
or unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months,” the said Edward Hyde
should step into the said Henry Jekyll’s shoes without further delay and free from any burthen
[burden] or obligation, beyond the payment of a few small sums to the members of the doctor’s
What or who, in the above sentence, should be “free from any burthen or obligation”?
A. Henry Jekyll
B. Edward Hyde
C. Members of the doctor’s household
D. The payment
6. ____ Which emotional effect does Jekyll’s will NOT have upon Utterson?
A. Deep personal shame
B. Insatiable curiosity
C. Indignation
D. Disbelief and shock
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
7. ____ What is the main reason Utterson goes to Lanyon’s house?
A. Because he is friends with Dr. Jekyll
B. Because he wants to find out if he knows anything about Mr. Hyde
C. Because he wants to tell him about what he knows concerning Mr. Hyde
D. Because he suspects that Mr. Hyde lives there
Mr. Lanyon tells Utterson: “It is more than ten years since Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for
me. He began to go wrong, wrong in mind; and though of course I continue to take an interest in
him for old sake’s sake as they say, I see and I have seen devilish little of the man. Such
unscientific balderdash,” added the doctor, flushing suddenly purple, “would have estranged
Damon and Pythias.” (page 14)
8. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended meaning of the word fanciful?
N. Fancy
O. Effeminate
P. Beyond the realm of reality and/or sanity
Q. Devilishly insane
9. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended meaning of the word balderdash?
A. Nonsense
B. Nightmares
C. Proofs
D. Campaigns
10. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended effect of the allusion to Damon and Pythias?
A. To emphasize the fact that unscientific balderdash like Jekyll’s should have gotten him jailed
and condemned to death.
B. To push the notion that Jekyll’s unscientific balderdash was extremely absurd, even
offensive, so much so that it would have been enough to alienate the two closest friends in
ancient Greek history.
C. To emphasize the point that unscientific balderdash is not something for which a friend
should risk his life.
D. To push the notion that such unscientific balderdash is enough to estrange even dreamy
11. ____ Reread the following sentences from page 14: “Six o’clock struck on the bells of the church
that was so conveniently near to Mr. Utterson’s dwelling, and still he was digging at the
problem. Hitherto it had touched him on the intellectual side alone; but now his imagination
also was engaged or rather enslaved; and as he lay and tossed in the gross darkness of the night
and the curtained room, Mr. Enfield’s tale went by before his mind in a scroll of lighted pictures.”
What is the meaning of gross in these sentences?
A. Disgusting
B. Deep
C. Total
D. Grotesque
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Reread the following passage and then answer the questions below:
Or else he would see a room in a rich house, where his friend lay asleep, dreaming and smiling at
his dreams; and then the door of that room would be opened, the curtains of the bed plucked
apart, the sleeper recalled, and lo! There would stand by his side a figure to whom power was
given, and even at that dead hour, he must rise and do its bidding. (page 15)
12. ____ When the narrator says “his friend”, to whom is he referring?
L. Jekyll
M. Hyde
N. Enfield
O. Lanyon
P. Utterson
13. ____ In the imagined dream scene above, who is the “figure” and with what famous character
from another novel can he be compared?
A. The figure is Jekyll and the character is Victor Frankenstein
B. The figure is Hyde and the character is Victor Frankenstein
C. The figure is Hyde and the character is Victor Frankenstein’s creation
D. The figure is Jekyll and the character is Victor Frankenstein’s creation
14. ____ How does Utterson meet Mr. Hyde?
A. He goes to Dr. Jekyll’s house and the servant introduces them.
B. He waits outside of the Hyde’s house at night until he comes home.
C. He sees him trample a little girl and makes a citizen’s arrest.
D. He follows him home one night from work and then introduces himself.
15. ____ Which one of the following figures is NOT used to describe Mr. Hyde?
