Ms. Schultheis’ Daily Lesson Plan Subject: English Language Arts Lesson- Text Structure: Cause and Effect Date: Tuesday December 17, 2014 Benchmarks: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.1 Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.5 Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic efficiently. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.7 Use information gained from illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.8 Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e.g., comparison, cause/effect, first/second/third in a sequence). NGSSS-Cause & Effect (LA., LA. Vocabulary: Event, Cause and Effect, Clue Words: so, because, since, as a result, if...then Introduction (10 min) Essential Question: How do text structures help us to identify the meaning of text? Daily Question: What is Cause and Effect? Pre Assessment using rubric (Green paper) Students fill out their rubric based on what they previously know about the content. Learning Goal and Rubric: o Student will identify cause and effect relationships in text. State learning goal and explain that students will be working together throughout this lesson to recognize and create cause and effect relationships in a text. Reviewing Content o Review Text Structures from previous lesson- Description, Sequencing, Problem/ Solution, & Compare/ Contrast. Students will review concepts taught in previous lesson by referring back to notebook and sharing examples and definitions of each- where students will be reciprocal teaching to their classmates Identify Critical Information (Vocabulary Terms) Looking at folder with graphic organizer on it o Watch Brain Pop Video on Cause & Effect o Put new vocabulary terms on word wall on pink note paper o Teacher will highlight key concepts in lesson and allow students to discuss and record their interpretations on their graphic organizer pink paper Chunking Content into “Digestible Bites” o Stopping Brain Pop Video throughout to allow discussion among groups with prompted questions- fill in note taking card and discuss questions with grouppink paper Direct Instruction (10 min): Teach Cause and Effect Relationship, review vocabulary terms, and share examples on Smartboard Asking All level of questions relating to cause and effect relationships in examples Tracking Student Progress: o Mid way Rubric check after direct instruction, review learning goal, check student progress. (YELLOW) Teacher will assess where students rate themselves in the lesson after direct instruction using the yellow rubric form- where students will write down questions they still have about the concept? Celebrating Success related to Learning Goal o Teacher will identify students have moved up on the rubric scale and verbally praise them! Guided Practice (10 min): Using Academic Games/ Organizing Students for Cognitively Complex Tasks o Students will be engaged with a game to practice and review content. Students will be grouped according to academic levels in mixed ability groups (previously created by teacher) o Students will participate in a race to see which group can correctly identify and match the cause and effect relationships on their board. o Students will race each other but must win by accurately matching all of the cause and effect relationships on their game board o Team will scream cause and effect when they think they have reached the end o Teacher will assess and discuss possible misconceptions when reviewing answers with all the teams Independent Practice Using Physical Movement: o Students will be given a holiday related practice sheet (white) with cause and effect relationships where they will be expected to complete a proper example of a cause and effect relationship o Students will rotate around the room to the music and when the music stops they will read and example and create a proper cause or effect which completes the sentences or phrase. Informal Assessment Tracking Student Progress o Students will use the post rubric (RED) to assess final student outcome. Ask students verbally how they accomplished their goal? Students describe and share how they reached their learning goal for this lesson o On individual assessment form students will also leave with a final thought or question relating to topic Celebrate student success o Students will mark with their star stickers on their graphic organizer what they ended up as at the end of their lesson- 4 stars for 4 3 stars for a 3 and so on Students have been adding to this collection of stars during the week on each individual text structure lesson we have covered Materials: smartboard, internet access, guided practice and independent, paper, pencil , smartnotebook, SMART, microphone, desks, Teacher made data collection sheets, practice sheet, note taking sheet, rubric, cause and effect game board and pieces, glue Domain Questions Covered in Observation: Deliberate Practices: DQ1-2 Tracking student progress DQ1-3 Celebrating Success DQ4- 21 Organizing students for cognitively complex tasks All Observations: DQ#1 Learning goals, track student progress, and celebrate success DQ#6 Classroom Rules and Expectations- Teacher will demonstrate this by keeping students actively engaged with the already stated and taught classroom expectations and procedures- teacher will review class expectation before activities that involve movement or working together with classmates DQ#8 Maintain Effective relationships with students- teacher will show this with encouragement during activities and nonverbal cues of praise and/ or re direction. Teacher will also show this by using person examples in matching game that are close and familiar to students in her classroom Specific to this Lesson: DQ#2-6 Identify Critical information DQ#2-7 organizing students to interact with new knowledge DQ#2-9 chunking content in digestible bites DQ #3- 14 reviewing content DQ #3- 19 practicing skills, strategies, and processes DQ#5- 25 using academic games DQ#5- 27 using physical movement DQ#5- 28 maintaining lively pace- teacher will demonstrate this by teaching a whole lesson and using many forms of teaching including, video instruction, teacher review, students discussion, academic game, note taking strategies, independent practice with movement activity, and using the rubric to track students’ progress at least 3 times during the beginning, middle and end of the lesson all within a 45 minute lesson DQ#5- 29 demonstrating enthusiasm and intensity – teacher will demonstrate by actively getting students psyched up for the academic game and cheering on students for success during their activities and getting excited to teach and review content in fun and realistic ways that students can relate to