File - KSU CPS Public Relations Campaign

Secondary Research
Client Background
● Services are free to students and is included in the $51
student health fee
● Non-profit
● Provides supportive learning environment
● Many services catered to students needs
● 4 Licensed psychologists and 9 licensed counselors
Website Audit
● Easily found
● Well organized
● Information tailored to
● Easy read
● Informative
● Formatting
● Lacks
● Graphics
Social Media Audit
● Organized, substantial
information was provided, easy
to follow
● Photos and videos were included
● Updated frequently
● Different cover photo
● More detail about programs
● More likes
Social Media Audit
● Similar to Facebook
● Decent amount of
● Implemented social media
● More followers
● Different cover photo
Counseling & Wellness
Strong mission statement, as
well as a multicultural mission
One of their main focuses is on
the diversity at the campus and
how to help students act with
respect and integrity, and to
foster inclusion in their everyday
● Successful campaigns
● Group therapy
● AWARE - undergraduate ambassador
program designed to establish a campus
environment that supports healthy
lifestyles, mental health awareness and
emotional and physical wellness
throughout outreach initiatives
● ASPIRE - program designed to help
African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino
and first generation students with
academic stress.
UGA: Counseling and
Psychiatric Services
and couples counseling
counseling: unstructured groups, structured groups, and
services: evaluation, and monitoring
programs: mental health workshops
SWOT Analysis
● Free services
● Wide variety of services
● Website is consistent with purpose
● Services are clearly listed on website
● Practicum/interning training program
● Clinical workshop series
● Relatively unknown on campus
● No defined mission statement
● Social media outreach lacks focus/ direction
● Lack of interaction on social media
● No internal addiction therapy programs
● Inability to diagnose
● Inability to prescribe medication
● Improve social media presence and following.
● Improve website.
● Push services during orientation, first week of school, midterms,
finals week.
● Create partnerships with other KSU organizations that also promote
● Use KSU media to promote services.
● Create public opinion polls and surveys.
● Fear of running into classmates/ friends.
● Students who live off-campus may not consider it a convenient
● Inability to diagnose psychological disorders.
● Issue with a counselor.
● Violation of FERPA or HIPPA.
● Inability to prescribe medication.
Problem Statement
The Counseling and Psychological Services at KSU (CPS) has an
organized and effective program that offers many private and group
therapy services to KSU students at no cost. Some of these services
include couples counseling, gender/ sexuality counseling, stress
management courses during finals, and test-taking anxiety tips and
programs. The CPS staff consists of licensed counselors and
specialists that have the training and expertise to help those students
at KSU seeking psychological assistance. Although CPS offers many
beneficial programs for KSU students, very few actually know about
this organization.
Key Publics, Goal, Objectives and
Key Publics
Kennesaw State University students on
Faculty: (secondary, external, inactive)
the Kennesaw and Marietta campuses:
Kennesaw State University Student Health
(primary, external, inactive)
At-risk students: (primary, external, inactive)
Freshmen and transfer students: (primary,
Dr. Betty L. Siegel Student Recreation and
external, inactive)
Activities Center employees: (secondary,
Nontraditional and commuter students:
external, inactive)
(primary, external, inactive)
Services employees: (secondary, external,
Kennesaw State University Athletics
International students: (primary, external,
Department employees: (secondary,
external, inactive)
Club athletics employees: (secondary,
external, inactive)
Owls Nest employees: (secondary, external,
To increase awareness of the services provided by
Kennesaw State University’s Counseling and
Psychological Services.
● To increase website traffic from key publics to the Counseling and
Psychological Services’ website by 20 percent by Aug. 31, 2016.
● To increase followers of Counseling and Psychological Services
on social media platforms from key publics by 50 followers/likes
per month by Aug. 31, 2016.
● To increase awareness of services offered by Counseling and
Psychological Services among Kennesaw State students by 30
percent by Aug. 31, 2016.
● To have at least one new partnership from a secondary public on
the KSU campus by Aug. 31, 2016.
Key Message
Kennesaw State University’s Counseling and Psychological Services
provides a variety of services to help KSU students, on both the
Kennesaw and Marietta campuses achieve success. From personal
counseling, academic and career counseling to case management,
eating disorder and body image issues, CPS’s services are designed
to help students understand themselves better, improve their
academic performance, and make healthy and satisfying life choices.