A. A cave-dweller
B. An Oxford student’s disciplinarian dean
C. Damon
D. Satan
E. A Jugernaut
16. ____ What does the servant say about Hyde’s activities? (page 18)
L. That he behaves like an odious villain.
M. That he comes and goes like a ghost.
N. That he never eats, and he enters and leaves through Jekyll’s science lab.
O. That he has blackmailed Dr. Jekyll, and that he used his information to make Jekyll write him
into his will.
P. That he has cancer and wants Jekyll to cure him.
17. ____ What does Utterson plan to do for his friend, Harry Jekyll?
A. Find out all of Hyde’s dirty secrets so that he can spare Jekyll from being blackmailed by
B. Rewrite the will.
C. Ask Jekyll if he can help him.
D. Destroy the will.
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
On the blank lines below, write a multiple-choice question on Chapter 2 of the novella. Provide four
possible answers on the lines below; make sure they are all false except for one answer. In addition,
make sure your question and answer choices are not too easy. The best, most challenging but still
reachable questions will be awarded all three points and added to the test for next year. Poorly written
and conceived questions and answers will NOT receive all three points.
Provide the answer LETTER (A, B, C, D) here.
A. ______________________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________________
D. ______________________________________________________________________________
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 2: Search for Mr. Hyde
Open Book Quiz B
1. ____ In what setting does the opening of the chapter take place?
M. Mr. Utterson’s house
N. Dr. Jekyll’s house
O. Mr. Enfield’s house
P. Mr. Lanyon’s house
2. ____ What does “holograph” mean? (page 12)
I. Theology. Utterson’s austere Sunday evening routine
J. Wholly written by the person in whose name it appears
K. An unsubstantial image projected into space
L. A will, or last testament
3. ____ What does D.C.L. mean? (top of page 13)
M. Doctor of Medicine
N. Doctor of Civil Law
O. Doctor of Laws
P. Fellow of the Royal Society
4. ____ To whom did Dr. Jekyll will all of his possessions?
E. Utterson
F. Enfield
G. Lanyon
H. Hyde
5. ____ Read the following sentence and answer the question below:
The will was holograph, for Mr. Utterson, though he took charge of it now that it was made, had
refused to lend the least assistance in the making of it; it provided not only that, in case of the
decease of Henry Jekyll, M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., &c., all his possessions were to pass into the
hands of his “friend and benefactor Edward Hyde,” but that in case of Dr. Jekyll’s “disappearance
or unexplained absence for any period exceeding three calendar months,” the said Edward Hyde
should step into the said Henry Jekyll’s shoes without further delay and free from any burthen
[burden] or obligation, beyond the payment of a few small sums to the members of the doctor’s
What or who, in the above sentence, should be “free from any burthen or obligation”?
E. Henry Jekyll
F. Edward Hyde
G. Members of the doctor’s household
H. The payment
6. ____ Which emotional effect does Jekyll’s will NOT have upon Utterson?
E. Deep personal shame
F. Insatiable curiosity
G. Indignation
H. Disbelief
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
7. ____ Why does Utterson go to Lanyon’s house?
E. Because he is friends with Dr. Jekyll
F. Because he wants to find out if he knows anything about Mr. Hyde
G. Because he wants to tell him about what he knows concerning Mr. Hyde
H. Because he suspects that Mr. Hyde lives there
Mr. Lanyon tells Utterson: “It is more than ten years since Henry Jekyll became too fanciful for
me. He began to go wrong, wrong in mind; and though of course I continue to take an interest in
him for old sake’s sake as they say, I see and I have seen devilish little of the man. Such
unscientific balderdash,” added the doctor, flushing suddenly purple, “would have estranged
Damon and Pythias.” (page 14)
8. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended meaning of the word fanciful?
I. Fancy
J. Effeminate
K. Beyond the realm of reality and/or sanity
L. Devilishly insane
9. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended meaning of the word balderdash?
M. Nonsense
N. Nightmares
O. Proofs
P. Campaigns
10. ____ In the above passage, what is the intended effect of the allusion to Damon and Pythias?
E. To emphasize the fact that unscientific balderdash like Jekyll’s should have gotten him jailed
and condemned to death.
