University of North Carolina Wilmington LED 411 – Contemporary

University of North Carolina Wilmington
LED 411 – Contemporary Applications of Leadership – SPRING 2015
Section 001: MW 5:00 p.m. – 6:15 p.m., Friday Annex (FA) 136
Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
Office: Friday Annex (FA) 124
Phone: 910-962-3439 Office
Office Hours: MW 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Phone: 910-371-5454 Home
Online Office Hours: M-W 8:30 – 10:30 am
Other Meeting Hours: By Appointment
LEARN, LEAD, CREATE, INSPIRE underscores the conceptual framework of the Watson College of
Education (WCE). The WCE mission is based on the values of reflection, inquiry, innovation, ethics,
advocacy, diversity, nurturing, and global perspectives. These values are those that form much of the
basis of effective leadership for all learners, no matter the age.
Course Description
This course is the capstone course for the interdisciplinary minor in Leadership Studies. It supplements
and integrates previous learning and is designed to provide maximum exposure to various concepts and
perspectives of leadership through observational experiences, critical thinking, and self-analysis. It is
also designed to allow the demonstration of previously learned leadership theories, styles, and
strategies. Students must integrate their personal ethics and vision of leadership in their examination of
various contemporary leadership contexts.
Specific Course Objectives
1. Identify actual leadership situations that include multiple perspectives and diversity issues.
2. Demonstrate one’s personal ethics, including the values and culture that contribute to your
ethical position as a citizen.
3. Demonstrate your ability to integrate and synthesize previous knowledge of leadership and self
with newly presented information about leadership.
4. Demonstrate appropriate and effective use of critical thinking skills and self-analysis during
assignments, as well as your final presentation.
5. Demonstrate effective use of organizational, writing, and oral skills that are appropriate for
assignments and the final presentation.
6. Demonstrate your ability to provide credible evidence of what you have learned based on your
understanding of leadership theory and practice, and your observations of leadership.
Recommended Books (Previous core course texts)
Start With Why – Simon Sinek, Penguin, Leadership by Northouse, Identity by Graham, and How
Starbucks Saved My Life by Gill plus, at Randall Library, The Art of Framing by Fairhurst & Sarr.
GRADE EVALUATION – Total Possible Points = 400 points
Personal Why Statement
30 points
Servant Leadership Essay Paper
LCP Individual Report
100 points
LCP Team Presentation
LCP Project Activity/Attendance 100 points
70 points
100 points
GRADE DISTRIBUTION Final grade earned is awarded using the University letter system.
239 and below
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
• Inappropriate use of cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices will result in the loss of
• Recycle or trash your drink and food items, and their containers, or they will be prohibited.
 None of the items below excuse you from fulfilling all course requirements.
• On-time class attendance is essential and expected. Early departures from class are discouraged.
• Assignments are due as indicated whether due in person or online. If late, there is a point
• UNCW Email is the required method for online class communication and submission of online
assignments as Word document attachments.
• Email SUBJECT lines must indicate the appropriate email content or it may not be opened or read, or
it may be automatically deleted as spam. Sign your name in the email.
• Two class absences (starting January 21st) will result in the lowering of your grade by one level.
• Grade deduction is by one letter grade: A to B+, B+ to B, B to C+, C+ to C, C to D+, D+ to D, D to F.
 Please make an appointment with me within the first three (3) weeks of class if you have scholarship
responsibilities that may require you to miss classes due to events or performances.
• Course materials will be available in class, online through the text publisher’s webpages, and/or
posted on my UNCW Web Page:
 Syllabus Revisions: Modifications (in class or by email) are not anticipated but may occur.
A quality learning experience in this course relies on an atmosphere of mutual respect among all of us
(class members, visitors, and me). Your active participation in class discussions is expected and the
ideas of others are to be welcomed. Questioning and conflict may occur in discussions as we each may
have differing opinions however if you disrespect or disrupt the class, you will be asked to leave. You
will work in small teams to discuss assignments and you will engage in activities that allow you to apply
leadership theory and concepts. Your contribution to a respectful and collaborative classroom
environment is expected. Points will be assigned for your thoughtful and reflective responses to all
assignments as well as for your active and engaged participation in classroom activities and any out-ofclassroom meetings.
Your College Level Writing (CLW) ability will be evaluated and points will be deducted for lack of clarity
of thought and/or lack of appropriate college level writing skills. Points will be deducted for poor
grammar, spelling, sentence construction, etc. You are expected to contact the University Learning
Center (ULC) or a tutor for writing assistance. The ULC online site is
College-level writing (CLW) items in each written assignment will be evaluated. Points will be deducted
using the CLW Grammar & Writing Scale and the Citations & Reference Page items indicated below, and
for your failure to follow the assignment format. *MAS = More Appropriate Style = a notation used in
grading with no point deductions.
