How to write up a project

How to write up a project
MSc project
Dr Jim Briggs
Phone: (023) 9284
Office: BT1.08
MSc project
Dr Matthew Poole
Phone: (023) 9284
Office: BK 1.??
BSc project
Mrs Penny Hart
Phone: (023) 9284
Office: BT1.19
How to write up a project
Project deliverables
Artefact to solve a problem
Requirements document
Design document
Test results
Survey results
Report (the only one that is directly assessed)
How to write up a project
The assessment schedule
• Deadline is:
Wednesday 4th May 2005 (MSc May)
Friday 6th May 2005 (BSc)
Friday 16th September 2005 (MSc Sept)
Friday 2nd December 2005 (BSc February entry)
• Before then - write it, print it, bind it
How to write up a project
The assessment process
• Assessed by two markers
• Third marker/external examiner may arbitrate
• Good ones (60%+) go in Frewen library (see
past ones there!)
– List at
How to write up a project
Assessment categories
• Statement of project's context,
aims and objectives
• Critical review of relevant
• Methodological approach
• Specification and discussion of the
requirements (E)
• Primary research and results (if
any) (S)
• Analysis and discussion of the IT
design (E)
• Content (S)
• Discussion of implementation (E)
• Originality (S)
• Discussion of verification and
validation (E)
• Evaluation against requirements (E)
• Evidence of project planning and
• Attributes of the solution (E)
• Summary, conclusions and
• Structure and presentation
• Overall understanding and reflection
(E) = Engineering only (S) = Study only
How to write up a project
Assessment criteria 1
Good things:
– work of publishable
– clearly defined aims and
– clear statement of
requirements of artefact;
– well-reasoned
explanations for design;
– perceptive analysis;
– interesting conclusions;
– answers the question
– development of high
quality artefacts;
– work that was
– good quality presentation
PJE*, PJ45/60P:
Note also requirements set by BCS
How to write up a project
Assessment criteria 2
Bad things:
– errors of fact;
– vague aims and objectives;
– vague requirements for
– unexplained or ill-judged
design decisions;
– little or no analysis, solely
– trite conclusions;
– misinterpretations of
– has no question or doesn't
answer it
– development of poor
quality artefacts;
– work that was facile;
– little evidence of work
done by the student;
– spelling mistakes, poor
grammar, lousy structure,
crazy layout
How to write up a project
Common problems
• Inadequate critical literature
review (quantity and quality)
– Descriptive/superficial vs. deep
• No discussion of design
decisions and alternatives
– Failed to justify why the
approach taken was the best
• Did not take an “engineering
• “Closed mindset”
– Only looked at solutions close to
• Students who think this
summary is all they need to read
on how to write their report
• non-“complete” artefact
– Failed to use methods
How to write up a project
Planning your report
• Plan it well in advance of submission
• Outline
– Chapter headings
– Section headings
• Identify what you have done and what you still
have to do
• Write one bit at a time (like developing a
program procedure by procedure)
How to write up a project
An example of an outline
1. Introduction
1.1 background to the project
1.1.1 history and context
1.1.2 organisational structure
1.2 aims and objectives
1.3 constraints
1.4 structure of the rest of the report
2. Review
How to write up a project
Practical issues
• Word-processing: use
paragraph styles
automatic numbering
tables of contents, etc.
spell checkers, etc.
• Beware lab congestion
• Covers will be available
2-3 term weeks before
• Binding (comb or
perfect) is your
• Normal coursework
rules apply
How to write up a project
Regulations for reports
• Guideline word count
(excluding appendices):
– 20/30pt: 10,000-12,000
– 40/45/60pt: 12,000-15,000
• A4 paper, one side only
• Recommend for text:
12pt typescript
Times-roman or Arial font
Single-spaced [change]
At least 9pt for diagrams, etc.
• Margins >= 20mm
• Number chapters and
sections to <= 3 levels Page
numbers at bottom
• First page is special
• No need to submit floppy
How to write up a project
Write with style
• Think of your audience
(fellow students)
• Cheque speling and
gramer; read your work
• Be concise and clear
– break down complicated
• Use diagrams, pictures,
graphs (but don’t over-use)
• Use numbers/bullet pts
• Think up clear chapter
and section headings
• Emphasise but DON’T
• Link sections together
• Be accurate, concise,
interesting, relevant, incisive,
How to write up a project
Structure of a report
• Usually 6 areas to address: introduction, review,
design, implementation, evaluation, conclusions
• Order is indicative rather than mandatory
• May re-arrange according to aspects of project
• Make sure you talk about requirements
• Make sure you talk about your question
How to write up a project
1. Introduction
• Context of project (where did it come from?)
– broad statement then refine it down
– why is it an interesting/relevant problem?
– what is the academic question you are trying to answer?
• Aim & objectives (what did you set out to do?)