F. To push the notion that Jekyll’s unscientific balderdash was extremely absurd, even
offensive, so much so that it would have been enough to alienate the two closest friends in
ancient Greek history.
G. To emphasize the point that unscientific balderdash is not something for which a friend
should risk his life.
H. To push the notion that such unscientific balderdash is enough to estrange even dreamy
11. ____ Reread the following sentences from page 14: “Six o’clock struck on the bells of the church
that was so conveniently near to Mr. Utterson’s dwelling, and still he was digging at the
problem. Hitherto it had touched him on the intellectual side alone; but now his imagination
also was engaged or rather enslaved; and as he lay and tossed in the gross darkness of the night
and the curtained room, Mr. Enfield’s tale went by before his mind in a scroll of lighted pictures.”
What is the meaning of gross in these sentences?
E. Disgusting
F. Deep
G. Total
H. Grotesque
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Reread the following passage and answer the questions below:
Or else he would see a room in a rich house, where his friend lay asleep, dreaming and smiling at
his dreams; and then the door of that room would be opened, the curtains of the bed plucked
apart, the sleeper recalled, and lo! There would stand by his side a figure to whom power was
given, and even at that dead hour, he must rise and do its bidding. (page 15)
12. ____ When the narrator says “his friend”, to whom is he referring?
Q. Jekyll
R. Hyde
S. Enfield
T. Lanyon
U. Utterson
13. ____ In the imagined dream scene above, who is the “figure” and to what famous character
from another novel can he be compared?
V. The figure is Jekyll and the character is Victor Frankenstein
W. The figure is Hyde and the character is Victor Frankenstein
X. The figure is Hyde and the character is Victor Frankenstein’s creation
Y. The figure is Jekyll and the character is Victor Frankenstein’s creation
14. ____ How does Utterson meet Mr. Hyde?
E. He goes to Dr. Jekyll’s house and the servant introduces them.
F. He waits outside of Hyde’s house at night until he comes home.
G. He sees him trample a little girl and makes a citizen’s arrest.
H. He follows him home one night from work and then introduces himself.
15. ____ Which one of the following figures is NOT used to describe Mr. Hyde?
F. A cave-dweller
G. An Oxford student’s disciplinarian dean
H. Damon
I. Satan
J. A Jugernaut
16. ____ What does the servant say about Hyde’s activities? (page 18)
K. That he behaves like an odious villain.
L. That he comes and goes like a ghost.
M. That he never eats and he enters and leaves through Jekyll’s science lab.
N. That he has blackmailed Dr. Jekyll, and that he used his information to make Jekyll write him
into his will.
O. That he has cancer and wants Jekyll to cure him.
17. ____ What does Utterson plan to do for his friend, Harry Jekyll?
P. Find out all of Hyde’s dirty secrets so that he can spare Jekyll from being blackmailed by
Q. Rewrite the will.
R. Ask Jekyll if he can help him.
S. Destroy the will.
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
On the blank lines below, write a multiple-choice question on Chapter 2 of the novella. Provide four
possible answers on the lines below the main question; make sure your answer choices are all false
except for one answer. In addition, make sure your question and answer choices are not too easy. The
best, most challenging but still reachable questions will be awarded all three points and added to the
test for next year. Poorly written and conceived questions and answers will NOT receive all three points.
Provide the answer LETTER (A, B, C, D) here.
A. ______________________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________________
C. ______________________________________________________________________________
D. ______________________________________________________________________________
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 3: Dr. Jekyll Was Quite At Ease.
Quiz A: Open Book
1. ____ Why do most people tend to like Utterson even though he is a “dry Lawyer”?
A. Because he is respected in society.
B. Because he sympathizes with their problems.
C. Because he doesn’t talk much.
D. Because he is friendly.
2. ____ Reread the passage on page 20 that begins “O. I know he’s a good fellow—you needn’t
frown—an excellent fellow, and I always mean to see more him. . . .”