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
FORMAT GUIDELINE – NO COVER PAGES + Minus 2 points per item below, if not provided:
1. HEADER at the top of each page, positioned in the TOP RIGHT CORNER:
 LED 411 – Spring 2015 – Insert Assignment Title Here + Your First & Last Name
2. FOOTER: Page numbers at the BOTTOM RIGHT of each page
3. Use 1-inch left and right margins
4. Staple pages in the upper left-hand corner.
5. Double-space in an 11-or 12-point, easy to read font, unless otherwise indicated in the assignment.
Number of Items
1) < 4 items
2) 5-9 items
3) 10-14 items
0 points
3 points
5 points
CLW Scale for written work
Number of Items
4) 15-19 items
5) > 20 items
7 points
10 points
Citations and Reference Page Information
 Missing citation or reference page
– 2 points, each occurrence
 Incorrectly used citation
– 1 point, each occurrence
 Incorrect reference format on reference page
– 1 point, each occurrence
 *MAS = More Appropriate Style = a notation used in grading with no point deductions.
The website for Step Up for Soldiers and the UNCW/Step Up Facebook page are and
The primary research content source is Leadership, 6th Ed., by Peter Northouse (2013); you may also use
additional sources. You will select one (1) of these five (5) companies at random in class and research it
online, on your own:
 American Family Life Insurance
 Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI);
Company (Aflac);
 Statistical Analysis System (SAS);
 Herman Miller, Inc.;
 The Toro Company
Grading Criteria:
Write a maximum of ten (10) pages in three sections. Underline each Heading and respond beneath it.
1. Introduction = Clear and engaging introduction that describes the company in a manner you decide is
appropriate for full understanding of the context of the company. (10 pts.)
2. Critical Analysis = Explanation of your understanding of how specific premises and concepts in
servant leadership relate to the company. The use of a substantial number of concepts will be used if
you are writing appropriately. (50 pts.)
3. Closing = Appropriate closing that highlights your understanding of the merits of the company’s
designation (if you did not include them in # 2) and other points most important to end your essay.
(10 pts.)
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
Write the personal why statement in a maximum of five (5) pages after you reflect about your values and
identity as well as the type of leader you are or hope to become. Submit online as a Word attachment
or PDF by 12 Noon on the due date.
Grading Criteria:
1. Explanation of the motivation of your personal why based on concepts presented by Simon Sinek in
the book, Start With Why (10 pts.)
2. Explanation of the connection between your personal definition of leadership and your personal why
with Step Up for Soldiers (10 pts.)
3. Use of appropriate specific (Northouse) leadership concepts in your personal why statement (10 pts.)
Your active LCP participation throughout the semester is evaluated; you may be asked to meet one-onone with me at any time. The number of project-related dates to attend will be determined by
consensus in class, early in the semester.
Grading Criteria:
1. Donor/Sponsor Requests – Your personal, individual commitment to the establishment and
adherence of specified collection of monetary donations or prizes for Step Up for Soldiers and
Donor/Sponsor Report submissions online as a Word attachment or PDF by 12 Noon on the due
dates. (25 pts.)
2. Short-Term Goals (STGs) – Personal establishment and adherence to your weekly individual and team
short-term goals. (25pts.)
3. Individual Commitment Agreements (ICAs) – Written commitment and adherence to specific dates
for your individual project-related attendance and timely online submission of assignments. (25 pts.)
4. Observations – Instructor observation of attentiveness in class and interaction with teams (25 pts.)
This report will be based on your LCP involvement during the entire semester. The score is an individual
one based on your work during the semester-long LCP. Submit online as a Word attachment or PDF by
12 Noon on the due date.
Grading Criteria:
1. Personal Why Statement – Use the same one developed at the beginning of the semester or a
revision, if you have revised it. (10 pts.)
2. Personal Project Reflection – Descriptively explain how you used framing to effectively communicate
with others during the LCP; describe your strengths and weaknesses; and explain what you learned
about yourself and others during the LCP process. (30 pts.)
3. Servant Leadership Reflection – Explain your role in the LCP and how it relates to you, as a servant
leader, including what (if anything else) you learned about yourself as a servant leader. (30 pts.)
4. Future Leadership Style – Explain how your experience with the LCP might impact your future
leadership style, including the leadership insights you gained, or did not gain, as a result of your LCP
participation. (20 pts.)
5. Personal Recommendations – Explain your perspective of how the LCP, Step Up for Soldiers, and/or
the LED 411 course structure can be improved. (10 pts.)
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
 This score is a team score. You must be present during the entire time (whether presenter or
observer) or your grade will be reduced by one level.
 You may use a Prezi or other type of electronic or non-electronic for your presentation however, only
a Word Outline or PowerPoint slides will be accepted for Grading Criteria # 1.
