
Unit 1- Review Study Guide
Part I- Word Wall Terms - Write down 4 key words to describe each of the Vocabulary Words.
Protestant Reformation
Chattel Slavery
Columbian Exchange
Headright System
Navigation Acts
Indentured Servitude
Dominion of New England
Glorious Revolution
Constitutional Monarchy
Middle Passage
Stono Rebellion
Salutary Neglect
Part II- Key Individuals- Write down 4 key words to describe each of the key individuals.
Christopher Columbus
William Penn
Hernan Cortes
Edmund Andros
John Locke
Francisco Pizarro
Jacob Leisler
Phillip II
Robert Walpole
Francis Drake
Roger Williams
Lord Baltimore
Anne Hutchinson
John Winthrop
Part III: Explain the following key topics – Include important people in your explanations
1. Pennsylvania & the Holy Experiment
2. Navigation Acts
3. Transatlantic trade increased demand for sugar & slaves
4. Comparing slavery in the Chesapeake with S. Carolina and West Indies
5. Stono Rebellion led to stricter slave laws
6. Salutary Neglect
7. Most conflicts between countries over LAND
Unit 2 - Review Study Guide
Part IV- Word Wall Terms - Write down 4 key words to describe each of the Vocabulary Words.
Declaration of Independence
Natural Rights
Popular Sovereignty
Old Lights
Battle of Saratoga
New Lights
Valley Forge
Battle of Yorktown
Stamp Act of 1765
Treaty of Paris 1783
Virtual Representation
Articles of Confederation
Quarting Act of 1765
North West Ordinance of 1787
Stamp Act Congress
Shay’s Rebellion
Sons of Liberty
Virginia Plan
Committees of Correspondence
New Jersey Plan
Tea Act of May 1773
Coercive Act
Minute Men
Federalist No. 10
Second Continental Congress
Bill of Rights
Part V- Key Individuals- Write down 4 key words to describe each of the key individuals.
John Locke
Thomas Paine
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Jonathan Edwards
General George Washington
George Whitefield
General William Howe
William Pitt
James Madison
Samuel Adams
Part VI: Explain the following key topics – Include important people in your explanations.
1. Middle Colonies, especially PA, were ethnically and religiously diverse
2. Enlightenment ideas changed society and encouraged individuals to question authority
3. The First Great Awakening created religious diversity and questioned traditional authority
4. The French and Indian (7 Years’ War) removed France from North America and ended salutary neglect
5. Paxton Boys and Regulators demonstrated tensions between “east” and “west”
6. End of F&I War = Debt = Increased Taxes = End of Salutary Neglect
7. Stamp Act -> Stamp Act Congress -> Stamp Act overturned -> Colonists’ resolve increases
8. Smuggling and Boycotting
9. Print Revolution, Committees of Correspondence helped spread ideas
10. Tea Act -> Tea Party -> Coercive (Intolerable) Acts -> 1st Continental Congress
11. Most colonists in the first half of the 1770s did NOT want independence, they longed for Salutary Neglect
12. Common Sense appeals to many colonists
13. Battle of Saratoga
14. Foreign assistance (Spain, Holland, France)
15. Women, Natives, and African Americans did not gain rights after the Rev. War
16. Shays’ Rebellion
17. Articles of Confederation - +’s and –’s
18. Northwest Land Ordinance
19. NJ and VA Plans, and the Great and 3/5 Compromises
20. Federalists and Antifederalists
Unit 3 Study Guide
Part VII- Word Wall Terms - Write down 4 key words to describe each of the Vocabulary Words.
Judiciary Act of 1789
XYZ Affair
Bill of Rights
Sedation Acts
Report on the Public Credit
Virginia Resolution
Bank of the United States
Kentucky Resolution
Report on Manufactures
Marbury v. Madison
Proclamation of Neutrality
Louisiana Purchase
Whiskey Rebellion
Embargo Act of 1807
Jay’s Treaty
Treaty of Ghent
Adams-Onis Treaty
Waltham-Lowell System
Monroe Doctrine
Labor Theory of Value
Demographic Transition
Market Revolution
Missouri Compromise
American System
Second Great Awakening
American Temperance Society
Industrial Revolution
Nativist Movements
Part VIII- Key Individuals- Write down 4 key words to describe each of the key individuals.
Alexander Hamilton
Lyman Beecher
Thomas Jefferson
Emma Willard
John Adams
Samuel Slater
John Marshall
Francis Cabot Lowell
Eli Whitney
Henry Clay
Cyrus McCormick
John Quincy Adams
Charles Grandison and Lydia Finney
Part IX: Explain the following key topics – Include important people in your explanations.