What is the antecedent of him? (An antecedent is the proper noun to which the pronoun in question is
3. ____ “’Jekyll,’ said Utterson, ‘you know me: I am a man to be trusted. Make a clean breast of
this in confidence, and I make no doubt I can get you out of it.” (page 20)
What does Utterson believe Jekyll must confess?
A. That Jekyll has contracted a serious disease and needs help.
B. That Jekyll is in trouble with the law and needs Utterson’s legal help to free himself.
C. That Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde for some thoughtless crime in his past.
D. That Jekyll is consorting with Hyde on some dubious (suspicious and questionable) matter.
4. ____ What rhetorical device is used in Jekyll’s final statement, “I only ask for justice; I only ask
you to help him for my sake, when I am no longer here” ? (page 21)
A. Dramatic irony
B. Foreshadowing
C. Allusion
D. Satire
5. ____ Which of the following phrases does NOT make use of a metaphor?
A. “Make a clean breast of this. . . .” (page 20)
B. “. . . put your good heart at rest. . . .” (page 20)
C. “It would be a weight off my mind. . . .” (page 21)
D. “I never saw a man so distressed as you were by my will; unless it were a hide-bound
pedant.” (page 20)
E. “The moment I choose, I can be rid of Mr. Hyde. I give you my hand upon that.” (page 20)
F. “This is a private matter, and I beg of you to let it sleep.” (page 20)
6. ____ On page 19, it states: “To this rule, Dr. Jekyll was no exception”. To what is “this rule”
referring the most?
A. That Utterson often stays later than everyone else in order to talk with Dr. Jekyll.
B. That Utterson is well liked.
C. That the guests use Utterson to sober up and calm down.
D. The new arrangement
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
7. ____ How does Utterson feel after his conversation with Dr. Jekyll is over?
A. A bit skeptical and worried about Jekyll
B. Ashamed for bringing up the subject of the will in the first place
C. Relieved because Jekyll seems to be in control of the situation
D. Angry that Jekyll refuses to tell him the whole story
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 3: Dr. Jekyll Was Quite At Ease. Open Book: Quiz B
1. ____ At the top of page 21, it states: “But I do sincerely take a great, a very great interest in that
young man; and if I am taken away, Utterson, I wish you to promise me that you will bear with
him and get his rights for him.”
Who is the speaker and who is the young man?
A. Jekyll: Hyde
B. Hyde: Jekyll
C. Lanyon: Hyde
D. Jekyll: Lanyon
2. ____ How does Dr. Jekyll react when Mr. Utterson brings up the subject of Mr. Hyde?
A. He reveals in full detail his relationship with Hyde.
B. He talks sympathetically about him, but would rather not discuss it.
C. Dr. Jekyll is extremely angry and falls into a rage.
D. Dr. Jekyll leaves in order to evade any more questioning.
3. ____ In the second paragraph on page 20, what is the intended meaning of “hide-bound” man?
A. Contemptuous
B. Inflexible
C. Protective
D. Ready to attack
4. ____ Why does Mr. Utterson visit Dr. Jekyll?
A. To learn more about Mr. Hyde.
B. To confront Dr. Jekyll about his new friend.
C. To convince Dr. Jekyll to change his will.
D. To let Dr. Jekyll know of the horrid condition of his “sinister building.”
5. ____ How did Dr. Jekyll’s tone change from the beginning of his conversation with Utterson to
the end?
A. It did not change.
B. Jekyll went from pleasant to agitated to pleading.
C. Jekyll went from happy to enraged to apologetic.
D. Jekyll went from gay to embarrassed to relaxed.
6. ____ What would Dr. Jekyll expect from Utterson in regards to Hyde, should Dr. Jekyll die?
A. That Utterson would find Hyde a new situation (job and place to live).
B. That Utterson would help Hyde escape to England.
C. That Utterson would help Hyde sign away his rights.
D. None of the Above
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
7. ____ On page 20, paragraph 9 (Jekyll . . .), which rhetorical device is used concerning the phrase
“clean breast”?
A. Synecdoche (a figure of speech in which the word for part of something is used to mean the
whole, such as “sail” for “boat” or “hands” for “sailors” as in “All hands on deck.”)
