Colonial Evolution & Comparisons

Britain’s main goal is self sufficiency.
Find gold & silver. Exploit the markets &
resources of its colonies.
**Favorable Balance of Trade
Parliament 1651 Navigation Acts
Ships required to be English or colonial made.
Make up of crew ¾’s English or colonial.
Goods must travel through English port.
Certain products exported only to England.
1. Priorities of diff. Monarchs / Parliament
• 1684 Charles II ; Mass. made in to Royal Colony
• 1685 James II ; Dominion of New England
(MaineNew Jersey) , Andros
• 1689 William & Mary ; Glorious Rev. aka…..
Period of salutary neglect
2. Spirit of Enlightenment & the Great Awakening
3. 1754-1763 ; French & Indian War in North America
Colonists feel disrespected, unrepresented & over taxed
1. The nationality that was most common in all
the colonies was
a. German
b. Scotch-Irish
c. English
d. Africans
2. Which of the following best reflected the
presence of England in all sections of the
a. Anglican Church
b. Slavery
c. Fishing
3. Which of the following factors best tied the
colonists together?
a. Religion
b. Trade
c. Language
4. The colonial section with the least variety of
economic activity was
a. South
b. Middle Colonies
c. New England
5. The colonial section with the most diversity of
religions was
a. New England
b. Middle Colonies
c. South
6. Considering Religious Denominations and National Origins,
which section had the widest range of languages and
a. New England
b. Middle Colonies
c. South
d. Frontier
7. Which colonial section best reflected the
melting pot of nationalities?
a. South
b. New England
c. Middle Colonies
8. Which section of the colonies had the least urban
a. South
b. Middle Colonies
c. New England
9. Match each colonial section with the
appropriate characteristic : commercial
cities, plantations, shipbuilding, intellectual
movements, self sufficiency, ports.
a. South
b. Middle Colonies
c. New England
List at least four similarities among the three
sections of colonial America.
English descent so transfer of English
culture & institutions
Anglican church throughout
List at least four differences among the three
sections of colonial American.
variety of religions
ethnic groups
economic activities
slavery mostly in the South
all cities except Charleston in New England or
middle colonies
Write a thematic statement answering the
following question: To what extent did the
New England, Middle, and Southern colonies
develop separate societies in the years before
the American Revolution?
Strong English flavor despite variety of ethnicities
& religions