1. Hamilton’s Financial Plan
2. Jeffersonians/Federalists Comparison
3. French Revolution
4. Neutrality Proclamation
5. Whiskey Rebellion
6. Haitian Revolution
7. The “Revolution of 1800”
8. John Marshall Court Cases – Marbury, Gibbons, McCulloch, Dartmouth
9. LA Purchase and Jefferson
10. Republican Motherhood
11. Shift on the views of Slavery
12. Tallmadge Amendment and the MO Compromise
13. 2nd Great Awakening
14. Increased denominations
15. More rights for women
16. Inspired people to improve other areas of life
17. Lowell Girls
18. Impact of canals
19. Impacts of the Market Revolution
20. Connected NE and Midwest
21. 2nd Great Awakening
22. Charles Grandison Finney
23. Temperance
24. Nativism
APUSH Unit 4 – Study Guide
Part X- Word Wall Terms - Write down 4 key words to describe EACH of the Vocabulary Words.
Spoils System
Panic of 1837
Trail of Tears
American System
Corrupt Bargain
Tariff of Abominations
State’s Rights
Second Bank of the United States
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Underground Railroad
Gag Rule
Domestic Slavery
Seneca Falls Convention
Chattel Principle
“Positive Good” Argument
Gang-Labor System
Slave Society
Part XI- Key Individuals- Write down 4 key words to describe EACH of the key individuals.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Andrew Jackson
Henry David Thoreau
John C. Calhoun
Walt Whitman
Daniel Webster
Nat Turner
Roger B. Taney
William Lloyd Garrison
Dorothea Dix
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Martin Van Buren
John Quincy Adams
Harriet Jacobs
Stephen Austin
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
Sam Houston
Henry Clay
Part XII: Explain the following key topics – Include important people in your explanations.
1. Corrupt Bargain of 1824
2. Jacksonian Democracy = increased suffrage for white males
3. Tariff of Abominations
4. Nullification Crisis
5. Bank War
6. Formation of the Whigs
7. Indian Removal Act -> Trail of Tears
8. Transcendentalism
9. Henry David Thoreau
10. Minstrel Shows
11. Nativism
12. Nat Turner’s Rebellion & other resistances to slavery
13. William Lloyd Garrison
14. Abolitionist Movement split over women’s rights
15. Seneca Falls Convention
16. Slave Codes
17. Slavery as a “necessary evil” to a “positive good”
18. TX and slavery
19. African American culture
APUSH Unit 5 – Study Guide
Part XIII- Word Wall Terms - Write down 4 key words to describe EACH of the Vocabulary Words.
Manifest Destiny
Fifty-Four forty or Fight
Wilmot Proviso
Free Soil Movement
Compromise of 1850
Personal-liberty laws
Gadsden Purchase
Kanas-Nebraska act
American, or Know-Nothing party
“Bleeding Kanas”
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Freeport Doctrine
Crittenden Compromise
Total War
Habeas corpus
King Cotton
Radical Republicans
Emancipation Proclamation
Scorched-Earth Campaign
March to the Sea
Ten Percent Plan
Wade-Davis Bill
Black Codes
Freedom’s Bureau
Fourteenth Amendment
Reconstruction Act of 1867
Fifteenth Amendment
National Women Suffrage Association
Ku Klux Klan
Slaughter-House Cases
Transcontinental Railroads
Munn v. Illinois
Homestead Act
Morrill Act
Land-Grant Colleges
Sand Creek
Fetterman Massacre
Comstock Lode
Sand Creek
Lone v. Hitchcock
Ghost Dance Movement
Wounded Knee
Battle of Little Big Horn
Part XIV- Key Individuals- Write down 4 key words to describe EACH of the key individuals.
James K Polk
Charles Summers
Frederick Douglas
Thaddeus Stevens
Zachary Taylor
Stephen Douglas
Harriet Beecher Stowe
John Brown
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Robert Smalls
Nathan Bedford Forrest
William Seward
Abraham Lincoln
Jefferson Davis
Robert E Lee
George McClellan
Sitting Bull
George Custer
Fredrick Jackson Turner
Ulysses S. Grant
William T. Sherman
Andrew Johnson
Part XV: Explain the following key topics – Include important people in your explanations.
1. Manifest Destiny
2. Mexican-American War
3. Free Soil Platform
4. Compromise of 1850
5. Kansas-Nebraska Act and “Bleeding Kansas”
6. Dred Scott
7. Election of 1860
8. Border South
9. Total War
10. How the North paid for the war
11. Emancipation Proclamation
12. Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction
13. Reconstruction Act of 1867
14. 13 – 15 amendments
15. Split in women’s rights movement over the 15th amendment
16. Freedmen’s Bureau
17. Sharecropping
18. Redemption Governments
19. US sought to trade beyond its borders post Manifest Destiny:
20. China and Japan
21. Government and westward settlement:
22. RRs and land grants, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Act
23. Republicans Raise tariffs
24. Native and US government conflicts:
25. Sand Creek, Wounded Knee
26. Dawes Act
27. Frontier Thesis