B. Metonymy (a figure of speech in which an attribute of something is used to stand for the
thing itself, such as “laurels” when it stands for “awards” or “glory”; or “brass” when it
stands for “military officers”, as in “Now that you have won the prize, you may rest on your
laurels.” OR “Bring out the brass.”)
C. Alliteration (a poetic or literary effect achieved by using several words that begin with the
same or similar consonants, as in “Whither wilt thou wander, wayfarer?”)
D. Metaphor (An implicit comparison used to describe somebody or something, but is not
meant literally. The comparison expresses something about a person or thing, such as “That
man is a sneaky snake.”)
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 4: The Carew Murder Case
Closed-book Quiz
1) Using the first line, write either T (for true) or F (for false) for each one of the phrases.
2) Then, correct those phrases that are wrong (not accurate).
3) Finally, use the second line (_T___ / __2__) to number the events in the order that they were
described in the chapter.
I have numbered three for you (20 points possible):
____ / __1__ It was a year later in the month of October, 18----.
____ / ____An old man sat dreamily looking out his upstairs, bedroom window.
____ / ____Mr. Hyde clubbed the victim with a cane.
____ / ____Utterson identified the victim as Sir Danvers Carew.
____ / ____The victim was carrying a stamped envelope addressed to Dr. Jekyll.
____ / ____You could hear the victim’s bones shatter.
____ / ____The cane was found in Mr. Hyde’s apartment.
____ / ____Mr. Hyde literally transformed into an ape!
____ / __2__We are told that the Carew Murder Case got a lot of attention from the people in London.
____ / ____The victim appeared to the witness to be kind and beautiful and in possession of an oldworld disposition.
____ / __9__The cane was found fully intact in the gutter.
Next →
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Read the following excerpt from the passage carefully: “It was by this time about nine in the morning,
and the first fog of the season. A great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven, but the wind was
continually charging and routing these embattled vapours; so that as the cab crawled from street to
street, Mr. Utterson beheld a marvelous number of degrees and hues of twilight; for here it would be
dark like the back-end of evening; and there would be a glow of a rich, lurid brown, like the light of some
strange conflagration; and here, for a moment, the fog would be quite broken up, and a haggard shaft of
daylight would glance in between the swirling wreaths. The dismal quarter of Soho seen under these
changing glimpses, with its muddy ways, and slatternly passengers, and its lamps, which had never been
extinguished or had been kindled afresh to combat this mournful reinvasion of darkness, seemed in the
lawyer’s eyes, like a district of some city in a nightmare. The thoughts of his mind, besides, were of the
gloomiest dye; and when he glanced at the companion of his drive, he was conscious of some touch of
that terror of the law and the law’s officers, which may at times assail the most honest.”
(1) Explain on the lines below how the quality of the sky in and around Soho reflects what is going
on inside Utterson’s mind. (3 points)
(2) Also, explain what sort of tone or atmosphere this scene communicates? As you explain
yourself, identify the specific words (or use of diction) that are especially effective in evoking
such an atmosphere. (3 points)
(3) Explain how this atmosphere reflects what you know of the themes and/or subject of the
novella? (4 points)
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 5: Incident of the Letter
Closed-book Quiz
1. Who is Poole? (2 points)
2. Describe the physical condition and environment of Jekyll’s laboratory and dissecting rooms.
(3 points)
3. What or whom does Utterson find when he opens Dr. Jekyll’s cabinet? (2 points)
4. What information is contained in “the letter”? Who signed the letter? (3 points)
5. Who is Mr. Guest? Name his profession and his relationship to Utterson. (2 points)
6. What two signatures does Guest compare and what is his conclusion? (2 points)
Finally, what does Utterson conclude about Dr. Jekyll after hearing Mr. Guest’s conclusion?
(2 points)
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapters 6-7: “Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon” AND “Incident at the Window” Closed-Book Quiz A
1. ____ What happens to Hyde after the Carew murder?
C. His body is found in the river
D. He flees the country
E. He kills Jekyll
F. He disappears
2. ____ What does Lanyon give Utterson before he dies?