Positive mental health is central to overall wellness. It bolsters
academic success and personal development, so students can be
happy, healthy, and successful.
Your happiness. Our mission.
Strategy & Tactics
Partnership Strategy
Description: Our team recommends that the client send letters detailing the benefits of
partnering with the CPS organization to the following organizations: Fraternity and Sorority Life,
Student Government Association (SGA) and Faculty Senate. The team also recommends that
the client host a Meet and Greet for each of the said publics.
Objectives addressed:
● To increase website traffic from key publics to the Counseling and Psychological Services
website by 20 percent by August 31, 2016.
To increase followers of Counseling and Psychological Services on social media platforms
from key publics by 50 followers/likes per month by August 31, 2016.
To increase awareness of services offered by Counseling and Psychological Services
among Kennesaw State students by 30 percent by August 31, 2016.
To have at least one new partnership from a secondary public on the KSU campus by
August 31, 2016.
Letter to Greek Life
● August 3, 2015- Review letter Prototype to make sure it’s
still accurate.
● August 5, 2015- Email letter Office of Fraternity and
Sorority Life Director.
● September 18, 2015 - Follow up
Budget: $0
Letter to SGA
● August 3, 2015- Research date of the 1st fall semester
SGA meeting/Review letter prototype to make sure it’s
still accurate.
● August 5, 2015- Email letter to SGA Director and Office
of Fraternity and Sorority Life Director.
Budget: $0
Faculty Senate Letter
● Aug 3, 2015- write letter to KSU Faculty Senate and
include syllabi blurb for faculty.
● August 5, 2015- Send letter to KSU Faculty Senate
Budget: $0
Meet & Greet
Sit and Hoot Awhile
● August 10, 2015- Begin planning for Meet & Greet to be
held on September 4, 2015.
● September 4, 2015- Meet & Greet Gathering
● September 18, 2015- Send a follow-up email regarding
potential partnerships.
Budget: $100
On-Campus Promotional Campaign
Strategy & Tactics
On-Campus Promotional
Description: Our team recommends that the client engage in constant on-campus
promotional campaigns. These campaigns can include interesting facts, events, or
promotional merchandise for CPS.
Objectives addressed:
● To increase awareness of services offered by Counseling and Psychological
Services among Kennesaw State students by 30 percent by August 31, 2016.
To increase followers of Counseling and Psychological Services on social media
platforms from key publics by 50 followers/likes per month by August 31, 2016.
To increase website traffic from key publics to the Counseling and Psychological
Services website by 20 percent by August 31, 2016.
Workshops Press Release
● Create a CPS press release focusing on the workshops
and events offered over the course of the semester.
● Notify students when & where the events will take place, as
well as the topics covered during each workshop.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 25-August 31
● Budget: $0
Eye-Catching Posters
● Create eye-catching posters to post around the Campus
● Include information on the posters about CPS in general as
well as the services offered in fun and lively wording.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 1, 2015-August 1, 2016
● Budget: $150
Fact Sheet
● Create a CPS fact sheet that outlines the services that are
● Include information on the events and workshops that are
hosted by CPS throughout the semester.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 21-August 31 (Fall Semester) and
January 11-January 21 (Spring Semester)
● Budget: $0
Yoga De-Stress Event
● Host a midterm/ finals Yoga De-Stress Event on the
Campus Green.
● Use the event to teach students stress-handling techniques
during exams while also spreading awareness of CPS.
Timeline & Budget
● Suggested dates: September 23 (Fall Midterms) and April
20 (Spring Finals)
● Budget(s): $540
Yoga De-Stress
Press Release
● Create a press release focusing on the Yoga De-Stress Event
during Fall midterms/Spring finals.
● Notify students when and where the event will take place.
● Provide information pertaining to reducing stress and the benefits
of CPS.
Timeline & Budget
● Suggested distribution date: August 15 (Fall midterms) and April 5
(Spring midterms)
● Budget: $0
Health Clinic Fliers
● Create and post flier in the WellStar Medical Group KSU Health
Center to draw students attention to the benefits of the CPS’s group
counseling programs.
● Create and post flier in the WellStar Medical Group KSU Health
Center to alert students of how they can seek help during the
stresses of finals week and new school semester.