– broad single aim and several specific objectives
• Constraints (what limited what you could do?)
– time, money, equipment available, your skills, etc.
• Lead-in to rest of report
How to write up a project
2. Review
• What else has been written:
– about your problem?
– about possible solutions to it?
• Reader needs:
– background to be able to tell whether your approach was valid or best.
– to know you considered all possible solutions
• Read/review widely; academic focus – quality, currency
• Be relevant and explain how and why it is
– use examples to illustrate important points
– be “critical” in the positive sense of the word
How to write up a project
3. Design
• Address issues such as:
– Why did you do X that way?
– Why did you do Y but not Z?
– What was important and what not?
• Relate back to objectives and requirements
– show completeness and correctness
• Show process
• What, HOW, WHY
How to write up a project
1/2/3 requirements
Building an artefact => have “requirements”
Given by customer / elicited as part of project
Detail in an appendix - must write them down
Discuss somewhere relevant:
– “introduction” if given them
– “design” if yours but small
– separate chapter if yours but big
How to write up a project
4. Implementation
• Address:
– tools/methods used
– difficulties encountered; how you overcame them
– how you tested your artefact as you built it
NOT internal documentation (that’s an appendix)
More important to be interesting than complete
Arrange by project stages or by major components
If design only, consider future implementation issues
How to write up a project
5. Evaluation
• Compare
– what you did with objectives
• i.e. has customer got what they wanted?
– what you did with something else that does same
• is what you’ve done better than the other thing?
• Involve customer and/or users
• Structured evaluation best; not simply word of mouth
• Again, interesting stuff only - leave mundane detail in
How to write up a project
6. Conclusions
How did what you did contribute to objectives?
Sum up key bits of evidence
What is the answer to the academic question?
Evidence needs to hang together to make a case
Loose ends are OK (suggestions for future work)
Apply to context (opposite of introduction)
– start specific and become more general
How to write up a project
Non-standard report structures
• Projects of many small (independent?) parts
– one chapter per part?
• Entirely review (PJS* only)
– review of X; review of Y; …; summing up
• Scientific experiment/survey:
– hypothesis (and justification); experiment (explain
how you carried it out); control; results (what did
you observe?)
How to write up a project
Choosing a title for your report
Limited space
Avoid noise phrases (e.g. “A report into”)
What differentiates your project from all others?
Most important words first
Problems not usually solutions
The question you attempted to answer or the
problem you attempted to solve
How to write up a project
• Things not important or interesting enough to be
in main body of report
• Examples:
program listings
requirements / design specifications
test case results
How to write up a project
• Citations in text, either
• numeric 1, or
• labelled [Briggs99]
• List of references contains full bibliographic details of
what you have referred to
• Example:
[Barnes98] Barnes, J.P.G., Programming in Ada 95, Addison-Wesley, 2nd
edition 1998.
• See “How to cite references and avoid plagiarism”
for full details
How to write up a project
When to cite a reference
• All direct quotes must be cited (and placed
either inside quotation marks or indented paras)
• Preferable to paraphrase (translate author's
words into your own) but must still give credit
• If something is “common knowledge” (referred
to in many sources), no need to cite
• Everything else is assumed to be your idea
How to write up a project
• Examples:
– Using directly quoted material without marking it (e.g. by
placing it within quotation marks or indented paragraph) and
citing it
– Paraphrasing the work of an author and attempting to pass it
off as your own by not including a citation
– Submitting the work of another student as if it is your own
• Plagiarism is a serious matter
How to write up a project
• Abstract is a summary (précis) of the entire
report (introduction, review, design, …,
• Must be able to stand entirely on its own
• Our regulations require it to be 150-300 words
and on first page
How to write up a project
Lifecycles and your report
• What lifecycle model did your project
adopt/follow? (Was this what you expected?)
• One chapter per stage?
• One chapter per cycle?
• Chronological vs. other logical structures
How to write up a project
• Christian W. Dawson. The essence of computing projects: a
student's guide. Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 0-13-021972-X.
Publisher's price £16.99.
• Gavin Fairbairn and Christopher Winch, Reading, writing and
reasoning - a guide for students, Open University Press, 2nd
edition 1996.
• Phyllis Creme and Mary Lea, Writing at university - a guide for
students, Open University Press, 1997.
• H.W. Fowler and Robert Burchfield, The New Fowler’s Modern
English Usage, Oxford University Press, 1996
How to write up a project
Penultimate words
• The only final-year project you’ll ever do!
• Do it right
• Think about the problem and how you solved it
• Present your work in the best possible light
compatible with reality
How to write up a project
Last words
Think about your audience
There are no right answers, only wrong ones
Be honest and fair in your judgements
Don’t take credit for what you didn’t do
Make sure you take the credit for what you did
Be proud of your accomplishment
How to write up a project