A. A box, not to be opened until Lanyon’s death
B. A letter, not to be opened until Jekyll’s death or disappearance
C. A small fortune
D. A mysterious vial
3. ____ In the weeks following his dinner party, what happens to Jekyll?
A. He slowly poisons himself.
B. He begins plotting to kill Utterson
C. He flees the country
D. He locks himself in his laboratory and refuses to see anyone
4. ____ Where do Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll one day during his seclusion?
E. At Lanyon’s funeral
F. At the window of his laboratory
G. In Hyde’s apartment
H. On a foggy street
5. ____ Who says “I have had a shock and I shall never recover”?
I. Dr. Jekyll
J. Dr. Lanyon
K. Mr. Guest
L. Mr. Utterson
6. ____ Who says, “We are three very old friends . . . . we shall not live to make others”?
M. Dr. Jekyll
N. Dr. Lanyon
O. Mr. Enfield
P. Mr. Utterson
7. ____ Who closes the window quickly after showing an “expression of abject terror and
A. Dr. Jekyll
B. Dr. Lanyon
C. Mr. Hyde
D. Mr. Guest
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapters 6-7: “Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon” AND “Incident at the Window” Closed-Book Quiz B
1. ____ What happens to Hyde after the Carew murder?
B. His body is found in the river
D. He flees the country
N. He kills Jekyll
M. He disappears
2. ____ What does Lanyon give Utterson before he dies?
B. A box, not to be opened until Lanyon’s death
C. A letter, not to be opened until Jekyll’s death or disappearance
E. A small fortune
F. A mysterious vial
3. ____ In the weeks following his dinner party, what happens to Jekyll?
Q. He slowly poisons himself.
R. He begins plotting to kill Utterson
S. He flees the country
T. He locks himself in his laboratory and refuses to see anyone
4. ____ Where do Enfield and Utterson see Jekyll one day during his seclusion?
U. At Lanyon’s funeral
V. At the window of his laboratory
W. In Hyde’s apartment
X. On a foggy street
5. ____ Who says “I have had a shock and I shall never recover”?
Y. Dr. Jekyll
Z. Dr. Lanyon
A. Mr. Guest
B. Mr. Utterson
6. ____ Who says, “We are three very old friends . . . . we shall not live to make others”?
C. Dr. Jekyll
D. Dr. Lanyon
E. Mr. Enfield
F. Mr. Utterson
7. ____ Who closes the window quickly after showing an “expression of abject terror and
G. Dr. Jekyll
H. Dr. Lanyon
I. Mr. Hyde
J. Mr. Guest
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 8: The Last Night
Closed Book Quiz
1. ____Who summons Utterson to Jekyll’s house?
A. Enfield
B. Jekyll himself
C. Poole
D. Hyde
2. ____ Why do the servants think that the man in the laboratory is not Jekyll?
A. His voice is different from Jekyll’s
B. Jekyll is out of the country
C. Jekyll is dead
D. Jekyll never goes in the laboratory
3. ____ What is Poole’s position?
A. He is Jekyll’s lab assistant
B. He is Jekyll’s butler
C. He is Utterson’s clerk
D. He is a detective
4. ____ For what does the inhabitant of the cabinet constantly petition?
A. His medicine
B. His will
C. His papers
D. A drug that is as pure as the drug he had used before
5. ____ What does the butler think happened to his master?
A. That he has become an odious version of himself known as Mr. Hyde
B. That he was murdered
C. That he has killed himself
D. That he was abducted
6. ____ What is Bradshaw’s position and what does Utterson instruct him to do?
1. He is Jekyll’s butler
4. To help him break down the door
2. He is Jekyll’s laboratory assistant
5. To wait at the laboratory door with sticks
3. He is Jekyll’s footman
6. To break in the door with an axe
1 and 4
3 and 4
2 and 6
3 and 5
2 and 5
7. ____ How did Mr. Hyde die?