● Create takeaway pamphlets for students to learn more about the
benefits of CPS’s services, as well as their hours of operation, etc.
Timeline & Budget
● Suggested dates: August 7 (Fall semester), December 9 (Fall finals),
January 9 (Spring semester).
● Budget: $125
Gym Fliers
● Create a flier for the gym that makes a connection with overall health,
mind and body while promoting all of CPS’s services.
● Create a flier for the gym that encourages students to seek group
● Create an announcement to be seen on all KSU televisions. This
announcement will focus on CPS’s workshops and when they will be
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 2015- August 2016
● Budget: $100
PR Booth Plan
● Update all booth material. Create a tri-fold with information about
the services that CPS offers for 2015-2016.
● Be present at all campus events that CPS could have an
information table at. Target most events where freshmen will be
● Be sure to train all CPS staff members and interns about the main
services of the year and be clear on the message that CPS wants
to relay to students.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 2015- May 2016.
● Budget: $90.99
Improve Online Presence
Strategy & Tactics
Improve Online Presence
Our team recommends the client actively engage on social media
websites on a regular basis.
● To increase website traffic from key publics to the Counseling and
Psychological Services website by 20 percent by August 31, 2016.
● To increase followers of Counseling and Psychological Services on
social media platforms from key publics by 50 followers/likes per
month by August 31, 2016.
● To increase awareness of services offered by Counseling and
Psychological Services among Kennesaw State students by 30
percent by August 31, 2016.
Email Blast Campaign
Create bi-monthly email blast campaign in
order to reach out to KSU students and
faculty to raise awareness of workshops
and group sessions offered by CPS.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 7, 2015 - August
25, 2016
● Budget: $0
Facebook Contest
KSU students will share their personal study tips via Facebook:
● Will encourage students to interact with the CPS Facebook page.
● Students will learn more about UTurn Academic for Academic
Success workshops.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: September 1, 2015 - September 24, 2015
● Budget: $75.00
Flyer Distribution
Create flyers to promote social media
accounts and the CPS website. The flyers
can be passed out on campus or printed
in different sizes to be displayed around
campus to promote awareness.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 7, 2015- August 25,
● Budget: $50.00
YouTube Channel
CPS will release a monthly video to provide students with tips and tricks
that help them promote a healthy mental wellness. These videos will
ultimately accumulate to create a resource library for students in need.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 7, 2015 - July 29, 2016
● Budget: $0
Buzzfeed Campaign
Create one to three Buzzfeed community
articles containing gifs that offer
suggestions for students to help reduce
their stress levels during critical times of
the semester. The articles will also offer
comic relief in the hopes of going viral.
Articles will promote CPS and increase
online interactions with key publics.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 25, 2015 - April 25,
● Budget: $0
Monthly Blog Post
Write and post monthly blogs in order to keep
KSU students and faculty updated and informed
with what is going on at CPS, such as monthly
group therapy session topics, information on
upcoming events and advice from counselors on
how to overcome obstacles.
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 15, 2015 – August 15,
● Budget: $18.00/year for WordPress domain
Social Media Calendar
Another tactic we suggest is to create a social
media content calendar that keeps scheduled
posts organized, guarantees timely posting and
maintains consistency with tactics 1,2,3,4,5
and 6 .
Timeline & Budget
● Timeline: August 1, 2015 - August 31,
● Budget: $0
Objective 1
To increase website traffic from key publics to the Counseling and
Psychological Services website by 20 percent by August 31, 2016.
● Measure home page traffic on a yearly basis
● Measure event page traffic on a monthly basis
Objective 2
To increase followers of Counseling and Psychological Services on social
media platforms from key publics by 50 followers/likes per month by
August 31, 2016.
● Measure Twitter followers and Facebook likes on a monthly basis
Objective 3
To increase awareness of services offered by Counseling and
Psychological Services among Kennesaw State students by 30 percent by
August 31, 2016.
● Measure number of people who attend events and workshops on a
monthly basis
● Measure home page traffic on a yearly basis
Objective 4
To have at least one new partnership from a secondary public on the KSU
campus by August 31, 2016.
● Measure number of partnerships and potential partnerships gained on a
yearly basis
Thank You!