Grading Criteria:
1. Email of the team’s typed presentation Outline or PowerPoint slides to me via Word attachment or
PDF by 12 Noon on the due date. (10 pts.)
2. PowerPoint or Alternative Outline – Professionalism and effect visual presentation (5 pts.)
3. Outline Title Page or PowerPoint Cover Slide: LED 411 – Spring 2015 & Team Member Names (5 pts.)
4. Headings (underlined below) on slides or outline (5 pts.)
5. Project Overview – Describe your team’s role and explain the team’s WHY. (5 pts.)
6. Mission – Explain the mission of your team (this is the HOW) and include the general team timeline
for the semester. (10 pts.)
7. Application to Leadership – Critically analyze and explain the value and relevance of the team’s
organization to leadership in the LCP by using course content from all LED courses. (25 pts.)
8. Enhancements – Explain the team’s decision(s) about how to further enhance the credibility and
visibility of LED student involvement with the Step Up. What, if anything, needs to be changed,
eliminated or improved? (15 pts.)
9. Conclusion – Provide concluding comments on the leadership and identity insights that the team
gained as a result of organizing, planning, and participating in the LCP. (10 pts.)
10. Professional Delivery – Overall effectiveness of the presentation: transitions, direct and inclusive eye
contact, and effective use of voice and body. (10 pts.)
Mon. JAN 12
Wed. JAN 14
Course Introduction & Goals Discussion after Tom Russell (Step Up for Soldiers) visit
Syllabus Review, Student Info Cards, Event Commitment Sign-Up, Short-Term Goals
(STGs) Discussion, Donor/Sponsor Request Discussion, Team Commitment Decisions
Mon. JAN 19
Wed. JAN 21
* HOLIDAY* – No Classes
McAlister’s Event Confirmation, Servant Leadership, Personal Why Discussion, ICA &
STG Updates, Donor/Sponsor Request Updates
Mon. JAN 26
Wed. JAN 28
Personal Why Statement – Due Online by 12 Noon + Updates: STGs & ICAs
LCP Development: Finalize ICAs, Review of STGs, Team Updates
Mon. FEB 02
Wed. FEB 04
Donor/Sponsor Updates & Team Updates
McAlister’s Event Planning
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham
Mon. FEB 09
Wed. FEB 11
Donor/Sponsor Interim Report 1 Due ONLINE to Finance Team & DocNott
McAlister’s Event Planning
Mon. FEB 16
Wed. FEB 18
Final Preparation for McAlister’s Event led by all teams
LED 411 Fundraising Event for Step Up for Soldiers at McAlister’s Deli
Mon. FEB 23
Wed. FEB 25
Donor/Sponsor Updates & Team Updates + Post-McAlister Event Review
LCP Development, Deadline for Donors/Sponsors for Volleyball Event Promotion
Mon. MAR 02 Donor/Sponsor Interim Report 2 Due ONLINE to Finance Team & DocNott
Wed. MAR 04 Servant Leadership Essay Test – Hard Copy Due in Class + LCP Development
Mon. MAR 09 & Wed. MAR 11 * SPRING BREAK* – No Classes
Mon. MAR 16 Donor/Sponsor Updates & Team Updates + Wed. MAR 18 LCP Development
Mon. MAR 23 Donor/Sponsor Updates & Volleyball Event Planning
Wed. MAR 25 Final Preparation for Volleyball Event led by all teams
Saturday MARCH 28
LED 411 Volleyball Tournament for Step Up for Soldiers at Capt’n Bills
Mon. MAR 30 Donor/Sponsor Updates + Post-Volleyball Event Review
Wed. APR 01 Outreach Team & Marketing Team Meet w/DocNott during Class Time – Others: No Class
Mon. APR 06
Wed. APR 08
LCP Development – No Formal Class
Event Team & Logistics Team Meet w/DocNott during class time – Others: No Class
Mon. APR 13
Wed. APR 15
Donor/Sponsor Final Reports Due ONLINE by 12 Noon to Finance Team & DocNott
Finance Team & Prize Team Meet w/DocNott during class time – Others: No Class
Mon. APR 20
Wed. APR 22
Ambassador Team meets w/DocNott during class time – Others: No Class
LCP Individual Report Due ONLINE by 12 Noon – No Formal Class
Mon. APR 27
Wed. APR 29
LCP Presentation Overview & PowerPoint Due ONLINE by 12Noon – No Formal Class
Last Day of Class: Course Discussion & Wrap Up
*Failure to attend this entire class results in an automatic, one-letter grade reduction*
FINAL EXAM PERIOD is 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. – LCP Team Presentations
*Failure to attend the entire final exam results in a failing grade*
LED 411, Spring 2015 – Dr. Joanne E. Nottingham