A. Dr. Jekyll killed him.
B. He committed suicide by hanging himself.
C. He committed suicide by taking cyanide.
D. He committed suicide by eating arsenic.
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
8. ____ Which of the following does Utterson NOT find upon investigating Jekyll’s laboratory and
adjacent rooms?
A. A mirror
B. Jekyll’s corpse
C. A large envelope addressed to Utterson
D. Jekyll’s will
E. Jekyll’s confession
9. ____ Read the following excerpt from the passage and identify the DOMINANT (central or
overriding) rhetorical device:
It was a wild, cold, seasonable night of March, with a pale moon, lying on her back as though the
wind had tilted her, and a flying wrack [clouds] of the most diaphanous and lawny texture. The
wind made talking difficult, and flecked the blood into the face. It seemed to have swept the
streets unusually bare of passengers, besides.
Synesthesia (the description of one kind of sense perception using words that describe
another kind of sense perception)
10. ____ Which one of the following gothic elements IS NOT clearly evident in chapter 8?
A. Deep, dark secrets
B. A sense of the uncanny (too strange or unlikely to seem merely natural or human)
C. Dopplegångers
D. A strange, eerie place or geographical location
E. A villain and a victim
F. All of the above are evident in chapter 8
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 8: The Last Night
Closed Book Quiz
1. ____Who summons Utterson to Jekyll’s house?
E. Enfield
F. Jekyll himself
G. Poole
H. Hyde
2. ____ Why do the servants think that the man in the laboratory is not Jekyll?
E. His voice is different from Jekyll’s
F. Jekyll is out of the country
G. Jekyll is dead
H. Jekyll never goes in the laboratory
3. ____ What is Poole’s position?
E. He is Jekyll’s lab assistant
F. He is Jekyll’s butler
G. He is Utterson’s clerk
H. He is a detective
4. ____ For what does the inhabitant of the cabinet constantly petition?
E. A drug that is as pure as the drug he had used before
F. His medicine
G. His will
H. His papers
5. ____ What does the butler think happened to his master?
E. That he has become an odious version of himself known as Mr. Hyde
F. That he was abducted
G. That he was murdered
H. That he has killed himself
6. ____ What is Bradshaw’s position and what does Utterson instruct him to do?
1. He is Jekyll’s butler
4. To help him break down the door
2. He is Jekyll’s laboratory assistant
5. To wait at the laboratory door with sticks
3. He is Jekyll’s footman
6. To break in the door with an axe
2 and 6
3 and 5
1 and 4
3 and 4
2 and 5
7. ____ How did Mr. Hyde die?
E. Dr. Jekyll killed him.
F. He committed suicide by hanging himself.
G. He committed suicide by taking cyanide.
H. He committed suicide by eating arsenic.
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
8. ____ Which of the following does Utterson NOT find upon investigating Jekyll’s laboratory and
adjacent rooms?
F. A mirror
G. Jekyll’s will
H. Jekyll’s confession
I. Jekyll’s corpse
J. A large envelope addressed to Utterson
9. ____ Read the following excerpt from the passage and identify the DOMINANT (central or
overriding) rhetorical device:
It was a wild, cold, seasonable night of March, with a pale moon, lying on her back as though the
wind had tilted her, and a flying wrack [clouds] of the most diaphanous and lawny texture. The
wind made talking difficult, and flecked the blood into the face. It seemed to have swept the
streets unusually bare of passengers, besides.
E. Imagery
F. Synesthesia (the description of one kind of sense perception using words that describe
another kind of sense perception)
G. Metaphor
H. Personification
10. ____ Which one of the following gothic elements IS NOT clearly evident in chapter 8?
I. Deep, dark secrets
J. A strange, eerie place or geographical location
K. A sinister villain and a victim
L. A sense of the uncanny (too strange or unlikely to seem merely natural or human)
M. Dopplegångers
N. All of the above are evident in chapter 8
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 9: Dr. Lanyon’s Narrative
Closed Book Quiz (11 points)
Dr. Lanyon receives a registered letter from Dr. Jekyll. In it, there are special instructions for Dr.
Lanyon. What are Jekyll’s instructions to Dr. Lanyon? (3 points)
2. ___ Which is NOT among the contents of the drawer?
A. Salt
B. Blood-red liquor
C. A record book
D. Wrappers
E. All of the above are in the drawer
3. ____ When Mr. Hyde shows up at Lanyon’s house around midnight, we get a much more
specific description of Hyde than before. What new information to do we get about Hyde’s
physical appearance? (3 points)
4. ____ Which one of the following does Hyde/Jekyll strongly suggest as a primary reason for
demonstrating to Lanyon what happens when he drinks his potion?
A. He wants to get back at him for calling his experiments balderdash.
B. He wants to prove to Lanyon that his views are narrow and that he underestimated the
virtues of his (Jekyll’s) own transcendental medicine.
C. He intends to give Lanyon the shock of his life, so that he can no longer sleep and will
eventually die.
D. So that Lanyon will now agree to help him with his scientific discovery.
5. In the remaining space below, draw a cartoon strip showing Hyde’s transformation in front of
Lanyon. Use labels to help identify HOW he transformed according to the description in the
chapter. (3 points)
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 10: Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case
1. ____ What did Jekyll say was the worst of his faults before he even thought about dividing his
A. A light-heartedness that led him too often to seek and delight in pleasure
B. Homosexual activity
C. Too much drinking
D. Pride in his social status
E. All of the above
2. ____ What did Jekyll say were his best qualities before his great experiment?
A. His ability to work hard (his industry)
B. His admiration for morally good men
C. His admiration for wise men
D. All of the above
3. ____ Which one of the following was NOT a consideration in creating two distinct personalities?
A. He would be able to curse mankind as two “incongruous faggots.”
B. He could still be respectable in social life while indulging his basest desires without a bit of
C. He could be a better, more moral man as Dr. Jekyll
D. He would no longer suffer repression and shame as Dr. Jekyll, because he could allow his
base side to go its own way.
4-5. Why was Hyde, at first, so much smaller and younger than Jekyll?
6-7. Why did Hyde start to become stronger and larger?
8. ____ To what does Jekyll attribute his failed experiment, or the fact that he became wholly evil
(Hyde) instead of wholly good (Jekyll)?
A. He indulged the bad side of himself more than he indulged the good side of himself.
B. His potion lost its effectiveness with increased dosages.
C. He approached his discovery in a spirit of pride and ambition, instead of in a more
philanthropic (generous) spirit.
D. The tincture was unbalanced, and so his dual personae were unbalanced.
9. ____ What is the dominant rhetorical device in the following sentences?
Jekyll had more than a father’s interest; Hyde had more than a son’s indifference. To cast in my
lot with Jekyll, was to die to those appetites which I had long secretly indulged and had of late
Reading Quizzes: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
begun to pamper. To cast it in with Hyde, was to die to a thousand interests and aspirations,
and to become, at a blow and forever, despised and friendless.
A. Analogy (a comparison between two things that are similar in some way, often used to help
explain something or make it easier to understand)
B. Parallelism (the deliberate repetition of sentence structure for effect)
C. Extended Metaphor (a metaphor that extends into more than one sentence)
D. Logos (the employment of logical reasoning)
10. ____ Why does Jekyll/Hyde ask Lanyon to break into his laboratory to get his potions for him?
1. Because he is afraid that the police will capture him after the Carew murder.
2. Because he desperately needed the potion to avoid spontaneous transformation into Hyde.
3. Because he wanted Lanyon to know of his scientific success.
None of the above
All of the above
1 and 2 only
1 and 3 only
11. ____ What is the only thing that drives Hyde to quell his evil and pleasure-seeking desires and to
retreat temporarily back into the figure of Jekyll?
1. The overpowering of Jekyll’s personality
2. Fear of punishment
3. A desire to save his own life from the possibility that Jekyll would commit suicide and kill
them both
4. Temporary feelings of pity for his counterpart, Jekyll
All of the above
2 and 3 only
1 and 4 only
3 and 4 only